The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I believe that all came from x-kira.

And the vergeben guy.

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Doctrine is right, Flowtron never had said anything regarding additional modes other than characters and costumes.

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Iā€™m loving all the recent Darkstalker love, I hope one day itā€™ll be revived better than ever!

Also, Capom is following up the Captain Commando love. I love this commercial, Iā€¦I want more:


Had no idea all of these titles were referring to Darkstalker characters.

I might be crazy, but this Darkstalkers push is very real. Between that and Ono making an offhand remark about Darkstalkers at San Diego Comic-Conā€¦weā€™ll see at Capcom Cup.


Yeah, I agree. I hate to get my hopes crushed again, but this, the increased showmanship of Sf5, the 30th anniversary, DMC5ā€™s return + bigger budgeted looks, the Beat 'Em Up Bundle + itā€™s presentation, Onoā€™s remark at SDCC and now this all make me feel like Capcomā€™s gearing up for their second wind in a loooooooooong time and DS may be waiting for an October hype train. Hopefully TGS has some surprises for us.


Guess whoā€™s back??? Sorry I havenā€™t been here for while, University work has me occupied and I just couldnā€™t be bothered to log in. So from now on, Iā€™ll be a less frequent user of this forum.

Now on to the main things:
-I always take the leaks with a grain of salt, even though there are some that have some credenence but they are usually just wishlists that are gathered from looking at forums and making educated guesses IMO

-Even though I dislike Captain Commando, Final Fight, Battle Circuit etc, I still appreciate that Capcom are trying to release them on modern platforms.

-The Darkstalkers hints are real, Itā€™d make more sense for Capcom to unveil it at TGS as Darkstalkers was always FAR more popular in Japan then it is internationally. Unveiling something, whether be a teaser or trailer near Halloween time would just be :ok_hand::ok_hand::ok_hand:.

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I want to believe that there is a new Darkstalkers, new MVC game or a new Capcom allstar game(which I really want than anything else)?


new MVC game or S2 MVCi?

To lower my expectation itā€™s just a compilation tied in promotion or a supposed tied in for the cancelled MVCi S2 DLC.

I really want a Capcom AllStar game with MVCiā€™s infinity storm mechanic and dioā€™s Za warudo.

I honestly donā€™t see an MVCI update or new game happening.

Darkstalkers or Capcom All-Stars both seem like a possibility. Iā€™d be hype for either one.


If MVCi had been continued with this to be releaseā€¦ we probably had Captain Commando DLC upcomming too bad it didnā€™t

Dojo Mode announced (Basiclly, customize your own free stage)


and itā€™s basically the same name but itā€™s different from his thought not the same concept.

here is the video

X-Kira was talking about the Dojo mode, not the stage.
But anyway, he leaked the stage as well.


Capcom just continues to add to the game. Iā€™m thankful.


I absolutely love the idea of a customizable stage

AND i like the dojo stage

I just wish the two things were separated, dojo stage is fine as it is, while will have been cool to edit a empty one (chosing between few standard ā€œempty stageā€ options)

Btw again, i like anything going in customization direction, i feel 1% to that damn Color Edit mode lol

This was Xkira thoughts in 2016

He leaks from days earlier within the month, but it wasnā€™t the same thing he is talking about from 2016.

At the start of the video it says ā€œIntroducing Dojo Modeā€.
So looks like Dojo turned out to be both a stage and a new feature.

Iā€™m not into names, but into the functionality and idea itself. Why? because the word Dojo can be highly coincidental.

It doesnā€™t matter whatever it was called or labelled, What matter is the concept and function.

Like for instance someone is said there would be a dramatic mode for the new ST expansion then came Buddy Battle Mode in USF2ā€¦ It does not discredit the one the give the speculation, leak or rumor because it similar from the said concept a different of labels and naming does not make it false because it is the way it was meant to be played if were talking about modes.

Another example is Hyper SF4 or Super SFV rumor expansion then came Ultra SF4 ā€œAEā€ and SFV ā€œAEā€ same thing different name calling both expansion.

Different case from XMVC3 fake rumor that was never related to MVCi game.

Guysā€¦just imagine Tokyo Game Show announcing a new cinematic storyā€¦:scream:

You know whatā€¦let me dial it back a bit and not get too ahead of myself


We didnā€™t get a way to customized colors (color edit mode) but instead we got a customized and personalized stage? not bad.

I hope the stage can put arcade cabinets an action figures or standees as display.

Too bad you canā€™t include some classic SF2 stuff inside.


Theyā€™re definitely leading to something. Something big.
Iā€™m sure this is not all weā€™ll be getting in the September patch.

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