The Street Fighter V Lounge: Lounge Discord Link!

I wanna keep playing but at the rate I’m going I’ll be super platinum by tonight.

Looks like this genre isn’t for me after all


You think you’ve got it rough? I was so desperate for a win today I finally resorted to tier whoring.

That’s right, I used Juri!

Man I missed a lot

  1. @appomo wood doors break too, I’ll try and remember taker a picture of mine when I get back home

  2. Yall spent more than 100$ on this game? get on mi lvl, I still haven’t spent 100$ including the base price of the game and I bought both Season passes and Season 1 CPT pass for the Chun costume, just buy all the shit when lord Gaben does discounts

  3. Everytime I say yall the n word afterwards is just implied not to offend any sensible snowflake, is not written but you should by all means feel it in your head

  4. I strongly believe we should all have at least one sentence like this in our posts

Live action…ugh…

@KingCrimson No worries man, I totally understand. I’ve had to do a lot of mental shifts to be able to keep up with how this game can get in my head and even then I still can’t really play it when I want to relax. Need to be in the right mood and mindset for it or I may end up with a MadCatz TE shaped hole in my TV.

Hope you’ve been enjoying Doom!

@TWINBLADES Two things:

  1. This is 'murica goddammit I’ll @ whomever I please. :persevere:

  2. Don’t let the losses get to you mang. Take a break, watch Rocky IV, jerk off, and you’ll be back in fighting shape in no time! Protip: jerk off during Rocky IV to save time (I like the sexy robot part).

I’m very, very slowly climbing the ladder. Don’t let me catch up to you or you’ll have another Laura to deal with.

I was thinking of doing a bit of that today but I don’t want to invest too much time into Rashid as I’m very doubtful that he’s going to be viable in S3.

Every time I lose to Laura I think about going to the dark side. I don’t wanna Tier whore and I don’t wanna play that skank but I get so fucking livid when I lose to that slut.

Hahahaha maybe zap zap isn’t so bad…

play her for a while just to get a better understanding of how she works
embrace your laura hateboner

My predictions for Capcom’s S3 nerfs/buffs.

Most likely to be buffed:

Juri - She’s perceived as weak with Infil the only one doing anything at top level. Fan outcry is much stronger for her compared to Alex and FANG who nobody seems to give a damn about.
Ryu- He’s the poster boy of SF and it’s fairly obvious he’ll get buffs - especially with Daigo dropping him for Guile.
Menat - Still has untapped potential but has to work a little too hard to get damage. I think Capcom buffs her… her damage outside of v-trigger is too low.

Most likely to get nerfed:

Ibuki - Consensus strongest character in the game, maybe tied with Rashid. She’ll get nerfed. I’m hoping they just knock her back down to 900 health and don’t fuck with her tools.
Rashid - Not sure how but this guy is definitely getting nerfed. Everything he does is safe and has by far the best two bar vtrigger in the game.
Laura - Not as strong as the other two but people are crying and they hate fighting her. Like Ibuki, I’d like to see her health nerfed to 950 and not mess with her tools. Maybe a nerf.

I doubt Rog will be left untouched with all the outcry surrounding him

Juri is gonna get overbuffed while Alex and Ryu get nothing

S3 more recovery frames for wiffed normals?? Would be interesting…

Well, the truth is that I was playing so badly with Cammy against one of my friends that he suggested we do random select instead. I got Juri the first match, which is actually my friend’s main. I don’t think I’ve used her outside of the first week I got the game so it was pretty pitiful to watch, but I managed to take the set. After that I managed to fraud my way to victory against his Kolin with Abigail.

At some point I do want to learn Juri, since her getting added was actually the reason I finally bought the game, but at this point I’m still mostly focusing on learning Kolin and Cammy.

I dont care what happens so long as playing like your hair is on fire isn’t the only successful strategy.

When Im in a rut I stop playing for a week or two, but I still think about the game. When I come back my thought processes are much clearer and I shake off old bad habits.

I think you should stop playing for a bit and see where you are in a week or two. Run drills in training mode a couple of times throughtout your rest phase.

I played you yesterday and today in ranked. I was the mummy Sim. Just be more aggressive with VSkill and try to walk in more instead of relying on jumps.

If Laura gets nerfed is not gonna be her s.MK, the fucking thing is -2 OB is just that the animation is jank.
Oblligatory blod+italic sentence

My mans Noctis is in Tekken 7. Fuck what y’all think about guest characters. This is godlike.

I guess I’ll reinstall Tekken 7 this Spring ;_;

Noctis in Tekken?!!!

That shit was hype.

couldve done tsang tsung to fit the boss guest character theme

Noctis is guaranteed going to be my secondary. The fact that he was talking to Lars (my main) on the phone just seals the deal.