The Street Fighter V Lounge: Lounge Discord Link!

Azam was a good pick compared to the rest of the game lol

Cody hitting you like a fucking truck pls

If you like Azam you have terrible taste in everything.

Yeah, no way I’m buying a season pass of anything unless I know straight up who the characters are. They don’t have to show anything but silhouettes but just tell us who they are and I’ll consider buying.


That’s literally the character the entire game.


People are going to be so salty when Cody plays nothing like his SF4 version. Calling it right now…

If you like street fighter you have no taste in fighting games

Boi bye

Correction. If you like NEW street fighter you have no taste in fighting games.

I️ mean people always talk shit about the newest street fighter, it’s tradition at this point.

Yes. it is known as the first version of sf is always crap disease.
The stupid guessing games, ignoramus player base and a funnel of gargantuan fundamental problems with the game’s mechanics.
Yes let’s get into why street fighter is a tasteless malfunction in the fighting game genre.

It’s also extremely difficult to get on board with their character passes when we don’t know what we’re getting. Letting people know the characters won’t take away from the hype. They can still generate hype prior to a character reveal by showing off their gameplay trailer during tournaments like they’re currently doing.

I also wouldn’t complain if they just gave us all of the characters at the start of the season. Not many people want to put time into learning a character that drops during tournament season. I get that sprinkling characters throughout the year keeps people playing and coming back, but does SFV still have a player base outside of competitive players and a few casuals?

I don’t know whats that about the 4 free characters on top of S3, it doesn’t sound plausible. But I would love if the leak about Q is true, I really like his visual design in SF3 and the fact that he’s a charge character make me want to play him even more.

Doesn’t matter. We’re out here buying dlc and dlc passes no matter what the marketing is.

I prefer to have Makoto with dumb changes. Few is better than nothing, I think even Cody players feels the same.


Dedicated fans are the ones that continuously buy stuff so the way they are doing it works for them.

I mean if they pump out a handful of characters for free I’ll be happy, but given thats the the income source then i dunno if thats realistic. Maybe costumes and stages make more money so they dont care? Possible but not plausible imo.

^ This x1000

It’s hard to commit totally to a character when you don’t know if a better one is coming. Then there’s a few possibility some pros put their efforts on a character released at the end of the season because no one wants to be steamrolled in tournament.