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Why would you do this? We already have trouble with grapplers. Our relationship with Canada is excellent, don’t fuck it up. :neutral:

Maybe because the 1K Bison Dollars that bought me a poutine with extra cheese curds last week can no longer buy me the same thing a week later?
Canadians are a peaceful kin, reliant on few things, but don’t touch our access to poutine.

That would be busted as all hell.

…but it would’ve fucked up Guile. Now I want it.

I just calculated today for the 1st time, turns out i have spent a total of 96$ on DLC in this game. Worth every penny.

I bought every Juri costume , every Cammy costume and 2 for Chun…

I will buy every single Juri costume they make.Capcom knows my weak point and they exploit it with no shame at all.

I’m at around 80€
Still sitting on 900k FM, I should stop buying Character Passes.
But hey Steamsales are there for a reason.

Season 2 had no character for me, but Capcom finaly managed it to put a male into SF I like and would play.
Zeku that is.
Menat was nice, but I don’t like this Dhalsim-esque gameplay.

The rest is meh.

So far I’m sticking with Cammy and Juri, now they just need to put either Rose or Poison into the game.
Should both make it for whatever reason I would have to kick Juri out.
Nothing against Juri, but Poison was just so much more fun to play.

what did you buy tho

I’m interested in this.

It doesn’t matter. Just give them money obviously.

I have spent zero dollars on this game.

But bought a shitty Guile air force base stage by accident, Menat, Akuma, Kolin, Juri, Cammy story costume, Ryu story costume all with fight money.

Let me calculate.
4$- Mika battle.
4$ Mika Holiday
4$ Mika Cheerleader
4$ Mika school
4$ Laura battle
4$ Laura summer
4$ Laura Holiday
6$ Chun CPT
4$ Chun School
4$ Chun Work
4$ Chun Summer
4$ Chun bikini 2
4$ Chun Sleep
4$ Chun undercover cop
4$ Ibuki summer outfit
4$ Kolin Battle
4$ Kolin Nostalgia
4$ Kolin sport
4$ Ed battle outfit
4$ Nash school outfit
6$ Menat (character)
4$ Menat battle oufit.

All characters other than Menat via FM and got high roller casino, temple stage, Vega stage, suzuaku castle, Akuma stage via FM

Mostly skins for my 2 main waifus, skins for the secondary waifu. Skins for Bonita cuz duh… and some skins I thought looks cool like Nash and Ed’s and Ibuki’s

Edit : fuck I forgot about Juri battle and Holiday.

Scratch that, we are at 104$ now.

…I think I’m up to $86 now…if I recall the pricing correctly…

$10 for the first CPT stage
$10 for the second CPT stage
$4 for Kolin’s Sporty outfit
$4 for Ed’s School outfit
$12 for Juri’s Nostalgia, School, and Battle outfits
$8 for Mika’s School and Professional outfits
$4 for Ryu’s School outfit
$16 for Chun’s School, Professional, Swimsuit, and Battle outfits
$10 for Ken’s CPT and Holiday outfits
$4 for Cammy’s Battle outfit
$4 for Zangief’s Battle outfit

…giving me a disposable income was a mistake.

I want to ask you guys “why” because I don’t see the appeal, but I’ve been spending a shit ton on money on clothes irl so I can’t talk.

Buying DLC insures that Capcom never makes another good fighting game, which is really important.

Changes I want for Abigail going into S3. These are all with the assumption that other characters will also be balanced to the same degree.

  1. Reduce the whiff recovery of a successful parry. Make it a bit easier for Abigail to combat double-hit fireballs from mid / full screen with b+hp xx parry. This is probably the biggest thing I want on this list, I want to be able to be smart about my parries and get rewarded for using it, getting the timing right and still eating shit from a jumpin is kinda dumb.
  2. Let parry build V-Gauge regardless if the followup hits. Maybe he gets half from the parry and then the other half for the hit.
  3. Remove crumple from EX run xx punch but increase damage to 200, same knockback as regular run xx punch. Winning rounds off landing this randomly is dumb. This is a buff to his f+hp juggle combos though.
  4. Make all versions of run xx punch safer on block. I don’t want it to be safe at point blank but let me space this thing to be safe, it’s not even that fast, regular version is only 100 damage and the punch itself isn’t even armoured.
  5. Make f+hp 8 frames from 10 and gain AA hitbox faster. Expand AA hitbox backward to cover his head. Abigail isn’t a fast character so he can’t move back to get his head out from under jumpins where st.lp isn’t as reliable and I doubt anyone wants Abigail’s st.lp to be made a better AA. Increase horizontal hitbox further away from Abigail to catch jumpaways more consistently.
  6. Remove ability to juggle a second b+hp,hp in V-Trigger OR reduce the damage / stun of b.hp,hp. This only reduces his optimal VT combo damage by about 10% but it stops him from being able to stun you for 1 mistake. See below for full math. I prefer to remove the juggle than reduce the damage / stun of b.hp,hp because uncharged b.hp,hp is necessary to use throughout the round.

Damage reduction from removing 2x b.hp juggle math:

Before: 115+(1030.9)+(1030.8)+(1030.7)+(1030.6)+(1380.5)+(4030.5) = 695

After: 115+(1030.9)+(1030.8)+(1380.7)+(4030.6) = 628

All of these changes are made with the view that S3 is gonna be less of a “I caught you once so you lose” type of game. Abigail is still gonna be a heavy hitter and as fun as 700 damage combos are, he can’t exist how he is now in the game that I want SFV to be.

and remove the hitbox on his ex run! i can’t count how many times that made my command grab whiff

If you make a conscious effort to get used to it, the little stomps during his EX run are really not that much of a problem and can be a valuable mind game in themselves. It’s a gimmick sure, but if even Abigail mains aren’t putting in the effort to familiarise themselves with the stomps, very few of your opponents will know how to react either.

Hi Ves

Keep Abigail the same with a 15 percent damage buff on the next attack after he lands any command grab. Problem solved.