The Street Fighter 3poxy Strike: Everybody at home but SF5 doesn't have Netcode

All good no worries.

I am trying to smooth out my animations so they look less stiff.I suppose it will improve in time. I saw a a lot of short animations, 40 frames maybe even less, that are quite good. Looked it up a bit and basically you gotta grind that graph editor like crazy to bend each frame by frame so the motion looks smoother. Requires a lot of patience.

Are we placing bets on SamSho’s population once it comes out on PC?
Does Epic even have a thing like steam charts?

Look at this shit, how are you gonna friendzone my girl Jessie like that when she’s so thirsty?!?!

I wanna play that game just for Scarlet.

you should do it right now!!! Maybe you’ll find the girl who is like Juri in the game

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Just needs to be visually appealing and have a cool attitude.

Unsure how Scarlet is in the story ( because i don’t know anything about the franchise ) but i love her looks.


All of my yes.


stethoscope too cold for babby :slight_smile:



of all those ladies this is the best one cause its the least like a hooker



Kindly provide directions to the nearest Hellgate you are visiting !


dis one


Hey man, that game had a lot of potential and fuck…i still remember that ass from the CGI cinematic.


Interesting video:

I’m curious what your guys opinion on this is? Do older games really take faster decision speed than newer games? If you’re a little slower in decision making but can hold a lot of information, is there a chance you’d be better at newer games (SFV) vs older games?

Tbh, I feel like fast decision making and knowledge are just as important in both and don’t really think there’s much difference in the balance needed (of course, I suck at all games so my opinion is very much from a surface level).

As Daigo mentions later, the more knowledgeable you get, the faster your decision making is and the more options/routes you give yourself. I think that’s the most important part in learning any game new or old.

Edit: I guess the argument is that SFV is more turn based so you need to know the data as to when to take your turn back, where as older games don’t need this information so this kind of knowledge isn’t as important.

Edit 2: so wait, wouldn’t this mean that SFV should be harder for newcomers since there’s more information required? I’d imagine the fast decisions are still just as required. If SFV needed the same precise inputs as ST or maybe 3S, it would seem it’d be much harder for newcomers, no?


Hmm I have no tracks in my phone with “hellgate” in the title. I do have something of similar nature, about the pandemonium I will left behind before doing my time in hell!! :metal:

Check out 4:46 :guitar:!!!

Before my time in hell no souls are left to take
Blood from the sky has fell raising the dead awake

Before my time in hell

Before my time to rot staining this sacred ground
Respect for the dead forgot turn all your crosses down

Before my time in hell

Darkness arrives death to dust dust to flames
Flames will arise flesh to burn free from this earth

Before my time to burn songs will be sung in praise
There is no need to mourn triumph of death still plays

Before my time in flames open your legs once more
Flesh against flesh now cold banging on hells black door


Made a few more poses with Scarlet.

Why is the picture cut like this? You removed the shoes did you? You little perv!


Gimme 1 min, i will show you.

EDIT : this is why, the model has some issues with weight painting the items to the body that i still need to fix, her shoes are clipping through her feet.

Suuuuuuuure, whatever you say.

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The work is complete