The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The physique of Guile and Bison in that video live action commercial are well very SF2 Guile and Bison!! Along with the Ken in Jacky Chan parody. and also that Cammy with juggling tits!! lol

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Lol as cheap as they look some of these live action parts are the closest we will ever see a SF-thing get

The Ryu-Ken series was very good though
If only they paid Ryu actor 6 months of gym and steaks, an old man to play Gouken and a jap one for Akuma

Also they can benefit from less fan-made vibe on special effects

But i loved it, you can feel theyā€™re fans

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I didnā€™t know @Rugalitarian starred in a SF2 ad :rofl:

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I remember stumbling 2 years ago in youtube watching the behind the scene making of that commercial, they hired 2 person the other one is for vega physique actor and the other one is for the unmasked version. I was amaze that they were really concerned on those areas before, that what we need someday in a SF live action movie.

I remember watching Masked Rider Black audition, Japan before like auditions before for a new show rather than having a popular person. That would be awesome if that would be the case for a Sf live action sf series made in japan.

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USF2 was a what if game when it used to be HD Remix, it was licensed by Capcom but done by third parties (just like SF2 Movie, SF Real Battle on Film and the 30th Anniversary Edition to some extent). Now, when they decided to re-release it by themselves, even using 80% of the UDON work, it became the latest SF2 interation just like SSF2 Revival, they didnā€™t change anything previously made (the story itself is the same from SSF2 Revival), and they added Evil Ryu and Violent Ken that God knows if they are part of the canon or not. Also, if Iā€™m not wrong, it was the first time that the japanese audience had that game released in Japan.

Itā€™s not a matter to convince me, you or anyone. Itā€™s just Capcom showing us what happened in a very complicated wayā€¦ :face_vomiting:

When I have time, Iā€™ll go thru the AE endings and make a compilation of them with some commentaries.

Speaking of AE, Menatā€™s Lucky Charms have the SF1 artworks. There we have the SF1 heights and weights of the characters. The only time I saw those, was in a SF1 VHS playthrough, I never thought they were official. Of course, those were retconned for the future SF releases.

You pratically described Mortal Kombat 9 story mode. I REALLY would like something like that, butā€¦ probably ainā€™t gonna happen. Also, I would be really cool a compilation of all the SF backstories (with commentaries retconning it or not) since SF2 Champion Edition (the World Warrior backstories published by Gamest are mostly just for fun) up to SFIV.
Letā€™s see if when SFV reaches its lifespam in 2020/21 they donā€™t release at least a book with a more complete timeline.

Thatā€™s great. There were some that I never saw. Thanks @Super_Sonic!


Speaking of Menat, SF media stuff and merchandise is kinda loosely and unorganized than before, there are more different interpretation that was from Capcom JP unlike before. Like Gā€™s card in tarot representation, I believe they gave reason why it is the fool but If they were really informed and aware that Gā€™s gonna speak the term ā€œworldā€ all over his dialogue and quotes they probably just make him the world in the tarot card.

Not really a MK9 time travel cliche, yet I want a time traveler in a game like Kevin Strayer having his time travel devices go broken and stuck in the Sf present time. I think the supposed to be backstory compilation was AE using arcade mode ala mini game yet it wasnā€™t something focus, optimize and summarize to do the thing except being a retelling of what if and retcons. I donā€™t believe it would happen but the range of characters in SFA and SF2 could make a decent cast that was involved in the whole shadaloo saga to the second tournament if there was a second tournament


The Fool card fits G just fine.

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Yes and no. It fixed some things like Sagat leaving Shadaloo after SF2. And we already know what did happen and what didnā€™t.
Iā€™m pretty sure that someone asked Ono or Ayano about who won SF2, the answer was ā€œwhoever you choose to playā€. I wouldnā€™t be surprised if the answer for the Gouki X Vega was something like that with BOTH ways, the SGS and the suicide explosion, happening in their own reality but having the same result: the second fall of Shadaloo and Vega losing his SF2 body.


Iā€™d really love something, in an official game (so thereā€™s no ambiguity about whether itā€™s canon) to give the definitive story of SFbto this point, heck of love it as a final Doc interactive encyclopedia or something in SF6.

Obviously Rose should be the narrator, but for a little bit of fun I kiiiinda want G to interrupt with observations and having Menatā€™s freak out about how he got into their place. Rashid also could be a good contender for the role of person b. The lore could be that he and or Ken are putting together a documentary to inform the world of things in order to better present the truth after the black Moons incident.

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What makes G the fool?

Ryu can be The World and can be also The Fool in both narrative perspective.

But what does G makes him The Fool? other than the card placement of him in the merchandise, judging by the information we have now G isnā€™t the fool from literal sense, narrative and symbolicā€¦ Itā€™s like the people that underestimate Gā€™s antics ended up the one that is fooled, They begins as fools and end up with a different perspective towards G.

The Fool has been relative to innocent, curious and unaware not just foolish, the one that sets into the adventure and full of creativity, has the rationale and mental composure untainted by experiences of trauma and betrayal.

The Fool in creative writing can be compared to the protagonist in a heroes journey, that transforms a perspective to either be corrupted or transcended.

I think it really depends on why Bison and Ken are fighting in the first place. Bison feeds off the suffering of others and as a result becomes more powerful. The dead do not suffer, so Bison would only kill if the act of killing is increasing the suffering for those still alive.

For example, Bison would execute opponents if it meant it would make an example out of them for those still alive, instilling lifelong fear and despair in them (see Juri and Chunā€™s parents). Otherwise, I believe Bison would not kill his enemies, partially because he thinks himself so beyond them and so untouchable, and they so insignificant. But also because Bisonā€™s enemies, in their hate and despair, are more useful to him alive.

In Alpha 2, when asked by soldiers if they should go check on Nashā€™s body to make sure that he is alive, Bison dismisses them and says Nash will now know the price of coming face to face with Bison. This translates to Nash will become a shell of his former self after such a traumatic experience and thatā€™s better. Bison was right in that to say the least. Nash became a stronger man because of his experience, at the expense of his humanity, and Bison got a smile out of it.

Going back to your example, if Bison wanted Ken alive (as a tool, which is likely given their history), he would kill Eliza and Mel in front of Ken and drive Ken into madness, thus turning him into his puppet forever. He would justify it to Ken as a sacrifice by saying that he did it to turn him into one of the strongest fighters alive and far more powerful than Ryu (the focus of Kenā€™s life after his family). And Bison would actually make good on that promise because he does not lie.

Bison would of course(!) be open to the possibility that Ken may one day try to avenge his family and attempt to kill him. Bison would foresee such an event and would welcome the conflict that comes from it because it will only feed him and make his stranglehold on Kenā€™s soul that much more indomitable.

Bison would only then kill Ken if after all this Ken proved to be utterly useless (or he outlived his purpose whatever it was). In the same vein how the master would put down the dog that bites him or a dog that has grown too old/sick. He would do this to ensure all his other dogs know what happens to them if ever they decide to betray their master (see Seth).

I think ASF really put Bisonā€™s psychology under the microscope. Here is a man, who is willing and capable of sacrificing the world for the ultimate battle. He was unshaken by any and all attempts at his life and betrayals by his allies, all of which he very likely could foresee. His whited eyes were laser-focused on the one thing that mattered to him - Fighting. Only the strongest deserved an audience with him, and he waited patiently for them to climb the chaos ladder that he himself orchestrated to reach him. In this sense, Bison did not lose in ASF, while everyone was bickering over regaining order and control, prophecy and people, Bisonā€™s end game still happened - He experienced the ultimate battle with the man destined to be strongest of all. Thatā€™s a nice way to go out.

I know that Bison has been consistently portrayed as egocentric and megalomaniacal, in a campy/cartoony way no less, and looking at the eccentric interiors of his bases and his humor makes me not doubt that he is those things. But at his core, he is a warrior, with a code, and he respects strength above all else and he takes most pleasure in conflict, strife and fighting.

I sometimes think of him as some sort of twisted social darwinist, except that he actively tries to create artificial pressure valves the world over via crime, chaos, and war to push the strong to survive, and rise up.


Forgot to mention that Bison would probably not kill Eliza and Mel himself in front of Ken, but he would make Vega do it because he knows Vega is truly sadistic. That way, he gets to keep his colleague happy and drive Ken into madness. Bison is very pragmatic, efficient, and loyal this way. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Bison donā€™t kill opponents mostly due plot shield, as capcom need them for next games

Of SF main villains heā€™s the one most inclined to kill his (main char) enemies

Killed Nash twice, was going to kill Chun in ASF begin
FANG survived him by his own worth impressing him (implying he could have killed him too if was weaker like the rest of the china gang)
Destroyed Seth

Except Bison does not kill his opponents (plot armor aside). He even left Seth for dead so Juri has her way.

Nash killed himself in ASF and Alpha 3, and in Alpha 2 when faced with the proposition of actually finishing him off, Bison rejects it.

Bison does not kill Rose. He mortally wounds her once (and saves her life indirectly), and puts her in a coma the next time.

Bison does not kill Chun-Li in ASF, and in Alpha 2 toys with her.

Bison does not kill Juri. He toys with her, gets what he wants, and leaves her like she is nothing. Twice.

Bison does not kill the citizens of New York/Metro City, but instead chooses to plunge the city in the darkness and watch as they fuck each other over (and reap the Psycho Benefits of that of course).

Bison kills FANGā€™s clan yes to make an example out of them, and spares FANG so that he would remember this example forever. FANG does, and as a result becomes Bisonā€™s most loyal subordinate.

In SF2AM, Bison does not kill Ryu or Ken, even though he couldā€™ve easily done so and instead chooses to toy with them, and when things got serious, he still withheld killing them and sought to fight them at their level to give them a fair chance.

Therefore, of the SF villains, Bison is the least inclined to kill his enemies.

I think Urien and Akuma are most likely to kill, because they do not see the value in suffering. Suffering for Bison is like water to a plant, it helps things grow hard and strong and that is why he seeds the world with suffering, to push it to grow hard and strong, shedding the weak in the process.


Iā€™d also like to put forth this for evidence; look at what Bison did to the BLECE project.

He for all intents and purposes took a ki bomb that SIN developed that vaporizes living cells - killing all biological life in a wide radius, and turned it into the PSAs we saw in ASF. The ki-powered (read: Psycho Power) PSAs worked exactly like BLECE but for electronics, an EMP WMD - 180 degree difference. Bison again here demonstrates the value of life in despair rather than life in death. If anyone died from the Black Moons, it was purely incidental, indirect and/or as a result of people doing it to each other.

Seth for all his intelligence could not see that the SNH he so sought resided in the hearts of all men, not just Ryu, and Bison wanted to bring it out - In everyone, everywhere on the planet - at the same time! Bison was several steps ahead, the mark of GREAT villain!


@Daemos I asked a question for you a while ago, but it seems you glossed over it. Care to answer, please?

There is a lot more to SF2/SFA3 connection than meets the eye.

1- Sagat being part of Shadaloo in SF2 when he abandoned Bison in SFA3.
2- Cammy knows her past from SFA3 making her seeking Bison for answers redundant.
3- Canonically, the events of SFA3 take place in many of the same countries as SF2, most relevant being Bisonā€™s final stage and Sagatā€™s. The Thailand base, hideouts, and Sagatā€™s Buddha statue were destroyed spectacularly in SFA3, and we saw the ruins in the Viper Aftermath trailer.
4- Fei Long made a movie about his experiences in SFA3, this is referenced in his SF4 prologue very explicitly. His SF2 ending has him leave behind film making. Therefore SF4 follows his SFA3 ending and ignores SF2 altogether.
5- Bison wants Ryuā€™s body because of the effects the Psycho Drive is having on his physical form, without the Psycho Drive or a similar plot device, Bison wouldnā€™t necessarily be seeking Ryuā€™s body as a host.
6- Akumaā€™s SF4 prologue follows Ryuā€™s SNH awakening which wouldā€™ve happened canonically weeks or months after the events of SFA3. If we are to believe the Anniversary account, then Ryu has been struggling with the SNH for years and all through the SF2 WW tournament and Akuma didnā€™t even notice, despite a clear telepathic-like link between the two.
7- Guile seeks Bison in SF2 for Charlieā€™s death, but in SF4 he thinks Charlie is only missing. This follows the Alpha3 story not SF2.

Thereā€™s more where that came from btw, but the idea that Bison held the WW tournament after destroying the Psycho Drive and his Thailand base at the exact location where they were years later just doesnā€™t compute with me. SFA3 and SF2 definitely still overlap in my mind because SF4ā€™s prologues refers to them as if they were this singular but nebulous series of events.

SFA3 does not replace SF2 btw, because some stories like Blankaā€™s and Kenā€™s require that both endings happen sequentially to complete their stories.

Going over these point by point.

  • More or less true. Charlie and Guile start off as a team, and they come across a young Chun-li before joining interpol as in SF5.

  • Chun-liā€™s encounter with Vega and her Alpha 2 encounter with Bison are both canon. Pay attention closely to the dialogue and you will see this to be true - They donā€™t contradict one another. Vegaā€™s encounter only ignites Chun-liā€™s fire for justice, which leads her ultimately to Bison in Alpha 2. I donā€™t think Chun-Li joins forces with Guile and Chun-li until SFA3/SF2.

  • Charlie correctly senses that Bison has infiltrated all levels of his government, and goes solo. We donā€™t know how long he went dark, but I think it was years of investigation. Meaning Charlie was missing for quite some time before he actually died at the hands of Bison. In that time, he couldā€™ve met Cammy and definitely rescued Abel. Charlie likely died days or weeks before the final showdown.

  • The things from Guileā€™s Alpha 3 story that we can salvage are that his superiors did in fact give him an order to find Charlie, but that this was Bison acting through them. Charlie was obviously causing trouble for Shadaloo and Bison was using Guile like a tool to find the rat. Guile was too naive in Alpha 3 to realize this but Chun-li most likely was not and it is reasonable to believe that she at least warned Guile of this. The important takeaway here though is that Charlie was still alive during the SF2/SFA3 time period which reinforces the idea that Charlie was MIA for years before Bison killed him like in SF5 (otherwise why would Guileā€™s superior want Charlie found?). It also explains why in SF4, which begins taking place months after SF2, Guileā€™s feelings for Charlie are still hot.

  • The climactic battle at the end of SF2 played out exactly like in A3 as portrayed in the Viper Aftermath trailer. With the Street Fighters converging (one by one rather than avengers-style like in ASF) on Bisonā€™s base. At first I believe it was Ken, Ryu, and Bison (Sagat watched but was helpless). Bison used Ken to bait Ryu to come, Ryu x Bison happened. Then the rest (Guile, Cammy, and Chun-li) join. After 1v5 fight, Bison enacts his contingency plan. The relationships between the SFers were very likely all forged during this time period and not years before before like the Anniversary account of things would have you believe.


@Daemos First off, Iā€™d like to thank you for that, that took a while for you to write, so all credit is due.

So the timeline is now effectively:
SF1>A2>A3>most SF2 endings (the events of A2,3 and SF2 under one big umbrella)>SF4>SFV

Also: If the 1V5 did happen in A3, where was Sakura? Wasnā€™t she what got Ryu back to his senses?

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Some A1 endings happen like Kenā€™s, and I believe Bisonā€™s encounter with Rose (that lead to his first true defeat and the creation of the Living Incubator project) is a mix of her A1 and A3 endings more or less.

Itā€™s a messy timeline and you really have to examine it on a character by character basis to see what ended up being canon due to the nature of how canon was made before. I think key facts are stuff like that the entire SF story from SF1 to 3S spans about 10 years, with SF2 being more or less in the middle of it all, and everything else fitting on either side of it.

Weā€™ve been stuck in these 10 years for so long, that I cannot wait for an SF game that dares to leave the orbit of SF2 (still want most SF2 characters there always though).

She probably was in close physical proximity of the final fight, but did not engage against Bison with the Street Fighters. I could see her tearfully yelling from the sidelines ā€œRYUUUU-SAAAAAAN! SNAAAAAP OUT OF IT!!!ā€


@Daemos Yeah, I saw it taking place over a decade. With Ryu+Ken being in their early 30ā€™s by the time of 3S.

Ditto, I feel that Ryu, Ken, Chun-Li, Guile, Cammy and Zangief are always the characters that should be in every game. I think Bison would miss a season or two to make room for Gill/Urien. I can only imagine that for most of the 00ā€™s, all the story fans must of been in a warzone over this.

I would like a book that covers all aspects of SFā€™s story and world so that Capcom cam finally tie loose ends but weā€™ll get that after 23 waifu art books have been released.:joy: