But I have to mention it, otherwise Dark gets mad at me again for not talking about it in the SFV Thread.
Uni hasn’t been good for me tbh.
The last times I played it I had a weird thing happening, where the game ran good.
Like 2-4f delay, then some lagspike happend and then it was never better than 10frames.
This seems to happen for the Steam Version still and no one knows why.
Centralfiction runs good, BBTag too, but they use a different Netcode.
Xrd was good for the most part as well.
I had not a single problem with Granblue, outside of someone who ran the game at like 20 fps.
look man, keep talking out your ass about a country you don’t live in, and a scene and reality you don’t know. I’ll even give you credit and take what you’re saying about “playable” connections where you live as truth, because I’m not there so I really don’t know. But hey instead of recognizing problems that are holding back the games you care about on a global level, go ahead and keep on mumbling about murricans
btw the americans who “dont even play” the anime games you’re talking about? p sure they regularly outplace euros at like, every international event of note. UNI, GG, BB…craaaaaaaaazy how that happens
Global level?
What global level, the talk was about murica. You talk about the states and now it’s a global thing.
At least in the EU Communitys no one blames their lack of skill on online play, maybe you should learn from that and become a better player, instead of a whiny bitch.
Netcode has never stopped anyone from playing games and americas anime scene is widely considerd a meme. Especially as the Top 10 Muricans got buttfucked by Fenritt, cause none of these morons knows what a neutralgame is and only focus on Combos and Setplay.
Japan plays games on garbage Nescia and that runs like dogshit even over there.
But hey we all know something like CF wasn’t played in the states cause the Netcode is sooooo bad and not because their elites got chewed down and spit out by whats considerd mediocre in the Japan scene.
Craaaaaaaaaaazy how that happens.
Yeah the netcode sucks. Unfortunately US lobbies don’t split their lobbies via states and it’s just West/East.
The EU lobbies are split between countries, so UK lobby has majority UK players. It makes finding playable connections favourable for us. ArcSys netplay remains garbage.
if you dont understand the connection between a strong american scene and a strong global scene, or the connection between giving people playable netcode in regions that struggle with it and a stronger global scene then you’re honestly clueless
shitty netcode has one hundred percent killed games that people really liked, especially right now in a world where just playing offline isnt an option
ah yes america’s anime scene, such a meme. lostsoul, the man who earned the respect of mikado badasses with absolutely insane wins time and again? just a meme. a little dude by the name of sonicfox having over a year long back and forth in dbfz with the melty god, lord go1? just a meme. redblade’s incredible results in unist? guess thats a meme too. how many european memes are there hmmmm? you got any spicy memes for me, big shooter?
Shocker, but delay netcode sucks. The only people defending it are the anime players on here (not Shahenzan) and it does get irritating after awhile. It’s probably the sole reason I end up dropping SNK games after a few months. I’d probably still be playing Samsho if it didn’t have such bad netcode.
That said, Granblue is not dead online at all. I’ve been getting a steady stream of matches since release and it’s a fun enough game that it’s kept me playing.
Don’t bother discussing anything with him, he’ll stubbornly keep insisting he’s right even when all the evidence proves him wrong. I’m European and I agree with everything you said.
People did that way back in the arcade with Samurai Shodown. Particularly SS2, which introduced supers breaking your weapon, with a replacement being thrown out a few seconds later. It was kind of like Street Fighter 2 players that would tell you to throw them if they accidentally threw you, a kind of misguided “honor” system to what they felt was bad game design.
It was somewhat annoying to me, as I was one of the people that put effort into learning to fight while unarmed.
In SS2 matches, I’d even have opponents complaining because I’d continued to fight while unarmed instead of picking up my weapon.
You also consider SFV netcode good.
Your opinion is invalid anyway on that topic, it’s like Voltas opinion on beauty with Blanka being the peak of beauty.
Tell me what game.
There have been a dozen game with much more horrendous netcodes and people keeped playing them.
DB isn’t anime, it’s marvel with a fancy look.
And exceptions prove the rule.