The Street Fighter V Lounge: Lounge Discord Link!

you have a nice voice so …they at least got something out of it?..

Pay was good

Not having to deal with anyone else was better. Only had to see “coworkers” at start and end of shift. Fuck working with other people.

I miss that job :frowning: They sold the company to a different company, then that different company fired all of us.

That voice is the reason I got the job

I did not have any of the medical/security certificates, training, or the everything else needed. For the first 6 months everyone despised me because I only got the job cause I am a nice guy who the boss liked.

But then I wound up being the best employee out of all of em so fuck em!!!

Worst way someone died over the phone to you

i wonder if the arcade edition get a gold mug variant…

so…my monthly keep the thread back on track attempt is now used…make something out of it :coffee:

Well ain’t nothing so dramatic like explosions or car crashes as usually if they gonna die they already dead at that point and ain’t callin me.

Only had 2 deaths exactly on the phone line and it ain’t nothing dramatic as they just kinda fade away and I found out later that was moment of death. There’s just a bunch of I talk to person, Hour or two later I am speaking to the coroner or the funeral home and that person is dead.

But then I hit unpause on whatever garbage movie I am watching that night and bingo we good.


worst call ever, wound up leading to woman waiting outside my work to scream at me saying I was killing her dog cause I refused to wake up the emergency vet cause she found a tick on her dog.


double ed

I wore a lot of hats at that job. To make more money boss also made us the phone service for a local beer delivery line. So I could be taking a guy’s beer delivery order on one screen, while dealing with a fire alarm going off in an apartment complex on another screen.

Basically the biggest lesson I learned from that job is

buff vega
buff abigail
nerf balrog

Caffeine pills are the way to go. When I got promoted to drive the big rigs, I would have a Monster when I got drowsy. That shit is poison and I had to piss on the hour, every hour.

I did a little research and found Caffine pills. Better than energy drinks and coffee with no drawbacks. It could be 4 a.m. and I haven’t slept in 16 hours. I can just pop one pill and be good to go for the next 4 to 5 hours.

Sure? 10 years ago when I was walking home someone ram a car with his motorcycle,he flew hitting his head into the sidewalk. He falls 2m from me. The man into the car was a doctor,he gave him some help until the ambulance arrived. Once she leaved a journalist asked me if I’ve seen the accident where the man died. The journalist knows the man was passed away just a minute later when I saw the man still alive entering the ambulance. That’s happen the day before Xmas, I will never forget that. The day after I’ve discovered that man was going to his daughter home to have a dinner with her family and give them their gifts.

I’ll say from experience… there are a ton more ways for someone to go in your presence then over the phone. Just trust me on that

Ed is gonna be a real problem if they buff him up a bit in season 3, I can easily see him abusing the dash and nash play style that Nash could do in season 1 to great effect

Are you a Juri player? I played a few last night. I beat a platinum but got thoroughly destroyed by a Diamond and a Master. I hate the Juri match up. I feel like I can never throw fireballs anywhere on screen.

Ed is extremely underrated. Once someone good picks him up and optimizes him he’ll be fine.

Others must die for others to live.

If color edit is real, Capcom should make that shit client side. Don’t want to see a neon rainbow naked Urien wearing his Halloween costume.

Who’s your main?

Caffeine has an opposite effect on me so I don’t drink it to keep me up
Usually a cold glass of water does the trick

What about laura?

Or at least have the decency of letting us toggle if we want to see them online or not.

Considering we need to pay FM/Real Cash for colors, it’s probably fake. As much as Survival sucks, they don’t want to kill it off entirely.