The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

It’s not what the leak is suggesting
Also give to Ed as he is now a Bison’s alt will just feel stupid/wasted opportunity to me as when they gave him Demitri’s (Bison was the man for that job)

Only “as somebody else” alt i want to see on Ed (after Nero, wich was perfect idea executed wrong imho) is Edward Falcon from Power Stone, with ps form as code alt
That will be an awesome 2in1 alt, will look PERFECT in London’s station and Plane stages too

I seen they made him tribute (the “boooring!” taunt) Gene from GodHand, but i want Cody to take that
But hopefully they will not fuck up giving him yellow hair as they did with DanteKen and NeroEd…
…wich is something they will probably end up do, and not even offer a # color closer to the source (like we never got white hair DanteKen color out of 10).
I liked crossovers with wig/nowig alt, it offer both the recreation or “cosplay” alternative
On Cody i think they will end up do wrong Gene and GodHand Mode as code version

More on the direct reply, I’m ok with a Bison-like Ed
But only as future character with his own design and moveset, when Bison power complete taking over Ed’s mind/soul … a darker serious twist of the char to show Bison is the one pulling the strings combining the strong points/moves of both

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So today is World Translator Day, so I’d like to take this opportunity to thank our translators who have helped to gather so much information and have helped to enrich our understanding of SF.


I was thinking about this one as well.

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I wonder what daemos would thought so?

Yea, good stuff. I have weird ideas for her mech. Imagine some crazy stuff like moving hair horns, like they are made out of gears and stuff.

So Mega Man X fans will find this interesting

—The original Rockman series has a few staple features, like the way spikes==instant death. Are there similar “must have” things like that with the X series?

Takenaka: Well, there’s the fact that X, at the end of each game, always gets rid of his suit enhancements. (laughs) We like to say he’s a masochist who enjoys the thrill of danger. (laughs)

Okohara: X has a lot of issues with fighting itself, so he throws away those upgrades once he no longer needs them. That’s my take, at least. Also, to strengthen our theme of “Robots and The Future”, we decided not to include any humans this time. Even in the single city scene, it’s nothing but Reploids.


Well, the “X absorbs the armor” theory is debunked even if it made more sense.

I’d like to see humans at least one more time in the X series. We get references to this corrupt human government whose policy seems to be “shoot first, ask questions later” as seen in X4 and 7. We know that the series after this has reploids and humans segregated from each other so it’d be great to see a prelude of that attitude in one of the X games since there’s strong hints we’ll be getting another one (same case for Darkstalkers).

Someone brought this to my attention yesterday. I don’t wanna grasp at straws, but do we know if anything other than signing is going on at NYCC? In the past have they done anything interesting there?


They better reveal something big, we don’t want three months of emptiness. But I predict another E3 & TGS situation.



Why does Cammy look like a rejected Bratz doll :rofl::


Played a bit with Dojo customizations, made me think “japanese dojo” will not be the only customizable template

Whatching the dojo objects, seem there are some main themes:

-Western style gym
-European old mansion (Dudley-like?)
-Zodiac statues (can fit the museum thing)
-Western(?) home/space

Not saying all will become templates, but i will not be surprize if we see a couple more

The main theme was probably: “Outsource a bunch of random 3D models for cheap. It doesn’t really matter what they are, just come up with a bunch of stuff that players can stick in a background. Here’s a list of a few random objects to start with, but anything along those lines is fine. Oh, and give us a stack of E Tanks, too.”

In 2015, Capcom unveiled a “City in Chaos” stage there. And just last year, they released a teaser trailer for AE. Also, X-Kira tweeted this last week:


X-Kira Datamining ‏ @ XKiraDatamining 30 set

Ryu “Classic” and “Nostalgia” costumes coming. Information outside the current client, but listed on English: QA1 Server. OBS: Costumes for Ryu coming only in Season 4 (2019).

Actual true SF2 Ryu?

Now, imagine if does’nt happen lol


Red Head with Slippers and SF2?

Haha lets see what kind of Classic Costume is this…

I really wonder how Capcom would pull this on specially the one with the slippers.

The SF1 one is kinda easy to make recognizable

Kung fu like shoes, longer red gloves, longest hair, not ripped gi
Code version can be

But is SF2 one i don’t want them to fuck up
Not long jump from SFV one, ideally they should find a middle way with SFA one they aready did.
Let it be SF2AM version (Sagat code version came from SF2AM too) with a bit of tan, it became a point of the char design
Code version ever from SF2AM will like this… sleeves + no headbad

as alternative idea for the code version, SF2V one with spicky hair and casual clothes


And also the SF1 Birdie and SF2 Ryu.

If they would separate those… probably Xkira would change those to just pallete color swap instead

As for SF1 ryu and especially the Sf1 Birdie thing is why would people get hype to purchase those.

Were asking for SF2V alt for a long time but it’s unlikely but a cool similar variant would do.

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I’d like a “casual” Ryu more akin to Masaomi Kansaki’s SF2 Manga. Its very similar to your first casual Ryu image from SF2V except he has his regular hairdo as well as his classic red headband, plus a pair of red wristbands.

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Capcom changes the female characters from barefoot to shoes to heels without even changing the model heights. Putting slippers onto Ryu’s Story Costume would be trivial.

Capcom already gave Story Ryu a red haired palette, his Color 14, and use that for CPU Ryu in SF1 Arcade mode. Strangely enough, they didn’t give that palette the matching red gloves. Carelessness? Or advance planning to not make that palette too much like SF1 Ryu?

Test-of-strength Ryu (no top, no gloves, no slippers) would be a great alt version to a true SF1 costume. (They already have a shirtless Ryu model they can recycle, too.)