The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

That’s not my version actually. That’s the assumptions that have to be made if we are to believe both the anniversary account and SF4/SF5. This is IHMO a more accurate interpretation of the game canon, I tried sticking to the main Shadaloo/Ryu/SNH arcs as much as possible but included some tangentially relevant details:

Year 0-1 (SF1)

  1. Ryu and Ken, seeking to become the “strongest fighter”, depart to battle street fighters.
  2. Ryu beats Sagat with a Shoryuken. Sagat vows revenge.

Year 1-3 (SFA1/A2 and some bits of SFA3)

  1. Shadaloo activity starts becoming more apparent.
  2. Bison travels the world, searching for strong fighters - Recruits Sagat, Birdie. Learns about Ryu.
  3. Ryu fights Sagat, sandbags the fight, Sagat vows to fight Ryu again.
  4. Ryu and Ken fight, Ken gives Ryu the red headband.
  5. Ryu fights Akuma, Akuma tells him about a hidden power.
  6. Ken meets Eliza and they start dating.
  7. Chun-li meets Vega, Bison, learns about father, gets promoted.
  8. Akuma fights Gen, spares him.
  9. Sakura meets Ryu.
  10. Rose defeats Bison, and Bison takes over her body.
  11. Living Incubator project begins; First generation clones Cammy, Decapre, Abel, and Seth are created.
  12. Nash and Guile investigate Shadaloo as a team
  13. Nash suspects Shadaloo have infiltrated the US government, goes solo and rescues Abel. Nash is considered MIA from this point on.
  14. Nash meets Bison first time, dies.

Year 4-5 (SF2 and some bits of SFA3)

  1. The “Psycho Drive”, a weapon that would supply Bison’s body with unlimited Psycho Power, becomes operational.
  2. Cammy is rescued, joins Delta Red later.
  3. Shadaloo hosts the World Warriors tournament. Bison is after Ryu’s body, because his body cannot handle all the Psycho Power being generated by the Psycho Drive and Ryu’s can.
  4. Delta Red Cammy gets to Bison, finds out truth.
  5. Chun-Li and Guile get to Bison.
  6. Bison kidnaps and brainwashes Ken to attract Ryu.
  7. Bison and Ryu meet for the first time. Bison awakens the SNH within Ryu, however Ryu manages to resist Bison with the help of the world warriors.
  8. The world warriors destroy the Psycho Drive (Read: Bison enacts self destruct protocol), and Shadaloo is officially declared destroyed.
  9. Sagat having discovered Bison’s ambitions and intentions for the first time and decides to leave this life behind.
  10. Ken and Eliza get married.

Year 5-6 (SF4)

  1. Viper begins investigating Shadaloo and suspects Bison is alive.
  2. Viper infiltrates SIN and learns about the Living Incubator program/BLECE. Poses as a double agent.
  3. The Shadaloo Kings are invited to join Bison again. Sagat estranges himself from Shadaloo officially.
  4. SIN developing BLECE which can only reach its full potential with Ryu’s newly discovered ki.
  5. Ryu’s existential crisis with the SNH goes in full swing.
  6. Akuma senses that the SNH in Ryu is finally awake, moves to ensure the boy succumbs to it.
  7. Gouken returns from absence to set Ryu on the right path, protect him from Akuma before its too late.
  8. Seth, Viper move to capture Ryu, fail.
  9. Shadaloo rescues Seth and inform him that Bison is watching him closely.
  10. Eliza informs Ken that she is pregnant.
  11. Seth with the help of Juri rebels against Shadaloo, attacks abandoned Shadaloo facility, kidnap dolls.
  12. Bison decides to leave incubation prematurely to deal with Seth personally.
  13. Rose comes out of hiding after years to ensure that Ryu becomes the man he needs to be to defeat Bison at the end.
  14. Seth hosts SIN tournament to attract the world’s best fighters for BLECE. Bison joins tournament and defeats Seth.
  15. SIN is destroyed. Shadaloo absorbs SIN data/kidnaps all SIN scientists.
  16. Balrog rescues the young Ed from SIN’s ruins.
  17. Akuma and Gouken fight for Ryu’s life, Akuma is defeated.
  18. Mel Masters is born.

Year 6-9 (SF5)

(Will add later)

Year 9-10 (SF3:NG/3S)

(Will add later)


@Daemos Wouldn’t the little Cammy arc from Alpha 3 be pushed back to a earlier time?

Also, I’m probably wrong in thinking this but I always thought that SF2 and Alpha 3 were different events?

Because of her connection to the Psycho Drive, Cammy’s rescue arc which involves Vega, Dhalsim, and finally Chun-li would need to happen in the first part of SF2/SFA3, so that Cammy would have enough time to recuperate and join the world warriors for the final showdown where and when she learns that she is a clone from Bison himself as per her SF2 ending.

To put it in perspective, the WW tournament and everything that transpired there is like ASF; A concentrated actioned packed event that takes place over a day or several days. But the timeline of events during the SF2 era likely took place over more than a year just like SF4, SF5, and SF3.

There are too many overlapping and repeated plot points between SF2 and SFA3 according to SF4 and other things to simply dismiss them as separate events or eras.

They are. But not entirely.
@Daemos will Reply ASAP

Take your time. I’ll probably make a few edits later when I have a moment again.

so there are chances to disregard the aftermath shadaloo with viper?

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Oh, I thought that was uncanon because of Chun-Li never mentioning the event to her again. So my take on Cammy was:

Alpha 2 era:
-prior to having the fatal battle with Bison, Charile fought Cammy.
-Cammy was tested and found too strong, so the psycho limiter was placed

Alpha 3 era:
-Cammy was sent to kill Dhalsim, Dhalsim frees her
-Vega is sent to collect her, Vega wins but refuses to kill her and takes her to Bison
-Cammy fights against Juli+Juni
-Cammy uses the last bit of her strength to save the dolls from the crumbling base and passes out.
-Vega finds her and takes her with him just so he can see how her “beauty” will develop.
-Delta Red takes her in


I don’t think so because the Viper Aftermath is currently the most viable account of the final showdown at the end of the WW tournament after Capcom retconned Akuma’s SGS.

True. I took Chun-li into account because it neatly creates a path for Cammy to go from a discarded doll to the British government since Chun-li is likely well connected. Delta Red randomly stumbling on her and recruiting Cammy requires more assumptions than just having Cammy be rescued by people who definitely stumbled upon her. It could go both ways really. I don’t think Vega would put Cammy in the care of Delta Red though.

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Given Vega wants to bring out beauty through suffering, I think he’d put her to the opposing side for more emotional turmoil for Cammy and so they could fight more.

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@Daemos Ultimately the only thing that would support the Alpha 3-SF2 fusion to me would be Guile’s involvement. They would’ve been separate events if Charile’s death in SFA3 was canon but since SF4 it was hinted that it might not be the case and Alpha 2 was canon and was confirmed in SFV.

So my understanding of the matter is:
We start with Charile+Guile hunting down Shadaloo and them finding Vega for info and instead they come across Chun-Li. They teach her not to be impulsive, blah blah blah.

-Instead of Bison telling Chunners of her father’s death it is now Vega after their encounter. Both having the same trail, Chun-Li joins with Charile+Guile.

-However, Charile is suspicious of Guile given that both InterPol and the US army are corrupt and goes off alone.

-Charile faces Cammy and becomes fully aware of the scope of Shadaloo’s evil and then dies by Bison…

So what happens next?
We know that Guile’s original encounter with Chun-Li in A3 is now non-canon, the only thing I can think might’ve took part in interrogating Birdie, a misunderstanding with Dan and doubting Zangief. They then find Shadaloo and battle at least one of the dolls…

The only answer I think of is that the climatic battle at the end of A3 is all of SF2 so Guile and Chun-Li battle and Guile reunites with his Juila+Amy

I’m stuck, so my question is: What is your view on this?

AE ending did the Akuma Bison thing, but doubt AE endings because it has multiple interpretation of Nash’s demise in Bison confrontation in SFV different from the cinematic mode.

@Daemos - I have an M. Bison character question for you.

I know Lord Bison is the ultimate evil incarnate of SF. And won’t hesitate to eliminate and destroy all who stand in his way of world domination.
However, I’m curious, what do you think M. Bison would do in this situation?

Like lets say for instance, Ken Masters was fighting M. Bison and clearly is no match for him alone. But during the fight, M. Bison spots Ken’s wife and child, watching horrified as their beloved Ken fight for his life.
Based on M. Bison’s personality and psychology, how do you think he would react to a scenario like this?

  • Would he execute Ken right in front of them before turning his attention to Mel and Eliza?
  • Would he make Ken watch as he does what ever evil sadistic thing he wants to his wife and kid?
  • Would Bison let them go, and let Ken fight with all his might (and a sense of false hope) in hopes that he can stall long enough for them to escape?
  • Would Bison kill all three at the same time?

I’m interested in the psyche and behavior of “villains”: how they would act in a particular situation and why. Bison is such a evil character and shows no mercy to those he fights. But what about those who aren’t looking for trouble and end up in his way? What about the friends and families of the fighters he’s destroying, does he take pleasure in seeing others in fear and in horror? So many character questions and I thought i’d ask you. What do you think Bison would do?

How world warrior tournament happened in SF2 timeline? haha

minus the other henchmen


A mix of Gen with alt Urien costume, I would say.

That novel was written in 1995. So, until 1995, SF2 was set in 1991. This changed when the Zero arc came, as was noted by All About Capcom (Ryu SF2 profile).
If anyone is interested in what this novel is about, click here.

This. AE could simply have given another ending for Gouki. If you pay attention, Gouki is the only SF2 ending where it shows Vega/Bison’s body severely damaged. All the other fighters just have him defeated, but not dead/destroyed. They could have made at least one ending mentioning the events from Viper aftermath trailer. But they didn’t.
Also, USF2 kept Gouki SGS Vega. While some might say that’s just an SSF2X remake with Violent Ken and Evil Ryu as added bonus, they could have taken out Gouki’s cutscene with Vega, like they did in SSF2 Revival.
Also, the SFV arcade ladder with the endings actually doesn’t conflicts with (most of) the events of Shadow Falls. They somewhat change the storytelling of what happened, but they don’t change what happened.
Example: Guile’s ending show him losing to Vega and then Nash saves him. Even though this conflicts with how the scene played out (Vega and Guile didn’t fight in ASF) it didn’t change that Guile (along with Ryu and Chun-Li) arrived, followed by Nash who fought Vega, draining a good part of Psycho Power with that explosion.
The same can be applied with Nash’s ending, where it shows the explosion, with Nash giving a last breath in Guile’s arms, probably with his body desintegrating (or not) after the scene. Again, it didn’t change the fact that Nash died, drained part of the Psycho Power and Ryu fought Vega minutes after.

Now… I dunno about Menat. Let’s see if they will mention about it in Rose’s story.

The same goes for Zangief and Sakura fighting at the fourth trailer. They never referenced this event again.

The japanese sources always called Vega/Bison the “fighting king”, the best fighter in the world, something that really bothered Sagat. Gouki went atter this so called fighting king, and killed him with the SGS. For Gouki it was just another opponent defeated, for Vega, a minor setback.
Vega wouldn’t want revenge (in fact, he doesn’t seem to be this type of villain), because he can simply comeback and start over, and Gouki… he simply doesn’t care.

And then retconned back to Gouki SGS Vega. Part of that trailer was already retconned (Psycho Drive being destroyed BEFORE SF2).
My main problem with the suicide explosion, is that isn’t mentioned anywhere else than the trailer itself. The japanese sources that touch the subject, all mentions about the bosses surviving something, but they are carefully enough to not say what:
Chun-Li’s aftermath trailer: Cammy mentions that the bodies of Vega and his henchmen weren’t discovered. The japanese dialogue she doesn’t mention bodies, but whereabouts, she KNOWS the bosses are alive.
Smalt Raven backstory: Smalt Raven mentions that Mike Bison/Balrog survived. But survived what?
Ties that Bind (thanks @Midgardsorm): Guile doesn’t belive that Vega is dead. The japanese dialogue shows us that both Guile and Chun-Li KNOWS that Shadaloo is still operational, that they are alive (doesn’t mentions who) and that someone could be leading them to believe that Shadaloo is destroyed.
USF4: Chun-Li asks if Balrog/Vega shouldn’t be dead (conveniently not mentioning what happened). Also, Guile’s fight your rival against Vega doesn’t mentions anything. Guile is suprised to see Vega, but not that he’s actually alive.
A lot of chances to mention that they all were in a base that exploded… but, from what it’s being said, this seems to be more related with the fall/destruction of Shadaloo in general than from an especific event.

I agree. And I do believe that the reprint os All About Street Fighter in the collector’s edition is due this fact.


I still have strong doubts with the SF anniversary edition and AE endings, I don’t take anything from USF2 as something reliable its like a what if game a whole.

Agree with the points with aftermath video never acknowledge else where or mentioned same thing with Sakura and Gief, (waiting for possible Viper in the next season AE SF4/SF2 ending(even she didn’t appear there), but the only interaction here is that between Akuma and Bison in Akuma ending which is from a game with what if ending, both Akuma and Bison in there separate paths in future games as if they never knew each other, unlike Ryu and Sagat story that has the emotion and complementary to each other.

I hope there would be a definite Japanese compilation that is complementary to a sort of books in the future, or a whole recreation of SFA - SF2 game made in one game that removes the unnecessary events and characters, but more focus retelling the events on Shadaloo attempt to body grab Ryu to the tournament_(if it did happen)_ with some sort of Bison demise with the all world warrior or just against Akuma’s interference. It would be a surprise if Bison would instead conquer the world in secret complementing his SF2 ending using Seth clones in the background. That the Ryu body swapping was just reveal a PLAN A and there is more a grandiose scheme that leads to SF4 events. This is a wishful thinking game.

Another possibility which is easier is a Bison dialogue with Akuma that they never met or they met other option is a Bison dialogue with Chun li, Guile and Cammy that validates the event of the suicide event in future games… using a NEW SF2 COSTUME for Bison like they did with Cammy canon spike clothes.



Here’s a full version.

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I pick option 5: Bison starts pondering about the four aforementioned options he can go for, giving Ken an opening to land a scumbag wakeup DP (not even EX, just regular heavy DP).
At that point Mel finishes Bison with his signature move, that is, a strong kick in the nuts, that sends Bison falling down a conveniently placed ravine for a convenient Disney death.


The General was perfect… his moveset are like those in some SF manga that Bison becomes a many clone. Can’t remember what SF manga was that posted in the other thread can’t remember if it’s @bakf or @mido?

Now my wishful thinking SFA with SF2 in one game compiled happens it needs a end credit bonus game like this (SFEX3) but the winning player instead begins controlling Bison by default against the horde of World Warrior that appeared in the viper aftermath video, instead of having the winning character is played.


Found this clip containing various SF TV commercials on YouTube. The Zero animations look cool.