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Even because of him people want Q again. Obviously the ‘For dummies’ version or because he looks tough or some shit.

For some SFV is the chance to give some characters a better version of their original counterpart. Bet my balls there’s someone in this planet who wants this BS character again with buffs. God have mercy.

Come SF6, we know some schmuck will ask for FANG back.

It’s the circle of life.

theres always people asking for characters that werent used lol

Honestly, outside of him, I can’t really see who else I would play. MAYBE Q…maybe. but really there’s noone else I can see myself playing.

Q is easily the most forgettable sf3 character, I don’t get what people like about him

I don’t even know what Q does. All I know is that he’s a robot in a trench coat.

Will be fun seeing Q in SFV. The more he’s close to his original version, the more scrubs gonna usain bolting out from him.

Not a whole lot for me. Either that or maybe necro. I dunno, the 3S cast as a whole doesn’t really have a character that is really interesting.

Wow really, you guys? I thought it’s only coming out on January 16th

And wtf is wrong with that? FANG is FANGtastic! It’s just that his tier placement in S1 and S2 has gravely impacted his popularity. He is leagues above and beyond characters like Remy and Twelve!

I’m starting to change my mind on Necro. He’s semi-competitve than the rest of the lower tiers in 3S.

If Capcom does put in Q, he better have more cancelable normals and they better not be negative on hit (St. Roundhouse was -10 on hit lulul).

He’s not even that bad, but his best moments are tied with the best 3s player ever, just sayin’. There’s no chance Q could carry a player to new heights in 3s, but Capcom could do the magic in SFV.

They gonna make him more friendly, no doubts about it.

He’s a man in a metal mask.

It really wouldn’t be hard at all to make any returning character good if they wanted to (see: R. Mika, the buffs some S2 characters got or even Juri in SFxT), problem is that they hold back on the tweaks that some characters would need to be good or change/remove stuff from them that kills the appeal of the character for some players (Karin Rekkas locked behind v-trigger and no counter/cmd grab for me, Juri’s store mechanics being changed for others or even Vega being transformed into a motion character). I don’t think it’s people being posers or whatever, it’s that the developers don’t always deliver on their expectations of what the returning character would be like. Why settle for that when they could’ve done better?

He’s discount Balrog

This Necro talk made me realize something about this game, no character has a electric shock esq move in this game

Maybe this is just the best Capcom can do?

All I need is Juri to be in future SF games and i’m good.

Making Mika good wasn’t hard since she was arguably the weakest character in SF history next to Dan.

SFV is meant to be an honest, closed ranged SF with modest zoning options and omitting charge moves from most characters, so the characters get changed to reflect that. Charge moves and fireball spam scares the kids.

Inspector Gadget fell on hard times. Once it was revealed that his niece and dog were solving all his cases he was let go. To hide his shame he donned a metal mask and fought in underground pit fights to make ends meet. Thus Q was born.