The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Thats literally what Gouken encourages Ryu to do in his storymode. He encourages Ryu to fight and understand others through that fight. Its what puts Ryu on the path of Mu no Ken and Akuma confirms this in his own story mode.

I’m not sure if you’re correlating clashing fists with violence? Of course Gouken isn’t a person of a violent nature, but he is a fighter, so in order to fight you would have to actually strike someone with a fist or a foot or something.

Exactly, Ryu said it himself, his power is not a means to defeating it is only used as a means to push forward. Because it is not a power that has a mean of defeating it would suggest that the power in and of itself can be defeated.

It’s the way Necalli and Bison tried to use Ryu’s own power against him which led to their own demise. Akuma doesn’t do such things like try to take Ryu’s body or soul over and had only tried to persuade Ryu over to his side by fighting hard enough to push him to go to such lengths.

Akuma in SF5 is no longer concerned about Ryu’s SnH in his story, he wants to see this new power. He confirms that this new power Ryu has is leagues beneath his own in terms of the power to defeat, but this power keeps Ryu wanting to fight even more now. To keep pondering and trying to understand him through fighting even though he’s completely beaten. The power to push forward through a loss (or even a win) and look forward to a future and another opportunity to learn.

Best strategy for Bison is to find his best scientist and Cyborgs and gather up some Ryu cells which should be easy to gather since he basically a wandering vagabond who travels all over the world and clone Ryu’s body and not his own. Then he can have the ultimate body he always wanted which would hold the fullest potential of his Psycho Power. Then he can fight Ryu on equal terms without having to resort to cheap tricks like body snatch and to beat him using raw Psycho Power force.

What if they went in the direction of Yusuke Murata?


HOW DID I FORGET MURATA?! Oh man, all my yes! Forget everything else, that’s what I want.

Btw, I started reading my copy of the SF novel he did the art for and it’s amazing. Great take on the SF world. I’d love a series of them, any word on if these were a success saleswise?


Unpopular opinion: While I think Murata is absolutely HIGH TIER when it comes to drawing female characters, I can’t say the same for the way he draws men. Same with Hideki Ishikawa.

I could do with smaller hands and feet. There is some weight to the reason to make them big to be easily to read, but they are overdoing it imo. The proportions needed to make a character’s moves easy and quick to read at 384x224px are not the same you need to read them at 1080p and above. The whole reason also goes out the window when they allow troll outfits that make it hard to tell what’s going on with the character.

As for shading, coloring, etc. I would like them to keep going for a living, full color atwork look. If they can make it close to a moving illustration by some of their great, classic artists that would be awesome. I would find full-dumb-type cell shading as disappointing as a realistic look.


This cel-shading thing is overdone as hell.

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Thing is, SF5 Bison wasn’t interested so much in taking Ryu’s body as his SF5 could functionally handle all the Psycho Power he desired.

Bison in SF5 was interested in the fight with Ryu himself, and to see for himself a power that could rival his own - be it SNH Ryu or MNK Ryu, Bison wanted a fight for the ages. Bison went out of his way to ensure Ryu actually develops as a fighter in SF4 and SF5 and that he would find his way back to Bison after their last encounter. He’s basically who you describe Akuma to be post-ASF.

There are several ideas to why Bison acted this way, especially if he has foreseen this fight, and possibly he foresaw his defeat at the hands of Ryu too (explains his chill demeanor before and after the fight). I’d like to think that Bison knew that in order to win he probably had to lose, just so he can understand his opponent, and as an immortal villain he can afford being delayed and lose a few battles.

Best strategy would be:

1- Get a new SF5-calibre host body or better to get the ball rolling.
2- Disappear for years and develop a new technique (PSYCHO AURA?!) that transcends and disrupts Mu similar to Kaioh’s Anryu Tenha or Matoki from HNK or that time when he transported Ryu/Ken to another dimension where his power is supreme in SF2V.
3- Cause global terror, chaos, and turmoil via proxy organizations including the Illuminati instead of his own
4- Psycho Profit?

I’m good with improving the current art style. Most characters have never looked this good in their lives. Maybe tone down the “clay” effect just a tiny bit and up the cel-shading a tad bit. I’d welcome more CvS/CFE proportions, but never photorealism.

I know this sounds cliche, but SF2 Animated Movie remains the gold standard in my mind. The closer we get to that, the better and I’m talking more than just art style and proportions. But also tone. SF2AM had a good balance of humorous and serious tones. It was dark and violent when it needed to be, but wasn’t afraid to do campy SF humor here and there. I think SF5 is a solid attempt at realizing the SF2AM art and feel in a game, but needs more work.



Same. I don’t want it so dark that it has no personality or so light that it makes me cringe. Besides, apart from SF4, Capcom are already doing a good job of keeping things balanced tone-wise. Especially in a age where old, renowned IPs are trying to be “light-hearted” or the other end.


Bison has been intent in getting Ryu ever since the beginning of SF4 when he was resurrected from the tank into the body he uses throughout SF4 into SF5. The body was supposed to be able to handle the full extent of Bison’s power, and if he would’ve been patient enough his scientists at the time would’ve made it that way. Of course, Bison just had to get out of that fish tank and he didn’t care how finished his body was because he knew he would eventually make “his” body a permanent home, alluding to Ryu.

This plot point isn’t really followed up in SF4 or any of its iterations. But jump to the end of ASF and Bison has his prime chance to get what he wants and has been seeking since he has been brought back.


For the one who mentioned it: G’s 200 cm and 150 kg specifications are correct. For a man of his height and build, 150 kg (330 lbs) is a proper weight. None of this nonsense of Blanka/Sagat being 98 kg (215.5 lbs)… that’s ludicrous. Muscles are heavy. I’m 190 cm, weigh 100 kg and I’m actually skinny… nowhere near the size of Blanka, far less Sagat. SFV started the trend of characters having proper weights compared to before, but Blanka/Sagat still buck the trend with weights that are far too light for the characters. Sigh.

re: future style

I want Akiman’s New Generation artwork in 3D form. That is all. Get me a game with a Ryu that looks like this: and I’ll be good.

re: SFV Bison motivation

SFV Bison went back to his roots in terms of motivation.

While Bison has always been interested in controlling the world, his real motivation is to be the best fighter. Everything he’s done has been a means to achieve this end - being the best. When he thought his power was too great for his current body to progress further, he sought a new one, and had contingency plans for replacements. He sought to amplify his power through any means necessary as well. All of this wasn’t just so that he could live and rule forever, per se, though I’m sure that was also a benefit. Rather, it was so that he could continually improve and be the best forever.

Which is why he laughs when Ryu defeats him in ASF. He fought at his best, and was beaten by a stronger opponent. Unless he has another trick up his sleeve, he dies knowing he did his best. No shame in losing to a superior opponent when you’ve given your all. It doesn’t “jibe” with his cartoon evil villainy persona, but it fits perfectly with his OG “be the best fighter” motivation which got buried under the cartoon villainy plots.


Don’t watch real life weight, SF universe have it’s own concept of kgs LOL

Watch him compared to others… he’s supposed to be heavier than Rog (boxer) or much more than Alex, wich does’nt fit theyr models

So or he have a “special weight” (due gold skin or sonething) or his model does’nt reflect it
Consider that in sketches he looked way more massive and SFV 3d modellers are not new to bullshit

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Is there any actual official mention of Abel being the ‘protagonist’ of SF4 or was all of that people assuming he was even though Ryu is the one who beats Seth (ugh)?

I don’nt think he was

He should have been, but this is another story

Hmmm, OK. I wonder where all the stuff about him sharing the role of protag with Ryu started then. I assumed Capcom themselves had mentioned it only to bury it quickly in favour of just sticking with Ryu.

Also another SF4 question (this’ll be the last one lol); does SF4 and SSF4/USF4 take place at the same time or after each other?

I’m not the expert here but I’m completely sure USFIV/SSFIV happens right after SFIV.


I thought so but the SF wiki was making me think it took place at the same time lol. Thanks!

Some people might’ve said that because Abel reminded them of Alex. They both are guys who have scars, links to bosses (to Seth/Gill respectively) and mentors (Nash/Tom). While Nash was killed by Bison, Tom suffered a defeat at the hands of Gill, although Tom survived.


@Ultima Sorry to burst your bubble but that Ryu art was for 2nd impact and done by Kinu Nishimura.

Akiman only did the vs portraits in NG/2I.

Yes I see what you mean. It’s a shame they didn’t make him more of the protagonist considering his links to Seth and such but that’s a different topic altogether. Thanks.