The Street Fighter V Lounge: Lounge Discord Link!

The plot thickens.

I agree, AE needs to be a massive change or at least feel like one, like from vanilla 4 to Super.

Also I donā€™t think itā€™s rage quitters, 4 matches have lost connection for me the last half hour, winning or losing. Servers having a fit?

Nah man fuck that I already main a damn female character give me that nigga in the fuckinā€™ sheep fur hat

Edit: Also the new age of ā€œleakersā€ are straight up annoying and bitch like. I blame twitter and whoever else is suckinā€™ them off

Not only do they need to do a rank reset they need to do something to change the system up in general, the grind at the top is fucking real.

Harada loathes the fgc. You can see it in his shades.

Can you spare a minute to bask in the glory of your holy ghost and savior infinte?

Hey guys letā€™s not get into the sf nostalgia because everybody has sf nostalgia.
Itā€™s time for changes to be made. You shouldnā€™t have your rank demoted after putting damn near a bajillion hours into sf of course, which is why it needs to stay exactly as it is in vanilla.

4 days until the Sagat teaser

On the anime topic:
I grew up on a steady diet of Go Nagai anime so your argument is invalid, always.

And I really hope ranked reset is true, it would be great to be able to pick up a character I have trained but Iā€™m not good at and grow with it.

I see Capcom still hasnā€™t figured out a way to distinguish a proper 5-bar connection from a 2-bar connection.

Are you from neogaf?

Nope. I came here to basically say redo the whole fucking cfn infrastructure XD
Having a universal rank for all of your chars, even the ones you donā€™t main is wtf


@ā€œDevilJin 01ā€

Ban him.

Heā€™s not directly harming anyone.

Itā€™s just someone typing gibberish and hoping people will acknowledge it. Just ignore him and heā€™ll get bored.

Interesting. thank you for listing these 4. Now that thatā€™s out of the way I have located the mods of this site and will be resuming my silence. for indefinite.

Only way I want a rank reset is if they change the whole system. Basically, they need to copy Tekkenā€™s.

TwLnblades being mistaken for a Mod, the day of reckoning is upon us.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Nothing is better than a birdie taunting his first match win then getting taunted, perfected and stunned in the runbacks till he rage quits. Lovely stuff.

Ranked reset would be cool, but only if it happens every season. Gives people a chance to start out fresh and gives the higher ranked players a chance at loads of games starting out again rather than having to wait for other high players to play.

Finally caught up. Eventhubs drone aside, how the fuck did you added 6 pages in less than a day!?

I canā€™t give less of a damn to a rank reset. Mostly because I have 0LP.
While it would be hype, it would also mean that the servers will be overloaded and we have enough rollback as is.

@ā€œEvil Canadianā€ Bro, there were 3 or 4 seasons of the greatest anime youā€™ll ever see in the last 5 years. JOOOOOOOJOOOOO.

Speaking of JoJo, giving Twin mod powers would be the same as giving Dio a stand. Complete with Wryyyy (or Reeeee but we know it sounds the same.)

Just had some Kolin fuck up his post stun combo, lose, then spam lk in the second round after I came back for the win in the first. People online make no goddamn sense.