The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

Thank you for posting this comparison vid. It’s fantastic. I love the aesthetic of “G does what Q does, but better”.

Oooh, really digging the female G agent!

So my thoughts on the move similarities;
One big issue is whether or not the CFN profile on Q and Wayne Nakamura is/is still canon

  1. Q is G debilitated somehow

  2. Q is the prototype to whatever created G.

  3. G doesn’t know what Q is, but heard of the vague descriptions, urban legends and reports of Q and decided to use that as an early get popular to further my purposes scheme. Thus explaining the discrepancies in the looks

  4. G created Q and remotely controls him, thus the sluggish movements

4a. G created Q and instilled in him the fashion sense and fighting style. Q is struggling with some debilitation or is simply not as used to his powers and body as G is, but all he learned about fighting, he learned from G, so his application is sloppy.

One thing that’s interesting to me is that while G is very strong and has finesse, Q still has seemingly more raw power and impact. Q seems to be locked into a permanent state of rampant and destructive strength at the cost of subtlety. It’s like Spider-man vs the Hulk; both have crazy strength, but Spidey can zip around and land quiety, Hulk causes the pavement to crack and fly upwards and quakes.

With the “I am abomination…” clip, I get the vibe that Q not only hates what he is, but his clumsiness may be a combo of unfamiliarity with his powers and maybe trying to hold back his power out of fear of killing and shame.

I’m now wondering about his total destruction move-- maybe the only component of G’s magma energy that stuck with him is here. In an old video, I noticed that when he prepares for this move it HURTS Q. He TEARS into his coat before grabbing the opponent and exploding. So maybe he’s got strength and durability, but the magma energies are difficult and painful for him to utilize?


Capcom should not forget Ryu SF2 color haha

I’d be curious to know what it’s saying, especially the Q-looking costumes part.

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I was thinking something about Lincoln the thing we said on G NEED to win peoples admiration/favor
G probably can’t give two fucks about America, actually he NEVER mention it by name.
If anything he REFUSE the concept of “america” itself, it’s all “earth” to him.
Same for americans, they’re citiziens of earth to him.
If anything the sooner they forgot america the sooner they can embrace his view

Same about Lincoln, he can’t give two fucks about Lincoln either, he picked his figure as it’s a powerful symbol to americans and him as now he’s in USA doing his promotion thing

This make me think that “Lincoln G” is not even the true G look (as “Helen” was just a costume for Kolin), but just a character to impersonate for americans

Maybe if/when he got to other areas he will pick a different shape, as rest of the world don’t care about Lincoln

That could have been an awesome way to play his alt costumes imho (starting from Battle Alt), show him in different countries picking different figures that work for local populations in similar ways like



Essentially as homage to host population


Hmm, so I wanted to see the significance of G having purple eyes. In anime and manga, these tend to mean something.

I found

Purple - One of the following: Mysterious, magical, playful. Somewhat similar to “red”, but more often used on humans. Less chance of being a “villain”.


I don’t think Q is ashame of killing. One of his victory poses has stepping on the head of his presumably dead opponent.

I get the vibe he is like Wolverine or Frankenstein - prisoners of their own rage. I see the head stomp win pose as him getting overly angry and losing control and the Abomination one as him realizing he let anger take him too far and now he’s feeling regretful.

Tying this to his intro where he chased away the bystanders and punches, he may be like the Hulk in his “Hulk want to be left alone” phase-- people bother him, he loses patience and strikes back.

The way G says “Light it up” is just sooooo…mesmerizing. The way he delivers that line is S+++ tier.

You know it’s good when I’m eating wake up supers and still have a smile on my face. G is such a gangsta.


random question and maybe this has been asked, but does anyone think the fact they revealed/released sagat so early means they still have other surprises in store for this season?

Every fighting game has guest characters, what are the possibilities of some guests this season either from capcom (i.e Rival Schools, Slam Masters etc), or others like SNK, Namco… etc.?

As an aside… imagine after Capcom Cup finals Ono reveals Season 4 line up. Mixture of the usual characters Oro, C.Viper blah blah and then… SCORPIAN from MK!!!

I expect surprises coming sooner rather than later.

I hope if there is a guest character that it’s someone that makes sense for the franchise.

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After seeing the Smash Direct today, the leaker may not be full of shit after all. I still won’t believe the free characters until I see them though.


well he’s definitely note like current Hulk in the comics who is a mean son of a gun. current Hulk is smart and downright menacing. this Hulk is pretty much akin to Mr.Hyde. current hulk enjoys the brutality and destruction he leaves in his wake.

this Hulk is fullly aware of his actions. the current Hulk comics goes back to the roots of the character . When Hulk original appear in comics he could only come out a night and was pretty Mr. Hyde like in characterization.

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Agree, IF they ever want to add a guest to SFV (i hope not) i hope they at least bother to chose something that does’nt break the atmosphere to lick some fanbase dick

Like TK7 did awesome pick on Geese Howard and a kinda decent on Akuma

Then the Final Fantasy guy was bullshit

Now the Walking Dead crap is terrible lol, will vomit if happen to SF

If good pick i can like guest from
TK <- most probable and compatible

Anything else will 99% end up bullshit, so pls no


Wich were supposed to be these characters?

At this point. My opinion on guest characters is fuck em. I don’t want them at all. The novelty is long gone and I’m glad I hate Tekken because I’d be pissed if my favorite fighting game was full of guest character pandering bullshit.


That’s why I said his "Hulk want to be left alone” phase. Though, Q eventually taking cues from Immortal Hulk could be pretty fun. He already is globe trotting and getting into fights. Q as a dark arbiter of justice would be great.

My stance on SF guest characters is why bother when there’s tons of characters still waiting to make a comeback?


C.Viper, Necro, Q, Oro, Sodom, Makoto, and two new characters. One of which is supposedly Phantom.

Mixed feels on these

  • Viper: never liked that bitch, uninspired moveset and too KoFish design
  • Necro: i’m ok with that (pre-experiment alt pls)
  • Q: seem very unlikely (and redundant?) After G
  • Oro: i’m ok with that
  • Sodom: will be my fav of the group… fun design, sumo rep, good VT potential and will enrich the FF side
  • Makoto: she’s awesome
  • New male char: i’m ok with that, pls pick new nationality/style while not being blond lol
  • New female: ok if good concept, but i don’t like the idea of Fang’s girl

SF doesn’t need guest characters or even other Capcom franchise characters.

Zeku is done right

They could bring RS, SlamMaster or more Final Fight to the mix

but if they want something slightly bizarre and unconventional

they go with


or an Asura reincarnate would be considerable and satisfactory

A time traveling

Kevin Straker would also work

For a What if character,

Mech Zangief and a Cyborg Monitor would also be interesting

or Past battles SF characters as guest characters would be interesting like bringing in

Goutetsu as flash back battle for Akuma

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Problem is rarely the guest is done right, because either came from an universe that don’t fit or they picked a char/design of it hoping only to sell

For every good guest in a fighting game i can remember at least 2 crap ones lol

Soul Calibur saga for example is super guilty of that lol