The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

G’s tattoos (I actually don’t think they’re tattoos, but I’ve no idea what those are) actually move during battle too.


Whatever they are, they scream Illuminati 66 Secret Arts.

He could be from the previous generation and a more benevolent cult member unlike its current leadershit.


Lots of questions that make me really want to see a story mode vol. 2 right now.

We can’t possibly wait until SFVI when we don’t know if many of the new SFV characters are even going to be in the game.


Agreed, that will be a huge letdown on Capcom’s part if they answer all these questions only in SFVI, which is coming in like 2022.


I’m not even worried about getting answers in 2022, I’m worried about getting answers at all.

If they end up completing Neo-Shadaloo and G’s stories in SFVI does that mean that SFVI is going to have all these SFV newcomers in it, pretty much on release too? Sounds unlikely to me, and I’m worried that if we don’t get answers in SFV a lot of the story elements that are being foreshadowed right now are just going to be sidelined in the future.

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Yes, that’s a problem as well, considering Neo-Shadaloo characters (aka key characters of the current storyline) are considered mediocre due to the fact people hate their design, which is sad to admit as it might affect a huge potential they have in terms of story.

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Yeah, i will like see Ed, G, Mayor Cody, Zeku etc get same development char like Rashid, Fang or Necalli got in ASF


Tbh people hating design should e relevant to some extent considering most people barely understand what is design and how is supposed to work

Peoples think what they like is “good design” so fuck them tbh lol

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I hope the design hate is irrelevant too, but that would only save Ed, not Falke, who has got a lot of negativity due to “being boring”, having a dull moveset and of course, underwhelming Critical Art. Oh, and “NRS & KoFXIV animations” as well.

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CA2 are somthing i really hope for, so in that she will be saved lol

Her moveset will feel kinda normal for SF if they did’nt gone for the bullshit “new” imputs, and let her be command with more command normals

Some probably dislike her for too static animations, but tbh problem is she’s not supposed to have kung fu moves but european stick style (la canne) mixed with gymnast movements… she does it right imho

I’m not a fan of her at all, but i don’t think she’s bad done outside imputs


I believe that it’s very likely that Capcom are starting these new threads now so that they can pick them up again in a post-3S chapter. If this isn’t the case, Capcom will be forced to start a post-3S chapter with either only new stuff or the few loose ends at the end of 3S.

This way Capcom can salvage and grow the future story and retain a lot of the characters it spent the last 10 years investing in (much of the SF2 and Alpha cast).

I agree there is a good possibility that we will never get a good conclusion to these threads (G and Neo Shadaloo), let alone any conclusion but with the way things have been since SF’s revival I think we’re in good hands more or less.

Effectively, this means that ASF was the bridge between SF5 and SF3 - Completing the story more or less, for better or worse.

And a second General Story if it came to be would need bridge the universe with something beyond SF3 - For SF6. However, I think the character stories we will get in the next 2 seasons will do this albeit cheaply.

I will say thatwe have a lot of material for general story 2 to work with if they ever decide to it, but it won’t come without another physical re-release of the game to justify its costs - So maybe 2020 (with S3-5 added).

I dont think they’d wait until 2020, the end of SFV’s life cycle, to release a new story mode. Would be a waste of resources. Especially since users dont have to rebuy the game like they did with SF4, I doubt many new users would be drawn to the game to help its sales and validate a second story that late in the game.

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The game will most definitely be physically repackaged one more time before the end of its cycle.

The second general story would be available to existing owners as a paid for DLC. So Capcom will make its money back.

They’ve got to do something with Neo-Shadaloo during the SFV cycle, because being realistic Falke is probably not going to be in another game for a long time, if ever.

They also need to do it relatively soon, too. There are two possible marketing reasons to release a second story: one, drawing some interest to the game; and two, (gasp!) selling it as dlc for money. The latter would work really bad unless it’s helluva fun to play with specific conditions and whatever since you could watch it on youtube otherwise. The former would work, but they have to do it while the game is alive.

I mean, they could do nothing instead, but then Ed and Falke would have been an incredible waste when they could have made some wanted characters for their slots.


Paid DLC for a story mode isn’t going to work at this stage of the lifecycle as casuals would have moved on by now.


What could they do with these do that would make them anymore meaningful? Their stories are left open-ended but on a positive note. That’s the most most SFers can ask for.

Ultimately, if the new characters do not prove to be popular to join the fray of mainstream SFers, Capcom will retire them (see most SF4 characters).

Of all the NEW characters that Capcom added, I think only Rashid, become popular enough. Necalli fell apart as soon as Akuma joined, so unless they perfect his design (he’s popular gameplay wise) I don’t see him making it. FANG is unique enough to make it but not popular enough gameplay-wise, which is why I feel Capcom are introducing a female apprentice unfortunately.

The jury is out on whether G will become popular enough, but I think he’s had an exceptional reception.

I think G, Menat, Rashid, Laura and Ed have a chance of returning.

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I only see Necalli coming back if he can sustain a competitive following. Narratively the character amounted to nothing.

Menat is a all around fan favorite. I would expect she out of all the new characters has the biggest chance of returning.

Rashid is the type of character that would make for a good series protagonist and has a decent competitive following. His chances are good.

Fanservice alone will likely bring Laura back. She’s a grappler so she has a chance just so that particular niche can be filled.

FANG while an entertaining villain he might as well not be in the game seeing how little the guy gets played. His chances are low.

If Capcom wants to advance the Neo Shadaloo plot then Ed, Falke or both have a decent shot of returning.

Zeku, Abigail, and Necalli are looking like one time use characters.

Necalli wont be coming back. His storyline alone killed his chances

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With Akuma well on his way to becoming Oni, Necalli is redundant. He could occupy the niche that Evil Ryu occupied (a dark mirror of the Protagonist) but I think the characters needs a rework lore-wise if he wants to get more serious than the another pawn in Bison’s grand scheme that he is.

So unless they intend on repositioning Akuma in the lore, Necalli isn’t needed.

What they can do for Necalli is:

Give him an origin story that’s solidifies him as the dark mirror to Ryu (the way Juri is Chun-Li’s dark mirror), and then make his “true form” even darker.

If Akuma actually stops himself from becoming Oni and redeems himself to Ryu, then Necalli’s true form will come in quite handy.

I think Laura, Zeku, Falke, and Abigail will more or less end up being one time characters. I think Bison increases the chances of FANG coming back by A LOT, so I have hopes for him as he is arguably one of the best and most developed new character in the series.