The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Well, not only do you have that but you also have characters. I’m pretty sure the name Keith Wolfman rings a bell? Well even though the character first appears in Cammy’s ending he is unnamed at this point. Nakahira came up with the name of Keith Wolfman for an original character of his in the manga which was a completely separate character from the Wolfman we know about today. Eventually the name stuck with the originally nameless character now known as Wolfman, but the name itself originated in the Cammy Gaiden manga for a completely separate original character.

Also, you have the side character Hanna Ackerson who originally was apart of this manga too before being adopted into the canon.

So definitely some contributions from Nakahira even from his first SF manga.


At this point will like have it also as switchable option together with the costume selection to make visible, “official” and code-less as start (but still having code to change costume between rounds)

Seem ridicolous we got dozens of alt variations locked behind a cheat code that probably many players don’t even know

Also, if you’re interested, here is a complete list of the plot points/ elements that were adopted from the Nakahira books

  • Karin and Sakura rivalry
  • Gym teacher Sakura
  • Dan and Blanka’s friendship
  • Ryu and Rose’s relations
  • Chun and Nash’s relations in the Alpha series
  • Ryu and Guy’s rivalry in the Alpha series
  • The Psycho Drive (originally the name of Bison’s flying fortress)
  • SnH Ryu
  • Ryu and Alex rivalry
  • Col. Keith Wolfman
  • Hanna Ackerson
  • Shin Shoryuken (name only)
  • The depiction of a rising Shinku Tatsumaki in SFZ which possibly spawned the idea of the Tatsumaki/ Messatsu Gorasen
  • Haruichiharu (Sakura’s Super move)
  • Oro’s Yagyou Odama using both hands (spirit bomb)
  • Sakura’s volleyball punch during her Sakura Otoshi
  • Shin Koryuken (Dan’s parody of Shin Shoryuken only appears in ported versions of Super Gem Fighter)
  • Karin’s Arakuma Inashi (SFV back throw)
  • Karin’s Kanzuki-Ryu Hokojutsu Seppo (her command dash in SFV)
  • Depiction of SGS
  • Depiction of Misogi (Akuma’s downward punch is first seen killing a bear and saving a young Ryu)
  • Depiction of the Fist of Wind
  • Sagat’s launcher from SF x Tekken (possibly the knee which KO’d Hugo in the manga)

I actually didn’t know that Wolfman’s name originated from there, I was never able to find out the exact date of publication of that manga in Japan. Thanks for the trivia!

Great list! I would add the following:
• Sagat and Ryu’s “promise” from Ryu Final being referenced in their Sf4 rival Fight.
•Dudley’s tree (wich communicates with Elena) appears in SFxT
•The kids Sagat befriends and protect appear in SSF4/USF4
•Chest scar on SSf4 rendition of Evil

And I am sure I am missing many more!


Wolfman was badass ever thought he could have been a cool SF char, imagined he could have worked as some sort of SF Solid Snake with CQC stuff

But i will never want him in SFV, game is already so fucking militarized lol, no more toy soldiers lol pls

More classic martial artists/fighter tnx

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Yea there’s a bunch of them I missed. I’m sure Sagat’s pet tiger originated from here as well. Karin’s father is also now canon too. As long as SF exists I’m sure they’ll keep adding elements from the Nakahira mangas.


I thought the fortress was nameless and that the Psycho Drive (together with Vega/Bison’s Psycho Power) was the machine fueling it. At least is what we can gather from UDON’s translation.

You sure about that? I’m pretty sure that both Keith Wolfman and Commander Watson names were first mentioned on Cammy’s SSF2 backstory from Gamest.

Guys, sorry that I’ve been away for a while. Here’s what I’m up to concerning the maintenance of the Plot Guide:

I’ll update the sources and I’ll try to organize the characters text by naming the sources.
For instance, the section where we have Ryu’s profile from the Complete File, I’ll identify the source. The same goes for the All About Capcom short texts.

What I have translated and will be adding to the plot guide:

-the japanese SF1 flyer texts. SF1 doesn’t have japanese in-game text, it’s all in english.
-japanese SF1 manga strip backstory from Gamest no13.
-I will add the english stories and in-game texts as well, so the guide can be complete and readers can compare both japanese and english stories.
-SF2 World Warrior texts (from Gamest no64, SF2WW flyer and SFC stories [same text], in game Winning quotes and Endings [with the differences from arcade and SFC]) I’m only missing Zangief, Honda and Dhalsim.
-All About SFZ1 (Rose Zero world section, Rose and Vega/Bison profiles and in-game text [winning quotes and endings])
-All About SFZ2 Vega profile and in-game texts.
-All About SFZ3 Vega, Juni&Juli profiles, Vega in-game texts.
-Eternal Challenge profiles for Vega and Rose.

That’s all that I can do for a start. I really want to finish SF2 WW translations this year and start CE by february.
What I won’t be able to do is to type the japanese texts. But that can be done at a later time.

Since english isn’t my main language, I’ll post the text here (with pictures) before adding it to the plot guide. So, if any of you spot grammar mistakes, please, tell me what the mistake is and and I’ll correct them.

I’ll try to post something every week or every 2 weeks.


I thought the fortress was nameless and that the Psycho Drive (together with Vega/Bison’s Psycho Power) was the machine fueling it. At least is what we can gather from UDON’s translation.

That’s more accurate.

Nope not sure at all thanks for the clarification. Even so, Wolfman was a completely different character in the manga. He was also depicted as a different character from what we know in the Cammy Novel as well.

I’m not sure when the Wolfman we know actually started actually being referred to as such.

Also great job on the plot guide. I know its in good hands.


I hope this wasn’t posted before:


Eventhubs have made their choices for Season 4:

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I’m glad they at least include Maki…

Rose was definitely coming because of how they make here

Still my list but it’s unlikely to happen.

Sodom - Can drop and pick weapon,
Necro - beside being cool Blanka X Necro or Dhalsim X Necro would be awesome a dream match
Maki - We need more aged woman with skill and badass
Eagle - Want to see a Gief and Sgat
Fei Long -with iron fist style of overhead attacks from UMVC3
Lee - Drunken style
Goutetsu - Dream Match/Flash Back match with Akuma, a shoto that uses sticks

Noembelu is better because she bad ass, strong and also would tell a story about THawk which is another important plot in Shadaloo Saga. It’s better that she would be the Doll because she is substantial to the story than another new Doll that would have a tale like Flauke, Juri and other previous Shadaloo Dolls.

For Honda’s cased. This might not be Ono or a Capcom rep, but it explains the right thought and decision making of picking and filtering characters using base of data and statistics rather than trends of demands and request base from seasons and patterns because they are likely just hype not real interest in the character.

Harada explains it well.


Harada states that popularity and usage data, though two different things, play an important role in deciding which characters make the cut. While usage data – how much people are playing these characters – isn’t the only factor, he explains that it becomes a big indicator of who gets added to the roster.

He also notes that adding too many characters to a game’s roster, especially at launch, can cause numerous issues to arise. Not only does this increase development costs, but more fighters brings forth more complexity – game balance, essentially.

With a larger roster right out of the gate, there are more match ups for players to learn and a closer examination of the cast from the development team is required to make sure things are as balanced as possible.

At the end of the day, Harada encourages fans to support their favorite characters by playing as them when they are present in the latest games. “I think it would be a matter, of course, to make noise when the character is out of the roster, but the result would have been different if the character was getting the same support when it was active,” Harada explains.


Unless Capcom would re-invent his Honda, but I hope they would still keep some his SF4 exploits or play style even with mostly change specials and move sets, Why? So the guys that would really used/picked him in SF4/ or into Honda in the past games would still pick/use him, because of the playstyle and advantage they are accustomed and familiar into.

Other than those issue of statics usage versus hype request, Honda also doesn’t even have relevance in both Shadaloo Saga and Secret Society Saga. Honda doesn’t even need a good role and new relationship/connection to be involve with in the current timeline or after. Unlike those Shadaloo Saga and Secret Society saga that needs closure and needs more background story to elaborate…

The number of people playing a character should be no measure to decide which character should make the cut and which not, by that logic you’d have to cut Dhalsim, add Evil Ryu and give no particular priority to Chun-Li, which is all kinds of retarded.


I’m not saying just statistical but there are other areas to consider. Like play style, story plot, brand mascot, clone/repetitive and etc

For Sim being cut, I believe Sim shines because of his play style and set of moves(exceptional mix) which cannot be easily substituted by a new or different character unless it would be related to sim directly or his practices. Which is the reason I also like Sim from his previous and current incarnations.

As for Evil Ryu his just another waste alternative Shoto.

Chun is a Brand Mascot like Ryu.

I’m not into Honda in the past and modern games, So I might have miss into something.

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Polls on characters are traditionally retard for that reason

In many many cases people DON’T KNOW (and worse don’t care) how to build a cast.
They know no variety, no balance, no roles, no archetypes etc

Let people chose and they will make a cast made of muh main, muh cute/slut waifu, muh tryhard edgyshit guy

That’s not SF and not what SF is supposed to be

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The initial cast of SFV wasn’t well built, I am not the only one disappointed by it. It was an Alpha cast. People grilled capcom about there not being a single SFIII or SFIV character in the initial roster. To which they replied it was an oversight lol.

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The initial cast did’nt cocksucked the fans of SF3 or SF4 (as today SF4 is still ignored out of waifus), but was well a balanced construction

SFV initial cast was well picked, diverse and balance mix of the relevance of interaction and gameplay. They have might planned Juri, Ibuki and Urien in the beginning. It’s like they really belong and attached throughout the cinematic mode because of their major roles.

Unlike Akuma, Kolin and ED that was not probably intended or not so soon to be in the game, So the design and role was conflicted or complicated. The early entry of Akuma in SFV cause Necali to lose his appeal entirely.

And probably we are now expecting Rose soon obviously, because she is drawn in a very enigmatic manner o in her appearance in Menat’s story and endings unlike other characters that was not in SFV but did appear in other stories in SFV.

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It’s been confirmed that Kolin was planned before the game launched. Can’t speak to the other characters.


No reason to think Ed was’nt planned either

he was heavy foreshadowed in SF4
He’s part of Cinematic Chapter 1, wich was’nt far from the vanilla release
Will likely have a role in Cinematic 2