Did you forget about…
Even how hard you try to trivialize Menat it still doesn’t make a yoyo skill as a way of combat relevant against the like of Shadaloo henchmen compare to those that you dislike Remy, Area and Ingrid.
Just wait for the lad to grow and will probably had a better character design that would be relevant in future SF.
I don’t see it ever happening, specially not spoiled by a fucking udon thing lol
Lol best part is i think these are still normal Ryu legs
We can also add SFV Zangief bless, even if they used him as Alex hype up tool at the end, it still has been a great rehabilitation… actually even that Alex fight was kind of honor (being Alex SF3 Hero), just wish they made it look less easy
Yeah, he was built like Spike from Tom & Jerry.
Whoa, I never realized how wonky Akuma’s proportions were. Guess SNH works like steroids lol
About Udon, there’s things I really like and things I don’t. Their treatment of Zangief, Ryu’s newest OP form defeating Gill and leaving Alex in the dust during his time to shine are among things I really don’t like in those. It’s a shame, I still have some fond memories of the books and hope that their stuff after the DS crossover gets fun again.
At least I got a cool short sequence of Q demolishing random guards and Ibuki being freaked out about the whole thing. Now I wanna see Q fight a hoard of ninjas, could be fun.
Honestly, you really couldn’t do something like that so streamlined with SF story. Well, you could, but only for certain parts and it would be a total mess trying to explain concepts revolving around certain things that are established canon East vs West. Like what the different connotations you can get from: (Bison and Rose sharing one Soul) vs (Bison once being Rose’s master)? Too many deviations of what was once considered non canon being adopted into the canon and vice verse:(ideas and outside work once non canon influencing canon). A whole non canon sub plot (EX) which has its own obvious indirect influences to the main canon. Too much of a mess for a short video which it should be but…
It was the 90s. Gouki fell into the wrong crowd. He started hanging out with Scott Steiner.
You do bring up a good point, I didn’t think about it like that heh, there’s a ton to cover, heck things like the SGS (what it actually does, what it’s been mistaken as and it’s representations in other media) could be a few videos initself.
In the past I floated the idea of making a companion series of YT videos to the plot guide. I’d still be up for collaborating with you guys in the near or far future to do so. The main thing would be figuring out a structure for the episodes. I feel that an intro chapter explaining the SF world of ki and inspirations and then trickling into the Anatsuken style would be first order and then we could have themed episodes or play fast and loose with what episodes we wanted to focus on from then on. It’s a lot more difficult than how I’ve laid out, but I think it could be a worthy project. Another thing would be the presentation style so that it’s not just flat reading that bores the audience. When I made my Q and G videos one of the most time consuming things was trying to make the presentation fun, be it with the visuals or my cheesy jokes and exaggerated announcer voice for the G vid,
I also was gonna make a vector logo for this thread as a fun little bit of branding or something, but I ran out of time during the break.
I so badly wanna see a mashup of Akuma and the Genetic Freak lmao. Now I’m picturing Akuma with sunglasses and that chainmail getup, standing over Gen and talking for an hour while holding a mic inches from his broken body.
For SGS I think it can still be worked on. I have thoughts of it yet I forget to post it here as the topic shift into Gouken’s daughter. I’ll try to remember I think just a small alteration would work it for both different versions.
This one is really hard to patched in and make them work in a way that would compromised and reference with each other. Sharing soul is really a confusing and convoluted idea.
Sharing a soul is far more interesting than simply being just another master
It actually gives me Silent Hill 1 vibes
Sharing the same body should be enough creep.
Bison being Rose’s master gives us a peak in the man be was before Shadaloo. It’s a reversal of the Goutetsu/Akuma scenario, where as the master is the one that goes mad.
Although honestly, I prefer they just leave such origins a mystery or intentionally shadowy/vague.
Master/student relationship is better because it’s more relatable, more real if you want, and also brings more potential to a conflict between characters. Sharing a soul is just kind of a cop-out, since it doesn’t mean ANYTHING!
If you think about Bison as a character and the reaction of shock Rose gives when she finds out that Bison is her master Bison could have even body swapped with her master. If he was her master was he good before he turned evil or was Rose the one who was evil and turned good?
Rose is around late 30’s and early 40 years old, Bison may be around mid to late 50’s to early 60s through the whole series as he was old enough for THawk to remember him from childhood 30 years prior to the series. This makes it interesting because it is likely due to Rose’s age she had to have learned from Bison under Psycho Power if he is truly the master. He could have also body hopped as we know that Bison studied with other students in Psycho Power before killing his own master.
So was Rose one of Bison’s pupils who killed his master and swapped his body? Did Bison teach Rose Psycho Power which she changed into Soul Power? Is it a mixture of both stories? The possibilities are pretty mysterious when going the whole master student story route.
I don’t think Rose realized that Bison could body swap until the Alpha encounter. Like, she didn’t even think it was within the realm of possibility because she did not foresee just how unhinged and unlimited Psycho Power made him (morally speaking not just in terms of power).
In my headcanon, Bison was always evil and Psycho Power is an aberration that he created of Soul Power. He mentioned in her Alpha ending that this power was gifted only to them, suggesting that a very small number of people could do what they did. This matches the old tale of a master and 2-3 students.
It’s possible that Bison was one of the 2-3 students and Rose was the absolute youngest of those and Bison was the oldest. Bison kills the master unbeknownst to his peers, then attempts to take other students under his wing (they follow along willingly because they don’t know what Bison did or they are scared).
So for a time his peers became his students, but eventually he either grew bored or set his sights on greener pastures, abandoning them.
Bison mentions in Rose’s ending that he should’ve never allowed her to grow thorns, admitting that it was an oversight on his part that he allowed her to grow strong and wild. When instead he should’ve probably killed all his students.
Or did Bison spare child Rose’s life because he foresaw his need for her body in the future and that’s what he tells her in their ending. THAT would be twisted.
All this would’ve happened at least 30-40 years before SF2 IMO, which would make Bison in late 50s/ early 60s* like you said and Rose would be in her mid to late 40s.
*This assumes Bison did not bodyswap before this.
Like I said the “master-student relationship” opens for more discussion in canon and thus should be accepted by the West, but instead you have the “sharing souls” story which pervades in the western story. It’s more malleable from a story standpoint as anything can spring from it.
What’s interesting in FG storyline I’m seeing is the multifaceted nature of thier timelines. SF has the most of these… I wonder why they wont use them to greater lengths like MK or SC?
Bison’s special skill is Hypnosis after all, what if the fractured nature of SF timeline is due to the fact that Bison is effecting the dreams or desired outcomes of SF2, or SF4, or SFEX, or the whole timeline in-fact? What is SF is all just a dream within a dream like Garuda inferred to in his EX3 ending? Who is to say that it is or isn’t given the stance of the canon?
Speaking of special skills mentioned in character bios I think they should be implemented in story more. Ever notice how Cammy’s special skill is knife throwing and Decapre who is a direct clone uses knives for combat (forget that her skill is repairing machinery)?
Story connection like that is what drive FGS (Fighting Game Story)
An interessing part to me will be WHERE all theyr past happened
Being involved Rose i think in the west (or at least russian area), and i like the idea of Bison’s past being linked closer to Europe than Asia
I know very first ideas on Bison were very linked to Asia (Washizaki being the very first inspiration), but these days are far
I’d actually prefer something that sounds more like the opposite of your idea, though still in that same vein. Have Bison be asian, Thai maybe or whatever, but have Psycho Power stem from somekind of pre-Christian/pagan European myths. For all intents an purposes it’s still Ki, it’s still spiritual energy, but flowing from different kinds of rituals than the oriental teachings. I’d go a bit further into details, but it’s kinda late so I’ll just leave it at that, but there’s plenty of warrior cultures and sub-cultures to draw from, since achieving higher levels of spirituality trough fighting aka martial arts isn’t exclusively a Buddhist/Vedist concept.
Maybe go as far as make him North Korean to drive the reverse Nazi idea even further.
Reimagining SGS:
The problem with the previous theory and concepts of SGS is that because it involve sins, hell and instant death. That’s why it doesn’t work and did raise more complication.
SGS was designed as a narrative device for closure, separation and changing chapters. which it did serves it purpose, but not good for a fighting game franchise.
This is how I think Capcom can fix SGS that can still work for multiple interpretation.
Since the canonical interpretation of SGS had been clarified to be more physical, which is now separate to popular name sake of Instant Hell Murder and Raging Demon.
- That it distance from the idea of instant death.
- That it distance from the idea of hell deliverance.
- That it distance from the idea of demon attacking a person’s soul base on it’s sin.
Karma is more about consequence and punishment from negligence, mistakes, ignorance and also from being weak and vulnerable to be unprepared to face a unfortunate event and situation.
The things left to make the non-canonical interpretation from popular media and manga compromised with canon is to:
- Remove the idea of making it stronger from the more it killed
- I’ll change it being delivered in a different dream state realm not hell
- Change death as a requirement from the manga to being unconscious state to be sent in that realm.
So it’s still the consecutive rapid moving attacks, but do make it’s victim fall unconscious sending it’s soul to SNH realm, So as a result they are stuck in a coma state.
It’s still keeping the concept from the manga that @bakfromon posted with slight alternation to work with canonical interpretation like whoever is been defeated through the means of SGS is delivered to a SNH realm which is to fight endlessly with other souls it previously beaten.
So this is were the SNH spirit hallucination powers work in,
Instead of the souls fighting demons in the manga… The alteration is that they are trapped souls made to hallucinates to see everything as horrible entities thus making them fight each other and everyone they gazed upon. So that would include a new soul.
Kinda inspiration with SF2V anime.
Since SNH becomes a doppelganger or a shapeshifter spirit with hallucination powers, It can be also a that tempts it host to go berserk with the use of SGS that would deliver/teleport it’s victim subconsciously to it’s realm.
So how would this works against the likes of Bison, Gouken, Gen and Akuma by pass it?
For those that are capable of psyche and spiritual manipulation like Rose and Bison.
- They can instantly move(teleport) else where their subconscious outside that realm thus making them have a ability to resist to those kinds of attack in mental state.
For those that are capable of detaching of one self or subconscious to the environment similar to Dhalsim, Gen and Gouken.
- They that are practitioners of MU and Yoga can instantly return to their conscious self by simply detaching there consciousness from the current realm it is attach so it would simply return back to it’s default.
For some they can have designed / developed techniques to against SNH attack or any negative corrupted energy like shown in SF4 and SF5. It’s not about destroying but can delay it or stop it for awhile.
- For Akuma he may have a attack technique designed tame SNH spirit, So it makes him the more dominant on himself than the SNH spirit.
-While the one with Gouken having technique that instantly protect his subconscious to fall to any illusions, to nullify SGS effect and also can create a seal that instantly disperse SNH spirit in an area for a while. We can also add Guy to the mix in SF4.
So the difference is between the two is that the other is to tame and the another is to disperse it away.
So how SGS now would work with the likes of Necali?
Necali can also be a immortal force of nature that was only defeated previously by someone that sacrifice his soul to fully succumb SNH to use SGS, which sends the beast consciousness to eternal battle to another otherworldly being the SNH illusion thus sealing it in process.
Soul and Psycho power was something of a power of good in the past? correct me if I’m wrong… I believe those force in SF along with Yoga can also play important role historically like helping the SGS warrior to his subconsciously battle against SNH spirit.
Something like the story of Orochi against the Yagami and Kusanagi clan.
Thus making Akuma’s SGS relevant and bad ass in someway. That it would be used to force an immortal being like Necali again to hibernation in a eternal battle against SNH spirit’s illusion. So in process it still purposeful in for being a monumental part of SF history.
It’s like the logic on how Thor resolve the conflict with Hela and Surtur.
No, they haven’t. But they haven’t done any in so long now that I’m afraid they’re probably done doing them.