The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Lol the world is split on that guy ENG voice, when the first thing i do when i buy any new SC is go straight to options to set it in JAP

ā€œAccept this from meā€¦ MY LOVE!ā€

Itā€™s either cringe worthy or genius. I am gonna go with genius because that kind of over the top theatricality and eccentricity is gravely missed.

I remember thinking FANG was a terrible idea because he is so campy and flamboyant, but soon after I recognized him for what he is - a work of art.

Azwel works because of his VA IMO. Without him, heā€™d be so forgettable after a long line of great fighting game villains.

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Nah, aside him having a style iā€™m not fan of (i will have prefererred a weapon, with magic boost maybe but a weapon), heā€™s definitely an extraordinary character design

On par with SC greatest past villains such as Cervantes, Nightmare or Zasalamel
Itā€™s old school great, wich is crazy surprising considering that Groh (the other new char) just ripped from SCV Zweiā€™s hands the title of most crap design of SC history

Positively surprised for once

Also a leaker called him correctly by name in June,so we know is legit
If nothing changed thatā€™s the last 4 we will see

-Lizardman (ok)
-HWANG (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck yeah about time, damn son of bitches)
-Raphael (perfect choice, perfect pick to go outside SC1 timeline, the cast NEED him)
-Cervantes (itā€™s not SC without Cervy, itā€™s theyr Bison)

About the perfect SC castā€¦ i only miss Rock, but iā€™m kinda sure he will be one of the first Season Pass

First SC director i trust in years and years, fuck that daishi bitch and his following of internet wierdos


Azwelā€™s voice goes along perfectly with his mannerisms imo. It has a certain charm to it that makes him more appealing, like Daemos said. Iā€™m interested to see how heā€™s portrayed in the story.


I remember the Clown voice actor in the Spawn, itā€™s irritating but goes well with his character representation.

Amakusa x Rasputin (World Heroes)


Nice comparison with Rasputin with everything about love talks

I donā€™t understand some details of A Shadow Falls.

  • Why did Shadaloo have to drop the moons? When they got the six pieces (because Karin and Chun-Li deactivated them), why did they not reactivate the moons?

  • Why did Illuminati want to stop the Black Moons? I mean, the prophecy says the moons must drop so, I donā€™t know why they are interested in stopping M. Bison before the moons dropā€¦

i donā€™t remember the dynamic of point 1 (wasā€™nt Rashid the one who stopped the moons once for all?), but point 2 is that Bison will have became too powerful and a legit danger.

Illuminati already control the world as it is as puppeteers of nations, let Bison break that controlled equilibrium will mean lose control on the world

Essentially Illuminati did to Bison the same thing real world superpowers like USA/Russia usually do to some middle-east/third world nationā€™s Dictator: interference, destabilization and indirect contrast by helping his enemies with tech/$$$/soldiers

You do this before direct war as itā€™s the last choice, wich is the reason Gill, Urien and even the lower piece Kolin didā€™nt got directly involved.
The closest has been send a powered up Nash, just as superpowers of our world send special operation soldiers to fight on the side of the faction theyā€™re supporting

Also Illuminati prefer low profile when possible, see how Kolin even as ally didā€™nt declared to be part of it or her true name

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Ok, itā€™s logical they must stop Bison because of the power he would get but then, the sacred prophecy is not the priority? Is it not important?

They donā€™t follow the prophecy at all because the moons didnā€™t fall on the Earth and they didnā€™t get those 130 days of darkness which Gill needs to fulfill that prophecyā€¦

I definitely need to review so feel free to correct my mistakes, but from what I remember, I think Gill has been fasttracking things and trying to make his destiny happen now. I believe big, prophetic things were supposed to happen well after the time of his reign an heā€™s changing the Illuminati drastically anyways (killing the old guard, escalating their activities, etc)

Also it seems that Gill plays around with how literal things must be. Kolin is devestated that Ryu was the one who killed Bison and things didnā€™t go as planned, but Gill rolled with it and thought that destiny may have some flexibilty. I get the vibe that he flexible with the books and prophecies so that things will suit him whether or not things go to plan as foretold.


The prophecy is truly important for ILLUMINATI as organization/cult, for Gill himself the absolute priority is being declared the Messiah of the prophecy and start his new world.

As @Shockdingo said heā€™s not a true 100% believer of the prophecy and he think that it can (and should) be ā€œhelpedā€ and bent until it point at him as the Messiah

Essentially two scenarios on Gill are

50% believer - He kinda believe the prophecy as something that point as him as the Messiah (because is clearly itā€™s destiny), but itā€™s not a perfect prophecy so it must be helped as much is needed to.
In this case he believe to be the Messiah, but doesā€™nt trust the interpretation of the prophecy and want ā€œfixā€ it to reach the correct result (with himself as the Messiah)

Unbeliever - He doesā€™nt believe the prophecy at all, but want use it to be declared the Messiah and get the power that come with it (Illuminatiā€™s Emperor), plus the fact that he can use it to have fanatic loyality from believers (see how Kolin is driven by the prophecy)
In this case he know to NOT be the Messiah, and due this he want rewrite himself a new path of events to ā€œdeviateā€ prophecy on himself

Someone commented on this on reddit today, and Iā€™m not sure if this was discussed in here. For sure this is the first time Iā€™ve noticed this.

Has anyone noticed that Edā€™s stance is somewhat similar to Bisonā€™s stance from old Street FIghter games? You know, the one where Bison is jerking off the air for some reason?


Yeah, i noticed it as soon i seen it, the lines definitely are there :smiley:

But lead left low itā€™s also an example of a boxing stance

They found a way to have both boxing stance and little hint at Bison

While at it i miss that stance for Bison, it was much more ā€œfighterā€ and less anime tryhard (wich fit Bison btw)

In early SFV build Bison got also normal dash (wich become teleports in V-trigger), a very cool one while at it

Tbh i will have liked if standard Bison got old school stance, and normal dashes.

Then in V-trigger the tryhard pose, even more visible purple flames (than now) and teleports dashes like in the early build

It will have been as SF2tAM Bison starting ā€œfairā€ fighter and then going all in with psycho power once in VT

I miss scrappy Bison

Also miss this run animation, even if canā€™t have place in SFV


Azwel is fantastic


Someone edited Gā€™s mask to be invisible. Hmmm, looks cool.


I want the shock reactā€¦

itā€™s like someone being mind controlled? I remember watching old 80s tokusatsu shows where posses or mind controlled individuals has dark shade underneath there eyes or having a red eye.

Itā€™s like a different person of younger? I wonder if it still have the golden world map tattoo beneath still?

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Will be cool an alt where he doesā€™nt have the beard, looks very different

Kinda remind me this actor playing the villain of tons of movies


1- The Descent protocol is a failsafe to ensure the ultimate goal of the project succeeds (spreading chaos and terror in the world). That means that it would not execute unless the Black Moons cannot for any reason be activated. I have to refresh my memory on why they could not be reactivated, but Shadaloo would not initiate the descent protocol if they could reactivate them.

2- If you go over the exact words of the prophecy from Gillā€™s 2i ending, you will see that it does not exactly match the events of ASF. In the original prophecy, there is 1 black moon that splits into 7 pieces and falls onto the people of ā€œUltaniaā€. In ASF, there are 7 Black Moons that descend onto the people of Earth. The nature of the language of prophecies is meant to be loose and metaphorical, rather than faithfully literal. Gill understood this and used it to his advantage when he learned about Bisonā€™s Black Moons.

He did this to convince the rest of his cult that he is the Messiah, the boy who controls the elements - Even though he is a man in his late 20s.

Practically, the Illuminati could not let Bisonā€™s plan succeed because Bison wouldā€™ve become invincible and unstoppable. This presents a bigger issue for Gill and his own ambitions.

Technically though, the Black Moons did fall to Earth, they just didnā€™t crash, and to a great extent they did spread misery and chaos. Itā€™s unfortunate that ASF did not take a moment to show us the chaos that spread the world over.

The prophecy was predicted to take place in the 23rd or 24th century. Gill is greatly expediting it by interpreting it in the 20th century. Many of the old guard in the Illuminati disagreed with him, and thatā€™s why he and Urien assassinated them. However they canā€™t kill everyone in the cult, so they need to convince the lessers through symbolism and prophecy.


@Phantom_Miria Well that wouldnā€™t be the only thing Ed stole from him (See CvS1 Bison Psycho Impact and SFEX Bison Psycho Cannon).

@Cestus_II I donā€™t miss the handjob stance. Granted the CvS sprite really perfected Bisonā€™s body language then (he moved like an Olympian), SFV took it to the next level by having his fighting stance be a stare-down-permanent-win pose. Capcom has a philosophy where a characterā€™s animations should tell you everything you need to know about a character just by looking at them and the way they move. I think they succeeded with flying colors for most of their SF5 animations.

I wouldā€™ve liked to see more of those ā€œtrue martial artistā€ Bison movements expressed in other things. Needs death tower kick throw from SF4 and more martial artsy command normals.


The MasturBison was always one of the most visually cool stances in the series. I like how Capcom Vs SNK 2 took it to another level.

But SFVā€™s Bisonā€™s signifies superiority in a rather compelling fashion. From the way he walks, the way he techs a throw, all the way down to how his nonchalant Standing Light Punch and Medium Punch has him attacking without directly facing the opponent. You pretty much get the impression that heā€™s the shit and heā€™s going to win without needing to be serious.