The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

The original clones like Gorilla-kun were based in Australia but it went too far and the project was terminated due to the fact that the test subject assassinated 2Pac. Which was unfortunate because Kangaroo Jack would’ve made a worthy addition to the 4 kings of Shadaloo and sole member of the Australasian corps:


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The day Seth realized being dickless is bad

Joke aside will have been cool if back to SF4 they did a SIN Shadakings counterpart adding 2 villains… maybe some wierdo like Fang and one gigantic dude doing the brute job

I like the idea can still happen as Neo Shadaloo, but tbh they already failed at variety with Ed/Falke sharing the same style… the original 4 Shadakings were very different from each other

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why i can’t just get



I actually commissioned that second Bison outfit. That’s how bad I wanted it. lol.


Btw since i mentioned Seth in my previous post.

Is Seth actually dead in the canon story ? Any chance to see him in the future ?

Speaking of outfits (glad your Classic Bison request finally went through, Daemos! It looks great!) I had some random ideas

Alt costumes

Always thought he would be a challenge due to the perfect balance of simple and iconic that makes up his design. I could never think of alts before, but of nowhere I got some inspiration this morning.


Ryoma from Getter Robo:

Close enough to his main look that he’s recognizable, but different enough to be an alt. I imagine this as early Q. Just escaped from a lab and found some bandages and tattered, barely fitting clothes and a chain for a belt. The bandages and makeshift scarf cover all of his features, all that can be seen of his face is one glowing eye.

Jennety / Mack the Knife
6 Likes, 0 Comments - DJ Dixon (@shockdingo) on Instagram: “I

Alt code removes jacket and cap to give him the classic look.
Reading through the criminally underappreciated Captain Commando manga, I quickly grew to like Jennety. He was drawn incredibly well and while a lot more laid back than what we’ve seen of Q, I felt his visual aesthetic of always hiding in plain sight and then making sudden entrances fit Q well. Also, the jacket that’s exclusive to this storyline makes for a nice casual alternative to Q’s typical suit and tie look.

Alt costume 2
Basically Robo Detective K. A nice suit jacket, cap and slacks. A nice , simple tribute costume.

From what we’ve seen from the intro he’s sporting a more worn look that’s close to his original look. From his promo art, it looks like he has a cloak of sorts. I kinda want the cloak to be main and the intro look to be the code costume.

From the picture leak he looks like he’ll be getting a cloth bandage eyepatch and shorts. Can’t remember if he has the scar or not. Would be cool to get the flashback costume he has in SF4.

When I think crossover costume I keep thinking Sigma due to that chrome dome and glorious chin. Trying to think who else he could be.

So he’s gonna have Haggar’s outfit (which doesn’t fully fit) from the leak. I’m thinking he gets out of prison, is maybe bunking with ol Mike, chaos in the street erupts due to the Black Moons incident, finds Mike’s old fighting outfit and throws it on, maybe G kidnaps Haggar or something too. Since it’s his story costume there’s gotta be a reason for this, it’s kinda a weird choice to be honest.

Classic prison outfit & Orange jump suit are a given, but I remember people liking his street wise outfit:

A good balance between the prison days and reformed.

That’s all that came to mind at the moment. I’d definitely like the crossover costume trend to continue. I appreciate they aren’t just going to the typical ones. While I’m not 100% feeling the Astaroth cosume, I’m appreciating they’re going way back into their catalogue to bring it here.


Death is a revolving door in fighting games, and Seth had many clones of himself giving plenty of excuses to justify an eventual return.

The real problem is: why would Seth ever come back, for what story purpose? As former boss material he’s too important to be just another random character thrown in a roster for random reasons, but also not really popular.


For Q, I thought that Duo would be good. They have that “anime robot face” about them and the designers of Duo intended for him to look like a Russian and his body resembles a independent police jacket. Q definitely needs some fashion tips from Duo.

For references on the “anime robot face” that Duo and Q share.

I may be biased as Seth does’nt fit what i want from SF characters, but tbh i don’t think there’s enough space for him in the current canon… it worked as filler for the void of power left by Bison absence in SF4, but that’s it

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Tbh i don’t think there will be SF3’s Q in SFV

Or he will if G is Q before become Q

Whatever is the truth, i see G as the spiritual successor (“spiritual prequel” if we follow the timeline with SF3 as future) of SF3’s Q in SFV

That can’t be a coincidence :smiley:

Also keep in mind black is’nt going to be the official color, these are the #3 colors

#1 standard may very well be Q’s colors

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Not exactly Seth and not also a story wise character other than something that FANG can used that is better than the remaining dolls and the remaining Shadaloo soldiers.

and trust me we won’t get Mech Zangief or a Cyborg Monitor into the game for FANG other than a possible Extra Battle.

Since it was only Seth’s kind canon wise that manage to become that threat towards SF compare to other clones. I’m not talking here about “21” aka Seth and also his special moves, take not his Seth special moves isn’t probably the same as the other of his kind. FANG could probably add new updated data of fighters to improve the other versions.

Hah, I agree, definitely not a coincidence. If Q’s not in SFV I at least hope he has a cameo somewhere (maybe in Viper’s story if she ever becomes playable), the CFN says he’s already walking around, is being investigated by her and Wayne Nakamura saw him some time ago in an American port.

As, I’ve said in the past, I do think that G is a prequel or maybe even another agent of the same company, so I totally agree with you there, but I think he’s a separate person. The official colours yeah, they’ll probably match Q’s. In relation to that picture, I actually prefer Falke’s yellow and black colours to the white. I mean, the white makes sense for that medical, sterile look, but I did grow attached to the black and yellow. I just hope G’s character story is interesting and there’s another storymode.

Hmm I’m not sure if I’m feeling it. I do see the similarity in the face, but, I feel Q’s character aesthetic (mysterious, ambiguous, dark, unstable) doesn’t fit with Duo. He seems a bit of a pure hero and shining beacon of hope-type.

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TBH Duo seems like the MM version of Rose seeking to lock away a misused power and relying on someone else to lock it away (though it’s debatable if the energy ended up being the catalyst for the maverick virus). Rose+Duo also have a “fashionable european” look on them but different sides of Europe.

INB4 A edgy girl makes a smut fanfic. I called RosexDuo first.

Just recently found out from a youtuber that Guile team sounds a like this,

and for the meantime here are the trumpet things

It’s evident that Yoko Shimomura took huge inspiration from this track. The same happened with Ken’s theme and Cheap Trick’s Mighty Wings.

I suggest you to listen to this superb work from The Square/T-Square.

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Would Dictator/Bison and Shinnok work together? What about Shao Kahn?

the ultra street fighter comic from free comic book day:


Stop the MK crap forever, pls.


I can’t wait to read Sagat Origins.


That’s why I don’t see the costume fitting for Q. None of their aesthetics, personality or design really match other than a metallic face.