The Street Fighter V Lounge: Lounge Discord Link!

Nov. 19th is when we should be expecting something. Maybe it’s Sagat, maybe it’s season 3 news, or maybe it’s an update on SFV:AE - keep your eyes and ears open.

Did I miss the Tekken World Tour Finals? Whoops.

I haven’t seen it, but I really like FFXV, so Noctis sounds dope

It’s still on. There was a break, DBF intermission, then reveal. Matches are back.

top8 just started, first match

Thanks guys ^^

Noctis in Tekken 7?

I’ll fight you.

Which is weird since me and Final Fantasy XV is just a story of disappointment. I love Noctis tho

I need Monokuma in a fighter.

Someone needs to make it happen.

Even though I’m buying Noctis ASAP, he is a weird choice. First off, he uses weapons, second off, he isn’t even one of the biggest characters from the FF series. If they were looking for money why not pick someone from 7 or one of the other big ones?

EDIT: And yeah, Yoshi uses a weapon, but you know what I mean.

oh wow playing on tilt that will sure get you back to where you want


I ain’t even need tell you these things stop bein such a friggin guy.


I have been a proud soldier in the anti rog army soon after s2 began!!!

I guess because Cloud already appeared in Smash 4 and that was hype as fuck. Even for people that dislike Smash.

It’s a shame FFVIII doesn’t get love like FFVII does.

But you know what this means, right? It means Capcom is gonna throw the best and most popular Final Fantasy character of all time into SFV:

[details=Spoiler]The queen


Desperately trying to keep XV relevant.

I didn’t realize how happy I was that Lightning wasn’t in Tekken until I was reminded of her existence. FF13 was my first FF game and whenever she (or that boy who followed her) were on screen I wanted to stop playing and do anything else to get rid of my boredom. I legit liked Snow, Black guy, and dumb girl though.

yeah 15 freakin sucks.

Last worthwhile ff was 10 and 10 wasn’t even that great either.

FFXIII and FFXV were both revealed when I was in elementary school. FXIII came out when I was almost done high school and FFXV came out after I finished post-secondary lmao. Both games were disappointing beyond belief. FFXV even came out on my birthday last year and I was so excited. I actually haven’t played it since then because it was that wack.

And yet I’m ready to give Harada any amount for Noctis in Tekken 7.

They really pushed the hell out of Lightning, too. I think I came out FFXIII only liking Sazh (black guy), Fang and having a mild tolerance for Lightning.

FFXV is actually pretty good now. It got a lot of patches that added new things and beefed up the story.

Where does it say “sudden?”