The Street Fighter V Lounge: Lounge Discord Link!

Right I was looking to jump into another trash can, just uglier.

Why not?

Because god forbid anybody be able to defend themselves in this game.

We should take away the ability to tech and if you’re close enough all supers should OTG too.

Fuck you and welcome to Street Fighter 5.

Dhalsim’s st.lp is his only 3 frame move and it’s only 3 frames as an anti-air, it’s 4 frames against grounded opponents because it takes an extra frame to swing forward.

Isn’t teleport invincible on frame 3?

Not to throws

what the fuck? he’s literally floating in the air, how does it not count as airborne?

today I learned that if you use a 4 framer while being -1 you beat 3 framers

Isn’t that hitbox specific, related to where things are on the 1st active frame?

no is related to fuck this netcode

Injustice 2, Tekken 7 and MVCI are nominated for Fighting Game of the Year. No SFV this time around Kappa

That’s because the elections are rigged for Capcom, SFV won fighting game of the year at the game awards 2016, no really, it did.

Because it’s a jab… and it anti-airs… and anti-air jabs are bad m’kaaaay?

I’m just sayin’ I see more distress than pure joy coming from SFV. Juri brings me joy :slight_smile:
But even so…

You can try and numb the pain but it will never go away - Kid Cudi

I just hope your gaming is uplifting and not a another tacked on hassle. Capcom wanted SFV to be easier so they “dumbed down” a lot of mechanics hoping that would please their fan base but it seems like we’re still at a 50/50 situation regarding SFV…some hate it…some like it…nobody loves it

For decades we thought fighting games weren’t popular because of their hard mechanics…well whats going on now then?

Street Fighter’s elements were home brewed…simple engine exploits turned into competitive mechanics…and thus being…Capcom wanted to try something new…instead of having glitches/exploits/sleek coding reign over their game…they decided to force their own mechanics…a lot of “No, you can not do that” situations happen in sFV…which is why some players hate the hurt/hitboxes…hate Crush Counters…etc.

Just wondering if Capcom is second guessing what they originally planned for SFV…guess Season 3 will show us

Might have to do with the fact SFV wasn’t released this year

'cause SF was not released this year

Do you guys not know what kappa means?


No worries @GetTheTables. Enjoy your dinner and we’ll play tomorrow or another day. Just let me know.