The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Building on this statement, SFV Bison was really chill and did not take anything seriously, not even his own ‘death’. For me, this cements the idea that he is an immortal and that he has been to death and back several times by this point in time (yes, character development!).

Compare him in SF5 to who he was during SFA3/SF2; from the moment he walks into the fight with Ken, Cammy, and Chun-Li first in the SF5 trailer to the moment he is defeated by Ryu - He’s just so beyond it all.

I love that his animations reflected who he is now.


OK, thanks!

Now I understand the story better. Can we say the Black Moons fell to Earth? Maybe they are in the space yet…

Yes we can definitely say that the Moons were falling towards Earth or more accurately descending into the Earth using their internal propulsion system.

The ultimate fate of the Moons is unknown. We can surmise that they never reentered Earth’s atmosphere as they would’ve probably crashed once the descent protocol was halted. They’re probably nothing more than decommissioned space junk orbiting us now.

They’re not useful to anyone but Bison, so I don’t think anyone is interested in them now that he is “gone”.


Seeing this…

make me remember of this


and this



Sorry I’ve been off for a while, my exam results came in (they’re great) and I’ve had to decide which University I’ll be going to and alot of important life stuff. I’ve been lurking these past few days, I’m surprised no-one’s brought this Onimusha news up!


See SF1 Mike just after SF1 Sagat at the fortune game, make me think they may focus on SF1 before move on finally to the much more interessing SF2

Possibile imho they aim at cover the SF1 arcade path characters to have dedicated alts for all for that mode

As now of the 8 only Abigail does’nt have a dedicated one, i think next may be a FF1 nostalgia alt for him

With it SF1 path will be complete

SF2 still to cover

Ken (SF2 version could work too)
Akuma (being very generous lol)


Nobody i guess

Alpha/SF2 Bison incoming!


Was anyone able to get Mike-like’s winquote against Balrog? I assume the special winquote is against him and not anyone else.

BTW, can someone tell me what’s happening in this ending? Especially in the penultimate frame?


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Balrog is obsessed with money, loves to show off his golden stuff and even gets a golden boxing glove.
Ed gets irked about all this greed and burns Balrog’s new golden glove with his Psycho Power.
The two get in an argument/fight.

I guess that if I had the text for this ending it’d be simpler to guess what’s going on.

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Mike to Balrog: “Punks always tryin’ to imitate my style! Chumps!”


FTFY :smile:


I really love minuscule details and counteraction of alts, that Capcom’s team is doing with SFV. I hope this would continue for future projects.


Your fitst line is almost exactly what it says in the ending. Thanks.

Hmm, wasn’t Mike supposed to be a bit nicer than Balrog? They sound exactly the same. :confused: Now I’m more confused about Mike.


Haha, I get it. Mike is said to be more family oriented and more driven to help his community, but he could still have an edge. I totally understand that the quote itself doesn’t differentiate him from Rog that much. I just think, at the end of the day, reformed or not, Mike still has the pride of a boxer. Seeing an imitation of himself would naturally annoy him. It really just seems to be a play on their similarities.


Yes best solution is do all as one

Standard -> with cape - SFA
Insert code -> no cape - SF2/SF4

Other possible missing alts that can cover at once 2+ games can be:

-SF2 Ken works also on SF3, and orange-gloves alt color can cover SF4 too
-SF2 Dhalsim works also on SFA and SF4
-SF2 Vega works also on SF4, and blond alt color can cover SFA too
-SF2 Cammy works also on SF4

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Eminem is getting tired of waiting for Detox. Dre says he’ll release it if and when he’s ready. Eminem tells him he’s already detoxed waiting for Detox. So he slaps the glove outta Dre’s hand and they square off.


IMO, I never thought of Mike speaking like Balrog. I’ve always imagined him having a more gentler way of speaking but with enough “force” that you’d take him seriously unlike with Balrog’s more vulgar way of speaking. Maybe I’m looking WAY too much into this.

Forget Detox, the guy needs himself some Botox. He’s out here looking like a DeviantArt genderbent version of Ellen DeGeneres


His music’s trash too, anyway

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I could understand why since Rog is Rog and we never had anything to go off of with Mike.

But when I think of a dude from the hood that not only got sent to the pen for robbery, but also learned how to box there, his way of speaking doesn’t really surprise me.

I didn’t know that, I though he was just a ex-boxer who was raising money for her sister’s illness. You learn something new everyday.

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