The Street Fighter V Lounge: Lounge Discord Link!

“Come be a part of TEKKEN history this weekend as 16 players compete to be crowned
"Best of the Best” and walk away with $50,000 dollars.

Join us LIVE on Twitch this Sunday at 12:30pm PST and prepare to witness an epic showdown.


Thread got buffed

I believe.

Another 24 hour ban from sf5 matchmaking. I should probably learn how to take my losses more gracefully. And patch that hole i punched in the wall.

id buy it 10 times over

View your passion as a positive :slight_smile:

hope you learned your lesson…not to punch plasterboard walls.
use your wood doors instead!

Get a punching bag. And play with gloves. Trust me, it’ll be worth it. You’ll be hitting as hard as Rog in no time.


Necro would be amazing in SFV, granting that he has the same ranges on his normals and some touched up frame data. His mid range game would be great with st.lp,,, cr.lp, cr.hp,,,, and His normals have so much versatility and he has built in cancellable high low mixups from his two overhead specials and his low hit throw special.

His lights would have roughly the same range as Gief or FANG with mid to long range mediums and heavies thorwn in. His AA’s could be among the best in the game with b.hp,,, electricity, the standard st.lp AA, possibly

He has drills that hit twice, muliti hitting specials for armor moves, fast forward and backdash with range on both, snake strike goes airbourne to beat throws, medium walk speed (anybody with a faster walkspeed than Sim or Bison is fast IMO).

His close game would be as good as Sim’s or better. He has a cancellable target combo that starts from

Necro has too many tools to fight at too many ranges to be anything other than a good character in SFV. could be 3F startup. He has which is pretty much Sims Df.hp low profiles. Possibly multiple CC heavies like Necalli. I can go on.

But seriously why bother playing birdie while i can just cheese with urien or balrog. First time i feel so detached from a fighting game because i cant play what i like to play.

A friend of mine get this shit at the end of '98 thinking he’s the new Lucas from The Wizard. He said would be fun to kick our ass with that at Tekken 3. Guess what? After 30 minutes he realized he threw 100$ down into the WC.

Ahh, the teen days.

Is it racist that while playing AC Origins while running around Egypt I swear I occasionally hear Rashid yelling “BOOM!”, off in the distance

Anyone want to play some sets with me? I feel like playing Cammy and turning my brain off for a bit.

I can’t play SFV tipsy or drunk. So this means SFV is literal shit but fun at the same time.

Dr. Pepper + Fireball Cinnamon Whisky For. The. Lost.

Think I’ll work on my Ryu for Season 3. SHOOT MY KETCHUPBLUKENS

Anyone want to beat up Fango ?

Am up for it, send me an invite.

That’s the good shit.


Invite sent to MeraMora

They are supposed to be showing new dlc at some point during this according to flying wonkeys twitter.