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I hope jax and johnny cage are in dbz fighters

I forgot Blazblue Cross Tag Battle was a thing until the topic of crossovers was brought up.

That game looks boring as fuck.

Everyone hated it when it was released, but in retrospect FFX-2 was probably their last attempt at making a final fantasy game that felt like one of the oldies: Multiple classes to level up, freedom to explore the world (as far as they can make it by hacking the FFX asset to pieces), oodles of sidequests.

Yeah I’m defending FFX-2. Come at me guys. :bee:

So far my favorites where ff12 & lightning returns.
Glad to see a Tekken game getting a final fantasy character. There was 0 chance of that happening.

Not joking, poorly worded for sure though.
I am not here saying Tekken is for casuals or it is a shit game, it is not my jam but I live on a strict “you do you, Boo” policy.
What I mean is
It’s story time!
-theme song-

When I was in university I lived in a pretty popular apartment, we were in a central position, on the ground floor and we had big rooms, plus my cooking skills were appreciated and we tended to have “medicinal” available for purchase.
This meant that people just showed up to hand pretty much everyday, they’d bring alchool and medicinal (or purchase said medicinal) and we’d just hang.
Now while some people were fond of playing soccer game, most of the revolving door of stoners that came by was not into that, also girls were not into that, also I was way too good at the game for them to have fun.
So we had a PS2 at home though (note, this all happened between 2009 and 2013, so not exactly cutting edge technology), modded with a good bunch of pirated games. We had Tekken 5, the Alpha collection, soul calibur and about 3 or 4 DBZ fighting games.
The only game these non gamers would play and enjoy was Tekken. That’s why I say Tekken is the fighting game for casuals. We know it is not but the uneducated person doesn’t and it looks much friendlier than Street fighter.

ffx-2 is mechanically, one of if not the best game they ever made in the mainline series (tactics is still the best final fantasy).

But the aesthetics, music, plot, are all blorggggg

So I just stood up, Noctis is supposed to be Tekken 7 second DLC Char?

Weird Choice, they should have taken Godbert.

Ninja turtles made sense, NRS made it so they harmoniously blended into the NRS visual style, Noctis made zero sense though. I have never ever been so unhype for a guest DLC character, maybe it’s cause I haven’t played FF15, or maybe it’s cause I hate the cast of FF15 on first glance, seems like they just appeal to edgy, emo, band shirt wearing, dark black hair dyeing, bracelet wearing, scene kids in their teens.


At first glance the FFXV cast is a shitty emo boy band, but when you actually play the game they’re really likeable (imo I guess) and not at all edgy.

FFV is the best Final Fantasy. Why can’t the fucks at SE just make another FF game with iconic chocobos and Black Mages and shit instead of trying to make all of this modern magical sci-fi pretty boy horseshit. It’s so simple.

I liked FF12 alot, too bad it was released in 2006 in a time where the Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii just came out, so alot of late cycle PS2 games didn’t get much love. FF12 was a great game, the music was amazing, the gameplay, and level design. The only bad thing about 12 was it’s main character, even without him, the game’s story wouldn’t of changed much, he was that insignificant. But at the same time, I felt like all of the other characters weren’t left out, as if they all could very well be considered a main group, instead of a main character, no one was above the other or lower, so I thought that was cool.

Apparently Tekken 7 world finals > EVO this year.

The only magical sci-fi shit that belongs in FF is Magitek aka the best thing ever in existence.

I mean the real Magitek from FFVI and not these automated Dolls they had in XV.

Probably, quality of matches has nothing to do with production value.


I don’t really care about setting so much as long as it’s done well

but I hope they’ll bring back turn based (or ATB) combat. doesn’t feel like an FF game otherwise

Bubsy for Marvel Infinite pls

@Lion_Jak GGS! I would play more but I need to get to bed Im really. Before I joined you I was playing with a friend trying to teach her how to play etc. it didnt go well at all

Noctis in Tekken 7 is probably gonna get me to get it. Partly because that’s probably the closest we’ll get to Soul Calibur at this point :rofl:

Love FFXV, probably my favorite in the series (okay I only played through all of VI and part of VII but that’s not the point), and really like Noctis as a character. Glad he made it. =)

I lived long enough to see M.U.G.E.N character select screens in AAA gaming.

I’m just waiting for God Level 9000 Orochi Rugal K-Groove with SSJ5 Gohan assist in a Guilty Gear game.

If you don’t like canon cross overs then you need to go back to where you came from.

I want Edge and Akira and Saotome in another game before I leave this shitty Earf.