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It’s neither of those things

gotta say, the Cody avatar with the no-nonsense attitude comments are a perfect match

Weight lifting comes back quick, within 6-8 weeks you can be back to 90% of your max even if you’ve been a pizza loving street fighter 5 playa for the last 18 months.

Just like Ryu, he never forgets how to throw a fireball , even if he is stacking shelves and building redbull promotional displays in Walmart these days.

I wanna see Ryu advertising those Wicked Wings. Sagat became the Burger King after Vanilla. Long as you have something going for you that’s what’s important.

My chest lost all depth, I was back into it early this summer and couldn’t manage 5 sets on 70, but I was going with mates who are on 120.

I don’t know about you but all masculinity drains from you and your cock shrivel and withers when your mates are taking multiple plates off just for your set.

I’d go solo but to put it bluntly I can’t be arsed.

Weight lifting is for fuckin nerds

I am naturally tall with a wide frame, Nature gave me my power. I didn’t have to earn it in the gym like some chump bitch it was given to me as divine providence.

Shame on everyone on this earth who is not born big and strong!!!

Is that 70 with a spot? That’s still not that bad, spot or not. You’re making progress, correct? I’d love to hear about where you’re at by the end of January.

With a spot I could crack 100, I tend not to take spots, we just push as far as we can and have someone to bail us when our arms give.

About 2 hours before I go to sleep I punch the air with 2lb dumbbells and then proceed to slam my torso with the 2lb weights repeatedly until my ribs get kinda sore, then I go to sleep for about 5-14 hours then wake up, then just eat a shit ton of food like fish, beef, potatoes, burgers, salads fries etc.

I don’t think I have it in me to do deadlifts so I just do vertical pushups and call it a day.

You’re metal as fuck

Then you’re doing just fine. Assuming your form is good as well (no point in doing multiple plates if your form is trash), you have nothing to be ashamed of. Unless you only work on your upper body. I’ll be a little sad if you do.

My legs are my strongest, leg press is my shrine. I can’t remember my max but when I was bigger it was pretty fucking good, think it was around 260-280. Only did that much once though, I did really high rep sets on legs and kept my weight down, didn’t want to bulk them cause my legs are t h i c c naturally.

Good man! Legs get neglected way too often. I was once guilty of neglecting leg workouts. Now I wanna comfortably squat 3 plates on each side by the time Spring rolls around.

You’re making me wanna go to the gym again.

I’ve been saying to myself - gym and diet starts next Monday! - for about 2 months now.

Should REEEEEEEALLY get on that.

I might have to run at least a mile at one point without stopping.
The way I exercise it takes bout a week or two before I can run again.

A goal of mine to run 2 miles without a benchwarmin break.

360 leg press, git gud

GGs @Rice_Eater

I don’t think I’ve ever played you yet.