The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode

Shit i hate to bring this up, i really do because it’s been talked so many times before but i am watching MK 11 aftermath on twitch and i just don’t get it lol, i don’t get how all the violence is ok but a bit of nudity is not.

How is naked body so harmful for the potential under aged viewer but a chainsaw and sword through the skull is perfectly fine ?? !!!


Because the United States of America was founded by Puritans. People that were prudes about nudity but had no issue killing women on suspect evident of being witches. Despite the centuries their core issues with nudity and lack of issues with violence still have a heavy influence of our society.

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Because values are skewed.
Sexuality and anything related to it is taboo despiete being a natural part of the human nature.
Meanwhile, extremley graphic violence is glorified and put front and center.


Need to get on figuring out how to mod SF5.

Also on these silly video game making tbingies I bought for funsies.

Also, who’d like to help sort out some stream programming for the SRK_forums stream?

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It is funny how the left ends overlapping on the whole puritan shit, it is maybe for different excuses, but at the end, they end behaving like the right they oppose.


Fug, that’s tough.

I personally believe that the Tournament mode has been in the oven for too long now and the CPT costumes will drop.

Netcode patch is unlikely, but would be appreciated.

Just scrap whatever they got and port 30th’s netcode. :rofl:

I can help you if you get your game running.

It should be the netcode patch I think. I remember they said they had to delay the netcode patch due to the coronavirus and they said that about 2 months ago. So maybe it’s due.

What if the exciting new features includes the long-awaited Wi-fi indicator?



If were only that, it could be a problem since they are creating expectation that is something kind of “big”

It runs, just doesnt run great. I’d need a new graphics card. Not sure if that would be all that worth it though.

I can send you nude mods >:3


If you’re having performance issues, you can go to options and lower the render scale. The game will look like shit though.

Lol floppy Abigail dicks for everybody.

But if you know how they edit the game tk change move properties etc, I’d appreciate shortening the googling time.


What specs does your PC have @Pertho ? SFV isn’t demanding at all.

Its my graphics card that doesnt meet min requirements.

Friendship! Friendship? Again?

Kind of old, but this is a tool i used to mess with SFV back in the day.
Dunno if they keep it updated, but it could be a nice start

Keep in mind that moddin SFV to make a “new game” requires multiple things, audi, fxs, animations etc.

Luckly, there are a lot of tool that the community has worked on for all the things you need.
There are even tools to make SF a 3d model poser.

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Dont want to make it a new game. Want to change properties around to things I think wouls improve it.