The Street Fighter V Lounge: Lounge Discord Link!

maybe i imagined it i dunno im trryin to make this fuckin chun li marvel combo vid and my execution is ass and this combo i wanna do is fucking hard my brain is turning into mush

Darn, now I have 3 people in my ignore list.

One guest character doesn’t hurt

I wanna see a Mishima

Who? I’d assume Final Fantasy fans now interested in checking out Tekken? Just a guess, though. Tekken 7 trending worldwide and a bunch of non-Tekken players and casuals getting excited kind of supports my theory.

Glad SF has enough interesting characters. We don’t need outsiders in our game.

Xian is truly a man of culture.

I thought not watching or playing Tekken 7 for a few months would at least make me tolerate Jack-7

I was wrong. This character is super wack

Remember in SFxT how Jack-X had a safe DP that could combo into itself? Nutty.

Qudans is the best fighting gamer , in any game . Fuck it lol

Alien 3 is fucking brilliant. Leave it alone!!! :annoyed:

Easily a top 3 grand finals of 2017. Might even be the best one.

I hope that they don’t try to turn Roxy into harley quinn if she’s gonna have the bat.

Also having Roxy over Poison is transphobic and all the other phobics you can think of!!!


Oy vey. Inhale less ether.

Even the director’s cut while admirable in it’s salvage attempts still resulted in a franchise-fucking shambles. Fincher’s signature style in many parts looks undeniably excellent and there’s some fine practical effects and performances scattered throughout (probably my favourite performance from Dance), but overall it’s a studio-fiddled fuck up.

The Alien franchise has only two entries: Alien and Aliens. The rest are trash. In fact, this franchise alongside Terminator remain fine case studies in how efficiently studio manipulation combined with grade-school tier screenwriting can utterly destroy a beloved franchise yet STILL make a metric shit-tonne of money.

They are truly marvels of the modern age.

That was a great tourney

My favorite part of the tourney was when the Korean guy won.

This is the fate of tekken…

Qudans tearing up after winning was already understandable, but this just makes it even more so

[quote=“Daemos, post:469, topic:183981”]

Alien 3 is fucking brilliant. Leave it alone!!! :annoyed:


Alien 3 was terrible. They basically threw a bunch of bad scripts in a bag and picked one at random. All jokes a side, they had several scripts. All of which were terrible. The studio finally just gave up and picked one. The result Alien 3.

Um no.

The Alien Franchise has many entries, and this is how I choose to see them.

The Ellen Ripley Story (Alien, Aliens, and Alien3)

Ripley8 spin-off (Alien Resurrection)

The David Story (Prometheus, Covenant, and the yet to be produced Awakening)

The first trilogy is IMO the best sci-fi story ever put to film, and Alien3 was the most logical and befitting conclusion. Of the 3 first film, it was Aliens that was deviant and tried to turn the Aliens into Starship Troopers, albeit it achieved this beyond perfectly. Alien3 was slaughtered at first because it killed off Hicks and Newt, and because it wasn’t “Aliens 2”. But that is precisely why it is fucking brilliant, and why it gained traction over time and a cult following.

Besides Aliens, every entry in the franchise has been polarizing and yes that includes Alien which was not an instant classic on release and in fact received mixed audience and critical responses back in the day.

[quote=“Darc_Requiem, post:477, topic:183981”]

The final script while flawed was not terrible, the Assembly Cut of the film is proof of this. A film script going through several revisions and interpretations over several years isn’t an argument against it also.



i liked Alien 3. i’m not blind to it’s flaws though, but it was supposed to end the series so it made sense plus the alien didn’t have a bunch of shit on its back so it could hide in air vents more convincingly. Alien Resurrection was terrible imo. i remember shaking my head in the theater when stupid shit would happen, especially the human-alien hybrid.

i hated Prometheus and it’s anti-logic story/characters as well as Covenant and its lack of character development. it gave the antagonist the lead role. they also cut out most of the interesting parts of the story for no reason.

Ridley Scott is George Lucas.