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What about the other half?

I dunno how people do Monster. The only Monster drinks I liked were the tea ones. The regular monster drinks are just too much for me. All of the energy drinks have that sugary supplement aftertaste to them and a huge can of that stuff just doesn’t do it for me. Monster tastes like you’re downing carbonated cotton candy down your mouth. Just not great.

Red Bull comes in a smaller can and has flavors I more prefer. Used to really love the cola flavor they had for a while. As for why they’re focusing on SF? Why not?

Other half is gods to judge

and if you a grown ass man, not playing fighting games, god ain’t gonna judge on you well.

Energy drinks are for the poor folks.

You must drink grey goose all of the time because outside of going to Starbucks they’re about the most expensive non alcoholic things you can drink.

You practically have to be rich to afford a regular supply of those tiny 5 hour energy shots.

isnt a red bull can quiet expensive?

I drank a can of Red Bull once.

Fell asleep in less than 10 minutes.

Nah, I simple.

Have no idea. Don’t drink the stuff. Tis bad for ya.

Honest question: what ranks would sf4 pp translate to

Yeah energy drinks never really give me any actual energy. I just get them for the little sugar jolt and then usually just crash later any way. If I don’t get sleep I’m screwed no matter what.

I almost got fired from work laughing at this :lol:

Technically LP. The Character points were adapted to the level, even though you can grind that pretty much anywhere, like those Character Story modes.

… Unless PP is the character one and BP is the overall. I have no idea. Never played 4 online.

500PP would be bronze

1000PP would be silver

2000PP would be gold

2500PP Platinum

3000PP Diamond

4000PP Master

I’d of peaked at master. I’m alright with that.

I legit wanna see the full roster of the sf5 general gym now

Highland already posted it.

All depends if you’re used to coffee first. When I’ve tried RB for the first time (around '99) was before a b-ball 3 on 3 tournament and I’ve felt like I was on roids. I’ve dunked for the first time without warming up and I was 5’11" at the time.

Energy drinks have little of caffeine, so if you’re used to coffee normally they can’t do too much on your awareness and the effects are shorter.

Never understand why Monster does their cans that big, I can’t finish one of them like RB. Good thing is they have one my favorite tastes, the Valentino Rossi 46, so I can’t hate. They have even the tea version, but now it’s hard to find here.

nope :coffee:

Well, that definitely explains things.

Yeah generally I prefer coffee or soda to keep me up, but both of those will still have me crashing eventually.