The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

How is the satsui no hado a thing now ?

Gouken seals it from Ryu in SF4 and Ryu does not succumb anymore to it in SFV.

Regardless if Evil Ryu makes it in S4 that means Gouken will be part of the story and that means he has a bigger chance to be part of the roster,i’m ok with that I guess.

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Gouken’s seal was temporary meant to incapacitate Ryu right then and there so he can fight Akuma. It wasn’t a permanent solution which has to come from within.


Ryu almost gone SnH vs first Necalli fight, AE trailer also show him go SnH after being trapped by Ed/Falke (not canon for now)

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Can you zoom on

  • Necro/Effie in russia Halloween version
  • Rival Schools girls in Karin’s beach

Thanks in advance dude


I really like how we used to conclude that Evil Ryu isn’t as better as Ryu in 3S. Too bad things have changed.

I want SNH to stay not disappear but turned to be obsolette and irrelevant to Ryu, Bison and even Akuma because Ryu does not just surpassed it by bested it, Same thing that Akuma would see it not how he understood it before, while Fang discover a better technology that bison never need the likes of Ryu and Ed.

Stay that lesser warriors like Adon, Seth and etc wants it and still find it powerful, while the likes of the greater warriors including those that was obsesses with it before finds it not as better that they used to know or find something not worth it in SNH.


Power of Nothingness beats the Satsui.

The Raging demon is Akuma’s most powerful attack yet Gouken seems to block it with no issues at all.

I wonder if Gouken can teach this to Ryu,but then again I don’t think the story will go into that direction.This seems to be Gouken’s trump card.

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I honestly don’t think Ryu has the mindset for Mu.

Ryu is a wanderer and a seeker. He’s searching. He wants to clash fists.

Gouken, I believe, doesn’t ever want to engage in violence of any kind. He’s beyond that entirely.


Well Akuma beat SFV Ryu after ASF which means that Ryu’s newfound power isn’t undefeatable. Akuma also spent most of the time since his fight with Gouken all the way to 3S trying to find a solution to Mu. His appearance is changing to reflect this.

Sure SF4 Gouken > SF4 Akuma, but Post-3S Akuma could very well unlock new and unforeseen layers and dimensions to the SNH.

Ryu barely even touched the surface of the SNH for a few minutes here and there and look at how quickly more powerful he could become.

The darkside is a great career choice if you’re fully committed.

Watch Bison come back with a new strategy to defeat Mu.


I prefer ordinary Ryu just simply have become better overtime in everything that Evil Ryu can do without spiritual technique and new combat discipline, even without the MU mindset. This avoids SF becoming DBZ thing in power level of exploration.

Ryu can bested Evil Ryu from having more superior Ki management, projection and control.

Standard Ryu having the resourcefulness/ingenuity, intellect/strategy, endurance, mental awareness/presence of mind, movement control/agility and reflexes better multiple times than what evil Ryu lacks and can’t do during combat because of depending on irregular senses like paranoia and anger as decision making.

Have more strong foundations of fundamental techniques of ansatsuken like having better precision, accuracy and force that enhance the likes of SRK, Hadouken and tatsu.

As of now because of showing it with Sagat… SNH needs to be turned in a wrath or rage cause of hallucination, paranoia and fear that removes hesitation, doubts and mercy which used a different ki that is negative/tainted by hate, anger and vengeance then adds teleport, SNH should be all about using all the retrained energy so it would be draining afterwards as a drawback, Not a power up or doesn’t enhance the strength and ki power.

TBH. I want SNH before to be somewhat like kaoiken that Ryu can control which I said before in the past post but as of now that it appears with Sagat, I think it’s not a good direction in story progression later.

The problem with Capcom was their are multiple interpretation of SNH as of now… They haven’t made up their mind.

In Sagat current storyline it is no doubt a negative energy that cause Sagat hallucinations, fears and false thoughts compare the other current narrative on Ryu that making SNH now as positive energy that Ryu just needs to control and manage. As of now I prefer SNH to stay in the negative, because of it’s more current present narrative with Sagat, not something that Ryu needs just manage. It’s more compromising to SF3 Ryu that we have be familiar.

I like SNK take in Ash story which he outsmart the rest and successful took the treasure against the Riot blood Iori. Never like being berserker mode as power up would trump everyone and means overcome everything. SNH advantage would work for some like those that desire a straight confrontation, one on one or battle to the death but wont work to those that isn’t into that kind of way encounter like it can be successfully outsmart by those that prefer to be patient and critical by using the diversion, surrounding and situation as an advantage.

Edgelord raging Ryu needs to be just something like that and be far from the better and superior mature Ryu which is wiser, tactical and precise Ryu. Without even MU as an enhancement. This is also why I dislike the gameplay of Evil Ryu in USF2 because it has more control on normals attacks.

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IIRC SF3 era Ryu was far stronger than SNH Ryu. Is that not the case?


This should remain the better direction and conclusion, because of making it appear with Sagat makes this more relevant than before.

Than what SNH is other narrative that Ryu needs to harness and control to be powerful. What Ryu need is besting SNH.

I hope that they would just turn the interest of Bison to Ryu is because of the capability of such a youthful body handling one of the most dangerous negative Ki in existence in Sf universe. So he assumed it can handle Psycho Power for the meantime as well. Making Bison not into SNH but no other than the capacity of the youthful warrior body on handling such power. This makes sense of having the neo shadaloo and Bison later disinterest towards evil Ryu or why he skips Akuma.

But later Bison technology progress and finds more relevant to his needs and compatible exact match to for Psycho Power, because they directly altered and modified through humans genes. So he ditch the Ryu from his target because it already aged compared from the time he saw it as a candidate during Sagat’s defeat.

I just hope Shadaloo would progress into having a successful body duplication from original Bison without the needs of other human subjects. Making Bison as the hidden final boss in future games.

What art direction would you guys want for the next SF?
Im also tired of the big hands and feet tbh lol


What we have now is a small improvement over the hideousness of SF4.

We need a major rework on the art style in general. I would love to see aesthetics & proportions more like the sprite work of SNK vs Capcom


I’m pretty open, I just want something fresh, but as long as it doesn’t try and look too realistic. I’m open to things going a bit back towards anime. The 2d MvCI art looked great, going SFA2 and SFA3 but 3d would be nice.


As long as they keep a stylized, cartoon/anime like look I’m fine.
I don’t mind big hands and feet and I’ll take those any day over a realistic style.


You can have a cartoony/anime artstyle and not have Karin’s palm be larger than her face. Its just too wacky.


Sure, I’m pretty much open to any art direction that keep things stylized and doesn’t go for photorealism.


the big hands and feet were a good idea in the 2D era but they seem a bit exaggerated in a 3D ggame

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I’m not sure, it’d have to resemble the actual art (ie the models don’t match Bengus’ art) I didn’t like Alpha 2’s artstyle and I preferred the in-game art (victory poses, ending art) of Alpha 3 compared to its actual art. SVC: Chaos is very ugly looking, I’m sorry.

My favorite from Bengus though would have to be him between 1997-1999. MVSF, Vampire Saviour have some of my favorite Capcom art and I think it’d work great, I prefer much to his “skinny” art he’s done since MVC2:





Yes, they look too goofy. Hope they get rid of those, and program something better.

I think I would prefer something resembling the Alpha series aesthetics, no more clay look.