The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread


He is always unreliable even for the beginning he was caught editing his speculation, then denied it.

vergenben is the most crappy leaker. It doesn’t matter if he gets something guess by chance by riding on wishlist.

the latter gimmick excuse is that there was an imposter of him.

A lot of what is being said is common sense though or wishful thinking.

Like, it would make sense for Capcom to release another General Story in light of all the characters they added. But it also makes sense that they don’t. Let alone release TWO updates, one of which is post-3S.

2 free characters? All DLC characters are potentially free in fact, so why should Capcom give them away when they already do? They are not a charity.

G dies? Kolin steals another body? Lol. Okay. Menat is a good candidate for a protagonist to G’s antagonist, but I think Rose and Cody are better at leading the pack in a sequel story IF G is the main villain.

Capcom are experiencing a resurgence in public good will and stock prices, they are likely confident enough to attempt to bring back one of their classic franchises. But wishful thinking.

Capcom feuding with Epic? Rubbish.

Capcom releasing more than 3 costumes makes sense because the roster is growing and they need to cover everyone. Also DLC sales are probably good.

I don’t think an SF6 is being planned because SF5 will likely continue being supported passed 2020. So they probably have ideas, but won’t start anything until next year or the year after even.

Most of the leaks are guesswork and wishful thinking, no better than anything we can muster up ourselves in our discussions.


This guy is clearly saying all make believe stuff and probably looking of request threads and storythread here. They make a fake make believe leak.

but doesn’t understand the reason how things were done and the time frame.

This guy is saying too much like 2 storymode upcoming? wat da? kinda weird.

If there would be another storymode that would be one then the next one would probably be on development if the other has become successful. We are not hearing anything yet like voice actors activity lately right?

Character relationship and interaction is questionable… and poorly

Yup here we can do more logical and purposefully that seems reasonable why Capcom would do it. The guy just look up in the thread but not an avid follower that follows every update and knows the consequences of events and interaction of each character.

Vergenben has been consistent in saying any 4chan posts aren’t him because he doesn’t use the site. Also he doesn’t leak things through Private Messaging because he gets no attention for doing so.

He has been right and he has been wrong. I don’t really put any weight in what he says outside of Smash Brothers.

Can you give me the prediction(topic) where he was right? so we can analyze it.

I have been looking into that guy’s leaks since MVCi dev and mostly pure fake.

Before his only credibility that he brags was guessing successfully Soul Calibur… which is a no brainer. Obvious!!

Then he was even claimed credibility with the Ninja Turtle prediction in MK, but someone caught him editing his post. I have read those threads and where he defends it somewhere.

The thing is does even people take note about his miss? and another thing his not a sole Capcom leaker… he does also nintendo, namco, mk, sf and etc… he is like a loose cannon in his initial leaks riding popularity of MVCi leaks.

After that I don’t follow and mind that guy.

Don’t give him to much consideration to the missed.

Smash, final fantasy and Mario titles are things that are games that is release constantly withing 3-5 gap from the earlier version of the game.

Same thing like next SF, next MK and next GGX.

What next he will guest the next MK game is now in the works? that obvious!

If he want to win trust initially, he needs to give exact event reveal and declare it just once not moving dates. people only remember “the game is gonna be reveal” but not the event and the numerous attempt of guessing.


Do you know the agenda of this… they are hyping people/raising interest so the development team would find the game worth while for development, or they are part of the team gathering data of people’s interest.

I’m just using this as an example to compare with someone lik vergen… like doing wishlist masking ut as fake leaks.

It’s okay and positive for this kind of obscure and long hibernated franchiseto make a comeback but it’s not okay with SFV and it also does give false expectations of investment to the developers, because of temporary and misleading interest on the brand rather than creating something with technically prowess like K.I. and MK9 did.

If Virtual Hiryu no Ken was indeed reveal after 6 months, but named as Ultra Virtual Hiryu no Ken not Gaiden with a different roster it doesn’t mean the leaker and rumor mongerer was credible. Unless the dev team would say something that they delayed stuff due to whatever reasoning.

Hmm, I don’t think they had the idea to turn Nash into Twelve during the SF3 arc, but I can see that making a lot of sense at this point. But that saddens me even more. Poor guy only wanted to take Bison down, with or without the army backing him up, and look what became of him. :frowning: Him dying a second time would be OK, but continuing to live as Twelve? Damn, that’s harsh. I really hope he somehow manages to sever his ties to both Shadaloo and Illuminati and just rest in peace. A reunion with Guile and a proper conversation with him would be nice, though, since nothing of the sort happened in ASF.


TBH, I thought that 12 would HAVE Nash’s memories and abilities, but ISN’T him. As far as we know, Nash is finally dead but his memories were passed on from 11 to 12.

One thing I’d like is the twist that the Illuminati gave Nash altered memories so that Nash would trust Kolin more and have resent towards Shadaloo and the US military. Then again, that would only mess up the canon even more.

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i just hope that they have the real Nash still alive and what they sent was a proto twelve

Just random theory, keeping in mind AE trailer

What if these

Are Ed and Falke in disguise that pretend to work for G as “citiziens of the earth” just to have the chance of capturing Ryu by being insiders in the G’s show

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Lol dude got some serious Ryu vibe


Really hard to say, sadly. I went through years of turmoil hoping for Chuck to be alive, finally accepted he was gone, started thinking he was Q, that fell through and then SF5 brings him back with fancy new moves and potential. Then he’s killed off again. Going forward, I really hoped for him to be a neutral character and fade off into the shadows popping up here and there to great effect.

The arcade endings gave him a better send off and the 12 theories that came after ASF really interest me, but it also could be a way out. If they really want to they have a few ways of bringing him back:

  • ASF Charlie was 11 while he was connected to real Charlie so they both experienced the events and his mental “death” severed the link. Illuminati has more plans for him as a servant and propaganda tool

  • Charlie is dead, but 12 got his memories and this leads to him gaining free will post SF3. Has some elements of him, but is his own man

  • Charlie did die, but his body is dug up/stolen for further uses and experimentation by Illuminati, that announcement cutscene is used as he returns to Shadaloo, picks up his glasses and has the 3rd eye opal shine (that scene never has was in the game, yet it would perfectly fit for a post ASF scene. It’s clear the dark room wasn’t the cave, but could be an abandoned base.

  • When Bison returns in SF7/8 Charlie is brought back as Shadow, his agent or something

I really don’t want Charlie gone, but I don’t want the story to get repetitive with his fate.


I have watched that twice

which is also base on

Inspired loose from Mas Oyama





Fighting Street


I don’t think he was guessing at Soulcalibur or that it was obvious. He gave accurate info

Believe what you want, but Soul Calibur VI is real and you will see that it is soon enough.
I even have information about it that I have been advised to, under no circumstance leak. It would dwindle down who is releasing the information to a select few if I did.

What I can say that I am allowed to that I haven’t yet is that there will be a huge focus on story elements, and the game was still in the motion capture stage even back in May of this year. The game’s very far behind schedule ever since the delay last year due to their moveset / style switching mechanic not working out like they wanted to.
But like I said recently, they did retain this idea in a certain capacity, however. You will understand what I mean by this eventually.

I wish I could say more. But for now, everything I have said about it is what I am allowed to.
I keep being told it is being revealed “very soon” and in December. So regardless of if they do it at TGA or PSX, it’s happening next month.
I was told it more than likely will not be on display and playable for a little while longer yet though.

He said December, and indeed, it was revealed December 7 on the Game Awards show. Huge focus on story, check.

I heard back from my main source with some good news today!
Remember how I heard Zasalamel was “very likely” to be in? But most likely DLC?
Well he is definitely going to be part of SCVI and seems like there’s a pretty good chance he won’t be DLC and instead a launch roster character too.
I can’t currently confirm that for sure is what they have planned for how he is included. But for now, it is looking really good on that front thankfully.

Confirming that a SC3 character was going to be part of the base roster in a game that takes place before SC3 is not guessing.

I can’t find where he leaked the new character Grøh, but the info was pretty accurate.First dual-wielding character. So, there’s good reason to believe he has good sources.

DasVergeben looks reliable for Namco and I think also Smash related news, it’s his credibility as a Capcom leaker that’s dubious. Maybe his source at Capcom is kinda shitty, I don’t know.

Also, there’s still the problem that apparently that’s not the real Vergeben on 4Chan.


That is possible.

As far as I know, he only posted reddit as DasVergeben, and gamefaqs. Those other users on dfifferent sites are likely fakes.

I think every character embodies a theme or an idea. Charlie to me embodies the dark side of being in the military, the forgotten soldier, the pawn in every chess game. Charlie wouldn’t be Charlie if his story were not a tragedy. It took Charlie a moment, but in SF5 he realizes the inevitability of this fate that he has been cursed with, and accepts it head on. For that, Charlie is the bravest of them all, but he won’t be decorated for it.

Twelve is an ideal host for Charlie’s lore because Twelve is the ultimate forgotten soldier. He is the perfect killing machine, faceless, nameless, and lacking any autonomy. Charlie will save Twelve and his brothers inadvertently with the gift of free will and humanity. The marriage of these characters will elevate the story for both these characters IMO.

If Charlie is to return as Shadow/Twelve/Shadow-Twelve, it should still remain faithful to the theme of the character’s lore, but it would take it to another even more twisted expression of it. This is what makes it attractive to me. Charlie, like Juri, is a cautionary tale. And Charlie like Two Face in TDK, is the fallen hero - And fallen he has and there’s no way back out out of the abyss.

This makes the most logical sense and would be the easiest to realize without making huge leaps of faith. But it would be like Ripley 8 from Alien Resurrection. She was not Ellen Ripley clearly, but she inherited her memories, which manifest in very real emotions and acts of humanity reminiscent of her progenitor.

I can see a post-3S Twelve help the Avengers bring down everyone and everything Illuminati, and then revealing to them who he really is before dying again. This time for real…



I would have believe him if he said it was a reboot, because that is the twist and his earlier leaks were scattered and loose cannon.

Basing that it will heavily on story was predictable in almost every Soul Series, similar thing like MK does.

Another thing was he was caught editing his leaks just to insert Ninja turtles in MK.

as for confirming Zasalamel, I’m not following a SC wish list so I don’t know the case.

We all know that it doesn’t matter if the character is dead already or younger for a current timeline, the dev will just do a work around to compromise with the demands. That’s why we have gotten Akuma in SFV earlier.

Reading his statements, It like he aims for multiple possibilities but in return it ends up too much contradictory. so it doesn’t matter if he miss with Zasalamel, because the name Zasalamel would register only in the memory. I know what he is trying to pull in here. It’s like reading those weekly horoscope lol. He did that with lots of MVCi leak especially when there was a thread for S2 MVCi wishlist.

As for Nash

I don’t care if it will be a former shadow of his true self or became a new Bison henchmen to replace the other shadaloo kings…

Looks like Balrog and Sagat will be on their own in the latter games

We can still be hopeful for his faith because of a different SFV AE interpretation regarding his fate and demise.

Never heard of Haunting Ground, but that costume looks nice.

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