The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Lol. I’ve never been so confused about SFV’s story. We’ve still learned nothing about G, they didn’t even imply what direction of the development he’ll take, and they didn’t hint at his connection to the Illuminati. And Sagat has the Satsui no Hado… there’s also a huge puzzle piece missing - an epic battle between Sagat and Ryu (with cutscenes, of course). Now there HAS to be a 2nd story mode. Maybe we’re getting it this autumn and this is the reason they released everything in August? I hope…


For guest characters I wouldn’t mind seeing:
-Final Fight characters who appeared in the later sequels (Lucia and Maki seems more likely)
-The Rivals Schools characters (we’ve discussed this)
-Certain Slammasters characters.(Black Widow eg)

Anything else I won’t accept. Why have that when you could just have a SF character.

I also believe that we’ll get a 2nd story mode. I don’t think Capcom would leave us hanging, especially after G’s and Sagat’s story.


I want to see Rival School characters the most. Kyosuke in a street fighter game would be excellent.


I feel that Kyosuke is also a high contender due to his appearance in CVS2 but I’d like them to be more “weird” when deciding. Characters like Kyoko and Shoma I’d absolutely like to see considering that they’re very interesting characters. I think a SF6 would the ideal time rather than SFV.

Also they better make Sakura teach as a PE teacher at Taiyo High, that would be great.

I want Shoma or possess Hyo using ki based katana

Final Fight and Slammasters characters aren’t guest characters. They already take place in the same universe as Street Fighter. That may be the case with Rival Schools as well. It wasn’t previously but we RS characters hanging out at Karin’s beach resort in SFV.


I’m ok with most of the “leaks” from S4 , mostly interested in Oro.

But i really need Gouken back tbh.Would be a waste to only use him in one game ( SF 4 ) .

The old man is awesome and deserves a spot on the roster.


That and Takayuki Nakayama once said SF and RS shared the same universe.


IMO Q conveys zero emotion in 3rd. Don’t know where you get the angry from. He doesn’t really stomp either. He steps on the head and twists his foot like he is putting out a cigarette.

I’d disagree on him having zero emotion.

I got the vibe he was angry because he takes a look at them, holds for a second and is grunting as he’s doing it. It at least came off that he was putting effort into grinding their face and for how long he’s doing it seems to be passionate. He didn’t just quickly stomp and leave, he really grinds his opponent’s face into the ground till the next screen pops up.

-The body language, the way he looks up at the sky, and lowers his head in addition to him describing himself as an abomination gave me the impression that he’s in a ton of emotional turmoil. He doesn’t just shrug and leave.


^ I’d also like to add that I always interpreted the last GIF as Q looking to the sky then to his opponent as he calls himself a abomination, feeling ashamed that he’s had to hurt someone.


As much as I like Kyoko, Hideo and many other RS characters I’d rather they used some of the ones without school or sports themed designs, or at the very least have them evolve beyond that, cause I wouldn’t want to see a teacher, a high school student or a baseball player in Street Fighter.

Akira Kazama is my top pick by far. She’s got a design that’s both awesome AND would fit in Street Fighter.


I forgot to mention her, I could see her working like Zeku did, alternating between normal and powered.

The analysis on Q is pretty cool to read. I never really thought much of him prior to G, but now he’s a character that I wanna explore more.

Btw, here’s the write ups for G and Sagat’s story:



The story begins with G giving a speech to the citizens of Earth live from his FooTube channel. In his eyes, the Earth is precious and requires all of the citizens to fight for the true purpose of becoming one. As the self-proclaimed President of the world, G intends to fight for the precious Earth—believing his power to be the power of everyone on Earth. Upon watching the speech, Rashid is immediately piqued by G’s similarity to that of a Street Fighter.

Azam believes Rashid shouldn’t go searching for videos with fewer views than his own, and is against the idea of leaving trollish comments on them. That’s not something Rashid would ever do to anyone. He’s intrigued by the fact that G’s seeking challengers. Based on his own popularity, if he were to challenge G, it would be a pretty nice boost to his views. The idea seems rather immature to Azam, but Rashid assures him that he’ll make the fight look good and still win in the end. His primary goal is welcoming a fellow Street Fighter with open arms.

G is grateful to be greeted by Rashid and the two engage in battle. Once the battle concludes, G gives Rashid an invitation to join him. Back at home, Rashid is satisfied that he was able to bring more activity to G’s channel—believing he was the only one capable of such a feat. Azam remains unimpressed by the whole ordeal. Despite the battle being entertaining, Rashid believes he held-back a bit more than necessary.

Over time, the battle with Rashid began to gradually increase in popularity, drawing the attention of many Street Fighters. G’s presence also gained the attention of Menat, who tells Rose about the sudden appearance of the strange man. Menat doesn’t believe he’s as bad as Bison, but considers the possibility of him possessing some type of power. The silhouette of Rose then presents a card titled “The fool” to describe G. Menat had a feeling he might be dumb, so Rose’s tarot card practically lined up with her thoughts. Despite the revelation, Rose wants Menat to find G and confirm this.

G happily greets Menat, who informs G that she was sent there to test his skill. The next time Menat is shown, she’s back at Rose’s mansion staring at her defeated self via the crystal ball. The only thing she can recall is a swift defeat as she attempted to gauge G’s power and intelligence. Menat then goes on to beg Rose to avenge her.

In his next speech, G continues to talk about the Earth’s power and how the citizens of Earth will join together to create an unshakable power for all lifeforms on Earth.



The story begins with Sagat staring at a pile of the countless warriors he’s defeated. As he continued to defeat every warrior he encountered, he continued to grow stronger. Even with his fierce strength, Sagat still sought to discover who he truly was. As he sat with Willa Maiu at home, his relaxation is interrupted by his “inner demon”. It was sinister enough to draw a growl from Willa Maiu. Sagat recognized this as his opponent and engaged in a spiritual battle with him.

Immediately after the battle ends, Sagat realized that his mind must be troubled for him to be dealing with an enemy from within. Regardless, Sagat assures Willa Maiu that no one, including a shadow of himself, can defeat him.

Out of nowhere, Sagat is quickly overwhelmed by an unknown force. As he clutches his chest in pain, he begins to wonder if the source of this pressure is the Satsui no Hado. In that moment, a young girl named Namupun shows up to Sagat’s home with his meal. The murderous thoughts began to flood his mind as the image of Namupun changed from a girl to a grotesque monster. The combination of the monster and Sagat’s inner voice continuously urged him to “kill them”. Sagat, disgusted with the entire ordeal, vowed not to accept a power like this, and proceeded to reject the Satsui no Hado until things seemingly returned to normal. Namupun asks if Sagat is alright, with sagat calmly replying that he’s okay before thanking her for the meal. She then proceeds to leave.

The encounter with the Satsui no Hado allowed Sagat to finally understand its power, how it pertained to Ryu’s path, and what it meant for his own path. This prompted Sagat to visualize a battle between him and his rival for the future. Sagat now set out to seek a greater purpose to prove his worth as the King.


I think you did the Bison to Sagat quote but forgot Sagat to Bison one.

Hah, that’s how it starts. Q wasn’t my fav Street Fighter or even 3rd striker, but as I dug deeper and deeper…that soon changed!


Yeah, I’m adding them altogether now. I think the reason I didn’t include it in that post was because someone had already posted it.

Shock, you ain’t never lied!

WizzyWhipWonderful, the guy whose CPS2 themes Iinked way back when, the guy @Shockdingo collaborated with made a G theme. Quite catchy!


About in-Capcom guest

Final Fight: ever open from guest from there, it’s just so compatible.
I was even hoping “young Zeku” to be revealed as Carlos lol, in Story unmasked alt looks identical.
Will like see at least some crossovers
And stuff like that

Slammasters : on paper i got nothing against it, it’s actually a super fitting universe.
Only thing is that imho SFV is already covered with pro-wrestlers… Alex, Gief, Mika, Birdie + Abigail being a giant ball of muscle
If they pick one better be sonething super original like Black Widow or The Wrath

Rival School: i hate the idea, mostly because RS cast is not supposed to be SF level.
Like, Kyusuke can be genius nerd fighter at japanese highschool vs other teens but he’s no shit at World SF level, like next to a Nash.
See an edgy japschool nerd playing the omg i’m so technical next to SF vets will be some mayor bullshit… and Karin (despite being older) already does it a bit
Daigo was my fav, but also him same thing… good luck at sell this school punk as superbadass next to the Urien, Cody or Sagat LOL

I like Shoma though, he’s one of the very best RS designs and the baseball style can work… having a giant bat can compensate a bit the difference level with SFrs without look they’re trying hard to sell him, plus he’s not serious char either… can easily work as funny weakest of the cast canon wise, he’s not edgy or badass wannabe

I will have liked Batsu to be for Ryu like Sean for Ken… or maybe not even disciple, jus taking an humbleness asskicking from the legend like Alex in SF3

Original article about G costumes ideas on CFN

So, we finally came back from EVO 2018, about 12 hours ago.
We’re still a bit dizzy because of the jet lag, but here are our ideas about G costumes.

President of the world

As you can see, he was “the (self-appointed) president of the world” from the start.
We adopted a circus ringmaster image. We only left out the sleeves to better show the world map that circles in his body.

Bonus: pocket watch

front A, front B, back

It’s the pocket watch that G always carries around.
We decided on the B version.
Oh, and the buttons on his clothes are decorated with the images of the various continents.
(You can’t see them, but still)

Bonus: exceptional grip strength

G: we have a deal!
caption: he’s shaken hands all around the world, so his grip is insanely strong

Here’s G shaking hands with the people of Earth that he met.
He attempts to shake hands even in game, but…

Bonus: mysterious garments


That’s all they say.
G still hides many secrets, but we hope you find him entertaining.
Power to the Earth!