The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Seriously if they put Dan in the game before Gouken…

To hell with Capcom !

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I think she means that since Dan is in charge of the shop (item descriptions are his) he’ll be attending you next.

Fang’s substitute for SFVI. Nobody that matters now.
There is a story about Fang getting her as a pupil uploaded to SFV’s website.

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Since when has X-Kira been reliable on character leaks. I don’t see Byron on the roster.


Byron was just everyone else’s mass speculation, so X-Kira thought that would make the most sense (it’s not like he fake-leaked him), but it turned out to be a grown-up Ed.
He’s been reliable on character leaks since Season 3. He leaked the Neo-Shadaloo Girl, along with Cody. And although Flowtron mentioned Sagat and Sakura before Kira did, he still did find these 2 chars through datamining.

Dan? Honda with Sodom?

In Blanka’s story, there’s a sign with Japanese symbols showing Honda’s face, and he’s the only World Warrior missing, so he would make sense.
Sodom is the only Alpha char who has yet to appear in 3D SF games, obviously, and Capcom had the opportunity to include him instead of Birdie in the original cast (but didn’t), so he’s also guaranteed.

So that means it’s justified? How about Oro? Hakkan? Gouken, Byron and Azam?

Since Viper, Gorila and Rose is coming in his list?

Goutetsu, Gouken Daughter or Gouken would be better choices than Dan.

Gouken really needs to happen imo. Not only that they finally manage to return him to the story, he would be such a wasted character if only used in one game.

I can see them implementing his “Power of Nothingness” into his gameplay.Maybe some sort of cool defensive skill that the old man can use to either reduce dmg taken , counter attacks or phase out of certain atacks for a time.

The potential is high and Gouken deserves to be a member of SFV’s roster.

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What about neo shadow knife dude

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Also Honda and Sodom are related to each others


Also i will like see SF2 completed

So it was to complete the missing cast nice haha

FRom X-Kira

For costumes lot of “theme” bullshit, looks like i will save some FM

Interessed only on Bison (and a bit on CS NasH), sad if they already drop the SF2 path to do stupid stuff

That Bison better come with a cape and a code to remove it via special intro.


We have been waiting so long for that Bison.

Capcom are actually listening to fans on Twitter) They’re using Fighting Chance costumes in Arcade Mode now.


Actually it’s undeniable they are doing great in SFV since from the last time they started to updated Guile Stage. That was a surprise I never thought Capcom would make effort with.

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Mech costume for my girl Juri ?


Nice S4 speculation of his.

The Cyborg Monitor would be interesting for Ryu and Ken or for Akuma

Since Tekken got this for Kazuya


Sadly i fear not
If we must rely on it’s leak he got both “Classic Bison” and “Nostalgia Bison”, separated


Classic - FM/Fighting Chance

Nostalgia - $$$ DLC

Will like reverse/swap these, if i got SFA one for FM i don’t need to buy SF2 one

But smart on theyr side i guess they will give you cheap SF2 one, eating some of your FM… then months after release the actual cool SFA one with $$$

Or (i hope) they will do like for Sagat SF1/SF2 and offer the possibility to chose between SF2 Bison with FM/FC (like SF1 Sagat) or Nostalgia cool SF2 one (like SF2 Sagat)

Tbh they was already doing it, you don’t even need to buy the costume, just need to have been released

What they fixed is using Mike, when was released in SF1 Path there was still normal Rog for some strange reason

What if Capcom surprise us having ED to have Bison SF2 alt instead in black hair?

Then alpha Bison solely with detachable cape?

Are you fine with that?