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you get cooties from girls i heard they are not to be trusted at this point in time until further studies can be held

I can envision Poison having a lot of command normals involving her whip. It’d be easier for Capcom to take her whip normals in USFIV, tweak them and give them better properties, and turning those into useful and situational command normals e.g. Her far st. MP:


This can easily be an anti-air button (B+MP or whatever). Poison fills that void of strong zoning character with good footsies while also having solid rushdown and tricky movement.

I wonder why that is, hmmmmmmmm

Abigail is 8ft and Hugo is only 7ft 11inches, so factually

Hugo had his time to shine but Lord Abigail has out huge’d him and taken away from Hugo the only thing he ever had.

Now Hugo cries eating potatoes in the dark, while Abigail is the source of all of poisons and roxy’s affections.

Roxy beating the shit out of people with a bat would be neat.


Honestly I don’t think she will be in S3,sadly. Considering Sakura locked in the staff girl coming from Ed team could be a strong option if Capcom want to stay with the 4 guys+ 2 girls format per season. Makoto, Rose and Viper, who of those can’t make at least for Season 4?

Damn Capcom.

The title may have changed but don’t forget that Menat is the best thing about SFV S2. Zeku ain’t shit!

Doubt that’s the case. As much material suggests otherwise though others suggest the opposite and i find it interesting they cast an actual transgender actress to do her part in SFV,


I’m not saying Necro wouldn’t fit, I’m saying he’d need to be reworked. To be honest, I think it would be cool to have him in SFV but I’d want to have him come in at later date so more character styles get introduced.

For the rework explanation, rather than do slight frame data and hit/hurtbox changes to fit Necro in, he’d have to have some sort of makeover so the tools and abilities he has can fit in the SFV engine. Look at how out of place T. Hawk was in SFIV when playing against someone like Ibuki or Dudley. Hawk was obviously better in SFII but instead of trying to mix the formula up, Capcom sort of crtl+v’d him into SFIV. Alex is in the same predicament where he just falls apart when playing against the high tiers.

So if you find Poison attractive. Does that make one 10% homosexual and 90% straight? :i_dunno:

That swimsuit special from the other year is capcom official licensed and poison rockin the bulge so I say its no longer up for debate.

it means you have achieved the next level, like super saiyan to ascended saiyan.

C’mon, guys. It’s 2017, it’s okay to be gay.

Females make them more money in the long run. I might be too hopeful though, considering that’s almost a lock that 2 OG SF characters are joining (SF Arcade has 4 fights, and we know Arcade Mode avoids Mirror Matches like the plague.)

I’m guessing that after the glorious return of the king, we’re getting Eagle or Gen (Just to see him die for good, perhaps.)

As interesting as Staff Girl would be, especially in a game that doesn’t really has a lot of footsie characters, I’m not sure if she’ll get in this Season.

Sakura is all but confirmed too.

So basically, we’re looking at: Sagat, Sakura, Eagle/Gen, +3 Characters. I don’t see why Makoto can’t be one of those.

Being gay is gay though

Its ok to be gay for hot chicks though so it all works out

He seems like a well adjusted human being.

Because I don’t want to be disappointed again. It’s Capcom we’re talking about.