The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Not trying to start it again, but I can say for sure that Kira was not the reason I joined the Shoryuken forums, what… I’m a huge fan of the SF lore, and I was happy to find out that there’s such story thread. And well, that’s it.


Canadian Thanksgiving is tomorrow and I wanted to say that I’m thankful for all of you guys in this thread. It’s always great sharing lore and Street Fighter goodness. I hope we get something exciting before the year closes out. Cheers and all the best folks!


Guys keep the X-Kira shit out of the story thread. Make an X-Kira thread. It doesn’t belong here.


If I were Canadian I’d be thankful I can buy Biomin toothpaste. I am gonna have to import it. Read up on Novamin, and how they got it out of the U.S. market :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:
You should feel lucky!

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Oh fuck that, we have already not enough news as it is, and Kira did some good leaks with his datamining

Keep post X-kira stuff when he actually claim to have datamined something, cut the 18 post about “legit or not”

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Might make a sequel to that Sagat story from Easter time if everyone’s willing to lose some of their brain-cells reading it

True, you know I’ll be jumping to Canada when Brexit happens.

I discovered it thanks to a “internet friend” on Reddit, so I think that suggests how big this forum’s impact really is. It’s nice to have a place where I discuss something I like.

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So, this year I was planning to do something I also did back in December 2016: a character popularity poll to see which characters the community likes the most. I was also planning to do a poll in 2017 but then Capcom did its own, so there was no point.

Last time I only did the poll on reddit, but this time I’d like to expand to other places with big Street Fighter communities. As far as I know the most frequented places are this forum, the Street Fighter subreddit, the gamefaqs board for SFV which is apparently pretty active, and the NeoGAF community which I don’t follow at all but I’ve seen it’s also pretty big (I think they moved to another forum, ResetEra, right?). Not sure if there are any other places.

Capcom Unity forums seem a little too dead to me to be worth the effort of making an account there, I’m also not going to bother with the ocean of Discord communities or whatever’s on Facebook/Twitter (I don’t use any of that stuff). Do you guys know of any other place?


I’ll PM you about it

Pretty much my feelings too. There’s nothing much to discuss right now and leaks are fun to dissect. Its the whole “is it real is it fake?” that gets tiresome. Everyone knows we need to take any leak with a grain of salt you dont need to say it 20 times.


Good leaks? Even if there is some core of truth to them (which itself has been debated by some), X-kira leaks are mostly extrapolation, speculation, and wild rumor. Even when X-kira is right (which isn’t as often as some believe), he is often wrong about the details.

X-kira leaks work as random internet speculation on the same level as any random user’s wish list. The problem is that they get presented as 100% confirmed facts.


Were better speculators than he is. And saying he got his own sources and his not copying from flowtron? He even turned down his social media accounts because of dozen fake extra costume and stages prediction.

No one see ED as Bison? Canon Spike Cammy? Sports costume and also Fighting Chance? It’s not in Xkira Radar.

Don’t tell me capcom would throw resources and artwork that is near completion done for being threatened because of xkira. Because of what he thinks so high of himself that capcom would do those. It’s ridicoluos.

When Giant Peter and Dramatic Mode? And Cinematic mode with Shin Necali boss on it?

As long he datamined shit before shitty capcom closed-thighs schedule on reveal stuff in whatever last update, i’m grateful for it, even with the errors or lies (or stuff still not happened)

I don’t take whatever he say as 100% fact and at same time i accept the eventuality everything does’nt happen was’nt automatically a lie

We need the third piece, Capcom’s “truth” to know what was lie, what was an honest error/based on actual data but did’nt happened, what is true but will happen in future

I take the good and i forgive the wrong, it’s not like i’m paying him $$$ to do it

I’m still more interessed to read his last “leak” assuming a part can end up be true, rather than see pages of nerd inquisition on his credibility lol


RIP story thread)) Kira buried it, lol

Is not like Capcom is dropping at us news after news, wich make even more fun bitching about post about Kira’s stuff


Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?! I never knew about this stuff! : o

If the leak needs to be taken with a grain of salt, it’s not worth discussing. Any of us here can make educated guesses or just pull shit out our asses. Heck let’s make SFV bingo board, Chuck darts at it, and speculate whatever subjects the darts land on. Same difference. Flowtron leaks were fun because they had legitimacy. If he/she didn’t know something, they said as much. If Flowtron was making a guess,
he/she said so. X-kira seems to be an attention whore. Anyone that thinks Capcom is altering their release schedule due to their leaks is delusional.


Check the website. It’s a great product.

Edit: the web site

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Ono will be talking about the 30th anniversary of SF tomorrow at 4 PM Brazil time (3 PM Eastern):


Hoping for something belong to the classic, because of the anniversary.

Well, since he’s in Brazil, I think it would be a perfect place/time to announce a 3D remake of Blanka’s classic stage.