The Super Inevitable Street Fighter V Story Thread

I’m… pretty sure that is just production art of the figure, not the actual product.

Standard Variant by cryptozoic


30th variant which Cammy could have been included in that line


Other special edition

Other similar line different franchise


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Why are you so vigilant? Are you a fan of his?

Xkira has been busted many times for mixing trendy wish-list and speculation then using it as a claim for his leaks, he even has a track record of stealing someone else’s leaks that it had a dedicated thread here in SRK. So people have the right to doubt and be skeptical against him.

Most of his claims fails it’s like 10/2 ratio minus the other speculators demands that he takes credit into.

Right. Probably everything was another coincidence with this thread and he datamine those stuff so that’s the only classic costume we would get for the S4.

So he bandwagon because it has sense then claim it as his leak? Then if it happened he’ll take credit on it, Does that makes sense? So taking someone else speculation and claiming it as a datamined leak is sensible because others speculate it?

No Ken costume which is more reasonable, but instead 2 Ryu costume not alternate colors and 2 Bison… then another classic Abigail and Birdie costume. Not 1 but 2 classic for Ryu and Bison take note not a pallete swap. What coincidence with this thread.

Too bad Cannon Spike Cammy and Mech Zangief wasn’t in his radar…

So he goes speculating okay that’s a leak Cannon Spike Nash after the release of both. What a coincidence?

Same with those Sports Costume it pass his radar… Guess what he’ll start doing speculation of occasional costumes like Halloween, Summer, Valentines and Thanksgiving. Not surprising at all.

Never? Right no List but characters? wait?

Now Dramatic Mode, Color Edit Mode, Another Classic Abigail, Another Classic Birdie and then along with V-Custom hat he claims to leak are notable to suggest his validity. not the bunch of classic stages and costumes we_talked and speculate_ here before he claims it to be leaks.

This two justify it.


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When can we have Alpha Birdie WITHOUT THE SUNGLASSES?

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PM’d you (I just don’t feel like discussing it in this thread).

Your PM

Hey man, If you feel bad about it I won’t question you anymore or ask you about Xkira stuff. Sorry about that. I know your the guy that gets personal message from him.

For the stole leaks it wasn’t about flowtron it was in-fact before flowtron, not flowtron at all .

And for clarity this is what it is about, that was before flowtron name circulate the FGC community

Xkira deserves the suspicion, I don’t have anything personal or want to hurt your feelings.


What makes flowtron credibility 90%? because most of his wasn’t talked by people it was in fact not in the radar of anybody. The real problem here is most of Xkira leaks is inspired templates of recent talked wish list and speculation of others. Collaborating with mod community was another wrong move.

If I would say I have a source…

I won’t reveal his name and he said to me Classic Ken in coming with Classic Ken stage to an special event. I will reveal his name if It happens claims it as credibility.

You know this is a joke but what if it happens? I can build some sort of credibility? Does that means I could start charlatan career like those guys? preying at poor people dreams? Yet I’m not the guy interested to get minutes of fame out of this, it’s kinda shameful.

It’s not about the moderator thing, it’s not a big deal, the important thing is the persons consistency, probability chances, practicality of leaks and activity. The most obvious of him is that he bandwagon speculation and wish-list then takes credibility to it and claims it as leaks.

It’s not about game files. The problems were mostly that Xkira is mixing leaks with his speculation along with trendy wish list and speculations of others. Having the mod community make it more sketchy.

DasVergeben was caught editing his leaks adding Ninja Turtles in MK along after the reveal, prior to that along with his bunch of fake S2 MVCi with Gill that was just a week wish list by a guy in the another MVCi wishlist thread. Before everyone else jumps into Gill banwagon is happening thing in MVCi.

Dude we get it that you don’t trust his leaks, but give it a rest. I swear everytime someone brings up X-kira to discuss his leaks you say the same thing.

As for chars, he never deconfirmed Necro.


Yeah it worked… back then as i remember it was similar a bit to Street of Rage Axl
That manga had a badass brainwashed Ken too iirc

Another casual clothes Ryu i liked is Kinu’s, even if is hard to see it

Remind me a bit Ryo Hazuki from Shenmue

But at the end for a code version of the SF2 one i guess they will just recreate this

Watch SF2 Bison getting this as code version


Not really just xkira but the rest as well, I did that once with flowtron too.

I don’t want to further the discussion or talk about “whoose gonna be” because, His getting ideas here or anywhere where character talks is. Now he has a different approach… after the character thread became stagnant and all S3 character have been revealed. That’s why we end up with this survey shady guy now that ask us “whose who” or “what do we think” to make us talk about characters that can give him ideas and so all he have to do now is just deconfirming mostly rather than usual throwing a bunch of pile character wishlist or extra costume.

Yup we need casual Ryu without the head ban and gloves.

Comic con is going on iirc, but no word from Ono till now

They will reveal something but It won’t be aligned with our trendy expectations for the modes, as for the costume Xkira will probably hit by chance a costume and not stages before the end of the year, but he will miss a lot again as usual.

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Wow they got Zero-G Gouki mini game in there I hope we can get some art of this.

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Hey guys, how’s it going?

I remember a while back this was translated on here but I can’t seem to track it down, it mentioned that Q had a rejected throw where he put the opponent in his coat. Was there anything else of note on here? A pal sent this my way and was trying to figure out if there was a link between Q and Necro on here. I think it was just random concept art for them, nothing with a connection if I’m not mistaken?

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Starving for any CFN profile or article. I miss those already. They said G is a special confrontation in the arcade like the arcade mode.

Did we had 2 threads already archived?

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I hope they’ll resume the CFN profiles once the English site is caught up to the Japanese site. They’ve at least been consistently putting up English profiles every three or four days.


Hope you’re right!

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Yup. Even these lazy Capcom US translators have already put up 257 profiles out of 269, lol)