The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

It will be interesting to see who Bison replaces Balrog with, if he ever returns and assembles the crew again. I’d like to think that Bison will forgive Balrog for being Balrog, because it was all according to plan (as in Bison knew and was counting on Balrog’s betrayal for some grander scheme).

Alternatively, Bison eviscerates Ed in front of Balrog, then let FANG execute Balrog as the latter cries over his adopted son’s flaming corpse.

I don’t think Shadow Nash is Shadaloo King material though. He’s not willingly evil enough.

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I would believe Bison would ditch the idea that the need to have a 3 Shadaloo King, and would go for a henchman, while FANG would be his sole right hand and the rest would be his tools.

Shadaloo’s history did better work and tech compare to what Secret Society society have on controlling and monitoring puppets.

Daemos will freak out and dust off his cane


when I seen the notif, I thought it was the Bison’s Alpha Costume alt as an extra battle

I’ll be in my 40s probably unless Bison is in SF6 too. Besides, 40 is the new 30 so the only cane I’ll be using is a pimp cane!


Not that i see that happen, but if they add Haunting Ground costumes to buy outside the weekly challenge i guess

Zeku get Lorenzo, who got Old/Young form

Falke Daniella with firepoker, of course the haircut may remind Karin too, but the weapon will suit perfect on Falke

Abigail as Debilitas

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Hi gang! It’s been a while and I’m definitely not reading the last eighty billion pages at least for a while, so excuse me if this has already been discussed to death.

What do we all think is the likelihood of a second general story this fall now that they’ve finished up s3 early? It feels more likely to me than extra characters; all the s2 and s3 character stories feel like they’re building up to a new chapter.


Where are we getting 8 characters from? One of the leaks?

It’s from DasVergeben’s leak, but he isn’t that reliable when it comes to SFV specifically.

Yeah, I think of him as good for Smash but otherwise pretty weak. His Soul Calibur stuff felt more like cold reading lol

If it really is 52 characters per X-Kira it’d make sense to have two seasons of 8 and then two ‘bonus’ characters to get us through 2020 though.

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“Who was the official winner of SF2?”

I have no idea where this came from but I randomly saw it on my recommends. Probably some enjoyable MUGEN wackiness lol.

Welcome back! How’s it been going?


That’s the Realistic Scenario, and it’s meant to attached to the final physical re-release of the game (or at the very least, the next one).

The ‘Pessimistic Scenario (Daemos)’ is that we won’t be getting anything more than character stories until SF6, and this is what I think is going to happen. :sweat_smile:

Lol SFV and namco keep having wierd parallels :smiley:

After SFV’s “President of Earth” G, new enigmatic SC6 villain is Azwell “Leader of Humanity”


Reminds me of Shang Tsung from MK and Amakusa from Samurai Showdown. The voicework is fantastic though.

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Rain of Blades and Psychic sword/The Force?

I remember Vader in SC guest characters in his moveset and also the great Gilgamesh…gates of babylon

Times when Gilgamesh were as glorious like Dio…

Yet I prefer Tekken 7 should have FF’s Gilgamesh Summon instead.

And Smash should have the Black Mage which the most significant race before the Chocobo, Tonberry, Cactuars and Moogles since the original FF debut in nes, before the franchise transferred from sony.

Azwel looks sick as fuck. :ok_hand:

Speaking of Shang Tsung…


[quote=“The_Shakunetsu, post:2641, topic:576649, full:true”]
Rain of Blades and Psychic sword/The Force?

I remember Vader in SC guest characters in his moveset and also the great Gilgamesh…gates of babylon

I remember the first Fate anime, Gilgamesh was like the final boss. Now they have airplanes lol.

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FANG needs this as an alt costume badly.


I hate the voice acting. Cringed several times