The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Isn’t FANG Chinese though?

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It says “unknown”, though, just like Falke’s profile doesn’t say she’s German)

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He is
Will be ok with Fei Long as third “China” char though

Tbh Falke rep Germany, just in shitty “unknown” modern-SF way

FANG China
Rashid UAE
Necalli Mexico (Atzec)
Kolin ukraine? Or some old soviet nation
Falke Germany
Ed ?
G ?

Actually they do. USF4 actually expands Vanilla SF4 storyline. This is pretty clear when you watch all the prologues and endings.
Probably the main confusion is in Ryu’s SSF4/USF4 prologue, when he mentions that S.I.N. is hosting another world fighting tournament… but it’s just one big storyline.


I read somewhere that the “his” body that Bison was referring to may have been Seth rather than Ryu. I think he is referring to Ryu though.

Clearly Bison moved on more or less from Ryu as his next host body. I think Bison wanted Ryu’s body in the state of urgency he was in during SF2/A3, until he awakened the SNH in Ryu during the final showdown. Bison was likely astonished by Ryu, this newly awoken power, and his ensuing struggle with the SNH, and he wanted to see where it was all leading to. This explains why at no point did Bison help Seth capture Ryu, and in fact stopped Seth from doing so arguably (and it was all part of a plan).

Flash forward 2-3 years later, Bison’s is at the strongest he’s ever been. So the body he had from SF4 at some point was completed and lived up to what the scientists then said about it being able to handle the utmost extent of Psycho Power. His interest in Ryu at this point of the story is part self-fulfilling prophecy (Ancient prophecy and the doomsday prophecy he and Rose knew about), part curiosity about MNK/SNH, and of course a large part being the will to power and conflict (his version of fun).

Hypothetically, If Bison beat MNK Ryu in SF5, I think he would’ve discarded him and he would’ve disappointed by his weakness. If Bison beat SNH Ryu in SF5, I think he may have taken his body or at the very least subjugated him utterly under his control - rendering Ryu a tool only. That doesn’t necessarily mean that this was his motivation all along however. I really think he was in it this time for the fight of his life - This one at least.

Going back to the meager dialogue of the final scene; Bison demands Ryu to show him the power he used to defeat Necalli, and when Ryu beats Bison at the end (before the cinematic) start, he mockingly says something along the lines of “is this the power you wanted?” (shady bitch)

The way Bison then reacted, looking at hand/body crack due to Ryu’s power seemed very satisfying to him. Like he was happy with the outcome of the fight, whether that’s because he died on his feet to a truly stronger opponent (a warrior’s death is the best death like @Ultima said) or because of some deeper sinister master plan is anyone’s guess at the moment.

I’d like to think it’s a lot of both.

This helps put things in chronological order:

To answer your question, they happen at the same time but one after the other. But it’s something like this:

Viper + Chun-Li + Sakura Aftermath trailers (3-6 months after SF2)
TTTB (9-12 Months after SF2)
Juri OVA (12-15 months after SF2)
SF4/USF4 Prologues take place between these two sequentially
SIN Tournament (15-18 months after SF2)
SF4/USF4 Epilogues take place here sequentially, most of them immediately after the end of the tournament or within 2-4 weeks of its conclusion.


And just to clarify some things:


What this essentially does is move back SFA3 in the timeline by 4 years, from the hypothesized overlap with SF2, but gives Bison his SFA3 motivation and technology in SF2 as per Viper’s aftermath trailer. “Loosely”.

To clean up this mess, we would have to believe that what we saw in the Viper Aftermath trailer was not the Psycho Drive even though the weapon and the setting looked HIGHLY reminiscent of it. We’d also need to move some endings from SFA3 forward to SF2 timeline to match the “body snatching” motivation Bison was high on during that period.

We’d also have to suppose that Shadaloo was destroyed 3 times in the series and Bison had 3 bodies in the series, instead of 2. Unnecessary.

Also Sagat estranges himself from Shadaloo after SF2 or during the prologue of SF4 rather than at the end of SF4. One more thing they probably got wrong.

At the risk of sounding arrogant, I think whoever did this at Capcom should’ve consulted us. :stuck_out_tongue:

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At this point I think that Capcom itself only has a rough idea of what the timeline should be.


Underground Arena - Mafia boss (he cough a lot):


Temple of Ascension - (statues)


@bakfromon, most of the stages released by DLC don’t have so much “unseen” stuff like the ones from when the game was released. Some are pretty simple (like Temple of Ascension, Temple Hideout). Ring of (Psycho) Power is one of them. They did render the stadium as a whole just like Ring of Destiny and Ring of Pride. However… there are a few interesting stuff going on, like Fevrier and Marz in the middle of the crowd of Low Rank Soldiers. There are a few Middle Rank soldiers, however, I couldn’t see any High Rank “skull face” soldier. Tons of pictures, hope you enjoy.

Ring of Power


King’s Court (actually, after seeing the details for this stage, I thought that it came out pretty ugly, also, our king’s intimacy was exposed!).



The Psycho “Eye of Sauron” gateway thingy in the Ring of Power gives me life. What is it? How did it get there? And what’s on the other side? #SF6

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Actually, they moved back SF2 by 2 years (it used to be during 1993, six years after Ryu scarred Sagat according with All About Capcom)… Vega/Bison being able to change bodies was mentioned in the arcade version of SF4, BEFORE the creation/release of the Viper trailer. It places the living incubator project during the Zero 3 time, back in 2008 we didn’t know WHEN it started. It also confirms that Vega had another body during SF2. Something never mentioned before…

Capcom is already changing some of the past SF endings, take Sagat’s as an example, they merged his SFZ2 ending with the SSF2 one. And none of them (at least, until now) mentions Vega committing suicide…

Actually, I stand corrected, the 4 SF4 trailers WERE released in an SSF4 collector’s package. I wonder if it’s in HD (probably 720p)?

Well, it was. And Vega lost twice to the same guy (who knows who defeated/destroyed his body at the end of SFZ3. Rose is a strong candidate before being possessed by him)…

I wouldn’t say they got it wrong. I believe that Sagat just left Shadaloo. We could say that this happened during the events of SF4 (but not during the SF4 tourrnament). I believe that Capcom wanted to say that Sagat leaving and FANG taking his place happened in a short amount of time. The Shadaloo agent went after Sagat mentioning that Vega was reuniting them, Sagat refused, then, probably Vega still went after him (just like depicted by Sagat’s backstory in All About SFZ3).

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The Psycho Drive was destroyed and then Shadaloo is officially declared destroyed. Bison was not explicitly stated to be destroyed in this and if you take SF30th into account it alludes that Nash and Guile being the ones to destroy the Psycho Drive by summing up Guile’s SFA3 ending in Nash’s profile.

If Nash and Guile did succeed in taking out the Psycho Drive, then we know that Nash survives the ordeal to go on and save Abel, and then being taken out by Bison and the helicopter that was supposed to help Nash.

If Nash survived the Psycho Drive explosion somehow then Bison would’ve survived definitely.


Well, Vega’s body was destroyed by the end of the Zero era. That’s a fact.

Vega defeated Ryu. Charged his body with Psycho Power which awakened the SNH. Ryu overcomes the SNH and defeats Vega (dunno if his body was destroyed in the process). Around the same time, the Psycho Drive was destroyed (dunno if Vega was destroyed in the process). Vega’s soul jumps to Rose’s body. Shadaloo builds a weaker body for him (but this body is much stronger than Rose’s) with the living incubator program. Vega uses this weaker body to host the World Warrior tournament. Ryu defeats him, winning the tournament, his SF2 ending plays out.

Capcom’s version (until now): after that, Gouki destroys Vega’s body. His soul goes to the SF4 body.

Daemos’s version: Shadaloo rebuilds the Psycho Drive base and the Psycho Drive itself. But those are just mockery so Vega could commit suicide without leaving a body as proof, even though he can possess other bodies.

My main question is how the SF2 finals played out. Did Ryu awakened the SNH? Vega tried to do the same thing he did with Ryu during Zero time but with Ken?

And no… I don’t take the 30th anniversary collection stories into account.


I still have doubts now that Akuma and Vega encounter did exist to happen from Sf2 timeline in the current canon with how Akuma doesn’t mind Bison at all unless he sees Bison inferior and irrelevant in existence to affect Ryu, the same with how Bison sees Akuma too, as if its like they didn’t even know each other at all.

Here’s something interesting, according to ryoredcyclone SF2 has been set in 1991 all along.

I would like to open the postscript of the novel “Cammy History”. Miss Yuka Minakawa, the author, asked Capcom for the era of SF II’s series when writing, and received a response saying "year of setting is 1991 ". In other words, the World Warriors Tournament is 1991 the same year as the production of “SFII”.


Thanks for all the replies everyone. It’s stuff like this that makes me really dislike SF4’s story due to it being all over the place lol


Thanks dude, lol the russian mafia guy remind me a bit a western Gen

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So at what point did Nash’s SF5 Prologue happened? If Nash disappeared after destroying the Psycho Drive, then we have to assume that Bison also survived the explosion because Nash and Bison encounter one another on top of that cliff. In fact, their encounter there seemed to be the first time they encounter one another so it doesn’t make sense that Guile and Nash teamed up like Guile’s SFA3 ending.

I’m sorry but the Anniversary collection version of events contradicts a lot of what we know. I’m more inclined to dismiss anything in them that contradicts SF4 and SF5.