The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The Mech Street Fighter DLCs are fucking awesome :heart:


I notice never in-questioned about those two along with Cyber Akuma as a pick, I hope both 2 ryu and 2 bison classic costumes along with the other 2 classic for birdie and abigail to happen and not an alt color. That would surprise me. Along hope he spoiled Storymode 2 events and dramatic mode.

Along those the only thing that I want to not to happen is how the storymode 2 story went through his spoiled leaks.

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Glad for Fang getting his first good alt

I guess is possible we will see a fighting chance new one too (SF2 Bison?) to replace the expired MikeRog

Gunspike Nash.

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On one hand, yeah, on another augh, I hate lootboxes :c

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I hate “fighting chance” with a passion tbh.

I would much prefer if the costume had a stupid FM price or something, rather then risking basically all your FM to get it.You either get lucky or you don’t.

I just know these bastards gonna add a Juri costume i want for fighting chance,and its gonna suck me dry of FM.

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from ERA:

There are also 18 new stage folders:



Almost done downloading the patch. Can’t wait to test the changes. So how is it, servers already up?.

edit: Unable to log in :frowning:

Took me 5 or so tries, but I got Charlie’s costume…twice in one go lol

vs Canon Spike Cammy: You once lead the ARSF…

vs Self (normal and CS): I’ll wear whatever it takes to complete my mission…


Few more:

M. Bison: Last time I wore this, my enemy wasn’t you…
Vega: We worked together once. I could do without any more explosions.


Awww, man… Seeing Cannon Spike Nash brought tears to my eyes. I hope they also bring back Shadow Nash at a later time. Fighting Chance gives the best costumes out of any possible way of obtaining costumes without a doubt.


After Cammy they would sure bring Canon Spike Nash… it’s included on a set, I am now wondering how they would modernized Cyber Akuma.

Fallen Balrog is something I hope Capcom would give attention too, Claw is an interesting character that had a solid fan based. And also SF2Ken which is an obvious sell along with his stage which are not listed on any grain of salt leaks. (Waits for a dataminer include it in his list for failing to look in the pattern clearly)

Those example of mine are far more better choices than another version of classic Birdie and classic Abigail that came out of lucky guesses from someone that tries hard to label a ambigious encrypted “code” datamined using patterns of releases. That might be another incoming another video game cosplay instead of another than a classic version.

I just hope Capcom won’t leftout the more decent storyline characters like Tom, Effie and Necro for the next season. Im also wondering what Byron role in the story would be it’s like his intended to do something better than Azam more. Another US guy that is higher than Guile and black is a better choice and route. Too bad he never happened. Azam is a joke he doesn’t even able to protect and fight for his master.


So kira is getting better at his data mining or he has stopped making guesses.

Glad we are potentially getting both Rose and Viper next season.
All this cannon spike love has me hopeful we will get a playable Simone.
She has an updated design in her CFN profile which is something most playable characters have had.
This could also mean we get Roxy too who was once rumoured.
Really loving the majority of roster choices for this game and the new characters on a whole make up for the woeful additions in 4.

Guessing costumes is not quite the same as guessing game modes, characters, or a new general story. Kira’s guessing skills when it comes to non-dlc costumes is still shit.


well we might be getting new stages since a date miner by the name of Shang on Resetera found 18 new stage folders . they also found well new Battle Resource files.

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I guess this is a special win quote as well:

Cannon Spike Nash to Guile: You’ve never experienced a hail of bullets like I have.


Talk about your double meanings.


Sick Capcom Cup trailer with a bit more complete version of the “President of the World” song)

Umm, why do they feature EVO footage in a CapCup trailer? Weird much?