The Street Fighter V Lounge: Lounge Discord Link!

I’m on that clinical Pilates for my core and to strengthen my back after my two back surgeries. It’s hard to try and stay in shape with back surgeries but this Pilates got me right.

Highlandfireball - plans to do 45 minutes of stretching on the warmup mat, only gets about a half hour in and then asks his personal trainer where the bar is at so he can do some jack and coke bicep curls, finishes the curls then plays ranked sf5. Rages at playing Malaysians while drunk, calls up ryu and calls him a fucking shitcunt that can’t throw fireballs, ryu tells highlandfireball that he never defeated sheng long and therefor never stood a chance.

Deviljin agrees with ryu.
Dime thinks ryu is a cheap bastard with an invincible move.
William says ryu is low tier because he’s never ridden a pony.
Ves says ryu is shitty because he’s in a shitty game.
Windalfr says ryu is really good and just needs the right player to bring it out of him.
Froztey says ryu is top tier if you can hitconfirm his stand jab
Mocha says ryu is an asstier scrub because ryu can’t hitconfirm because he’s to old and has been wandering the earth for far to long.
King crimson said something about ryu… but dime can’t remember because dime wasn’t listening.
Daemos said ryu looks good with his shirt off… those of us that know, know that he really meant ryu is beefcake and would gladly have his babies.
Twinblades says ryu takes to much skill for a scrub like him. Makes diamond the next evening, then back down to gold a week later.
Yorkey got mad because… wait… who is yorkey again?

I was like 16 I was proud >:c

Highland is that guy that sits just outside of the bench area that’s there every day in the same outfit cracking jokes and telling you how to lift before struggling to press 20.


There’s a picture of me from when I was 14 and 20 stone if you want those. It’ll turn you off of me forever Baemos.

I don’t really have many photos of me from any age, I find myself mad unphotogenic.

Hopefully your gyms got a free month, be shit to sign up for a year and by week 3 go back to figure skating.

I was legit actually on a gym sub fee for about 8 months without going once telling myself TODAY’S THE DAY before falling asleep.

You know me too well

So was I, and I was getting compensated for it actually.
I can still do it though.

While I’m not at the ideal point EC mentioned, I was pretty big when I was doing Jiu-Jitsu as a kid.

Got a fucked up knee, never found out what it was, but I couldn’t sprint across the street without limping on the other side. Spent some years barely doing any exercises because of that.

Now I’m losing muscle mass. Arms starting to look like noodles.

The worst part is that I can’t bother going to a gym. Weight lifting is boring as fuck for me.

I’m probably going to get into a boxing or Muay Thai class and get back to my basic “diet and walk everywhere you can” plan.
Lost 15kg in like, two months just walking to college, but shit happened and I regained that shit.

I really should find some exercise to regain my biceps tho.

The most I do is go running with one our huskies 3 nights a week, working out isn’t as fun. The only time I work out is if I use my aunts big ass at home gym, or someone begs me to go with them to a public gym cause they have don’t have a partner, which are both rare.

It’s funny.

There’s a gym at my workplace that I can use for free.

Yet at the end of a workday I just go home, do some push-ups/sit-ups/squats, bike for 30 minutes, and call it a day.

I should probably change that. I’ve just never lifted before, I feel it’d be embarrassing finally going in there and only being able to lift like 40 pounds or something…:sweat:

I tried going to the gym a while after my knees got better.

My legs fucking shook trying to lift like 5 or 10Kg.

You’ll be fine.
You can try going at a time where there’s only like, old people trying to stay healthy. Even if you’re not that fit, you’ll still look like a nice pillar man to them.
My old physics teacher taught me that.

I got mad at Injustice 2 for adding a bunch of guest characters but I’m also hype as fuck that Noctis is gonna be in Tekken.

I’m a scumbag hypocrite.

Hurry up Capcom, arguments are almost run out.

I am certain we haven’t brought up the Juri buffs topic enough today.

Guys. Abigail is SFV’s guest character.

I bet you’re short AF. So the travel distance would be non existing :rolleyes:


This is better

If you’re bored, history of SF2 90’s craze.

edit: it’s actually part 2 of 4 videos, sweet.

I see you’re a man of culture as well.

call me short again motherfucker