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It was Ryu, but the last 2 months I switched to Akuma. Still don’t know how to approach the match up when I’m up against a patient Juri who is committed to zoning and keeping a close eye on when I throw fireballs to blow it up.

Red Bull does nothing for me, but Monster helps me out from time to time.

Coffee has started to become my best friend as if late, although I put a lot of milk in it to help dillude some of the acidity.

I just drink water.

Once you’ve drank nothing but water for months straight, drinking things with fizz/acidity makes your throat feel gunky. It’s horrible.

I’m so used to coffee that sometimes it just makes me sleepy.
I need an energy drink before playing online ranked though, it’s the only way to feel concentrated.

Water, juice, milk. Other then hentai, only way to quench one’s thirst.

[details=Spoiler] The main issue when dealing with Juri players is that she can just nope your midrange game, especially if you’re too reliant on your fireballs.

Never use red fireball, it’s really easy to V-Skill/Axe Kick it on reaction.

Be careful with your buttons, her St. MK is a real threat in neutral. You need to learn how to punish it if she gets too reliant on it. That thing reaches far and it’s a 5 framer, so it can hit you on the startup of your crush counters.

Jumping’s easier with Air Fireball, but still risky. Patient Juri’s have her AA’s on point.

Do not let her Store her specials, especially her Fireball.

Try to fake her out by doing empty QCFs in neutral. If she expects an FB and tries to VS it, you can attempt to neutral jump and punish or block and punish it.

The best opportunity you’ll have to steal momentum is on the very start of the round. Backdash into Stores need to be punished ASAP. Even a KD FB can do the trick since you can use the KD to run up to her.

If she tries something else, like Axe Kick or uncharged VS to punish a FB, she’s open to whatever punish you want.

And remember, Akuma actually gets some mileage off his VS in this matchup. Juri can’t scrap with him, he deals too much damage. Parrying St. MK and doing a VS~K followup combo is almost sure to mentally scar the Juri player.

Remember to never pick Ryu in this matchup. Worst decision ever.[/details]

To live life without the joy of Dr. Pepper

perhaps its best to put you out of your misery.

Orange Juice and water is all I have. Sometimes grape juice but that’s rare.

Coffee is disgusting, I don’t know how people manage to stomach that stuff. Same with energy drinks. :sick:

I usually Just drink water and orange/lemon juice, the latter two I much prefer to soda (I do drink soda but only every once in a while, for some reason I don’t feel like drinking it every week like I used to anymore).

Never got into coffee tbh, the taste is not too bad to me but I just don’t like It much.

Also related to drinking, beer just completely sucks to me, the taste is godawful and I dunno what the appeal of it is.

Blue Moon and Negra Modelo are the only beers I drink. Domestic trash like Bud, Coors and Miller taste like fermented piss.

And we don’t know why you stomach pizza without toppings. OJ is great though.

Hold up. What do you drink when you eat pizza?
Surely it isn’t anything but Cola. Even you wouldn’t dare…

Those who have pizza without a nice soda pop

those are the reasons why we still live in a sin cursed world.

coffee is the answer to all your questions.
eating chips…coffee…pizza…coffee…chicken…coffee…something sweet…coffee.

Talking about drinks now?

Mainly water the whole day, tea in the evening.

Cola is the only other thing I drink regulary besides tea and water.

You can also hunt me with coffee, never liked the taste never will.

I can’t imagine working in a field like emergency response. I’m a complete wuss with that shit.

I get squeamish and even sad when I see roadkill.

What does it mean to drink lemon juice?

i buy those frozen juice can things and put them in my big water jug and drink that cause im poor and fat

Im slowly going back to drinking just water and tea. I’m trying to set a plan on starting keto soon.

Ew, that’s not sanitary.

So what are you guys expecting out of Season 3?

I’ve been trying to figure out who they could make it shittier than this one but not sure.

Think they may take one of Chun’s legs away, give Rog another arm and let ibuki summon Strider’s eagle to drop the bomb instead of having to place it.