The Street Calibur 5 Lounge: The Soul Burns But not as Hard as the FGC is Burning


I think you’re forgetting the adult in play who is having sex with these children, when the adult should know better.

And i think people put a lot more weight into things like feeling trapped in the wrong body for their whole life than wanting sexual release in a moment.

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You’re trying to change the convo into something it isn’t. None of us are trying to sort out the merits of giving a kid hormones, ON THE OTHER HAND, we are all trying to figure out why the fuck there were adults taking advantage of young teens.

You stay on topic instead of trying to segue this shit into w/e nonsense you’re trying to bring.


Right and for those that do? The ones that hey I like boys or girls and I’m a go for sex after making a choice on my sexuality/gender or other.

I just wonder where the " maybe you aren’t mature enough to make an informed decision" comes in

That argument has been used to defend MK’s bad animation ever since it went to 3D models, and isn’t really true.

It isn’t like NRS is intentionally recreating the awkward photo poses of its digitized 2D days. You can tell it isn’t intentional, because you can find some well-animated moves mixed in with some truly lazy and awful animations. You can also tell that a fair amount of animation issues look like what you’d get from inexperienced artists or artists that either are being rushed or just don’t care.

NRS just creates low-skilled and/or cheap 3D animation because it has realized that not only can it get away with it, segments of its audience will even defend the results.


It’s not a child’s fault for feeling attracted to an adult, it’s the adult’s fault for acting on it.


Asked a simple question, with no hidden agenda. You gave me an answer that’s cool.

Nah not at all.

Clearly this isn’t the place for this kind of question :joy: which I should have known lol.

But it’s all good, I’ll let everyone getting back to being shocked about the smash and the fgc drama

Shit I’ve been in the wrong lounge all along


What two horny teens do together isn’t anyone else’s business. But that’s not what happened. People are saying a child isn’t mature enough to consent to sex with an ADULT because there’s a power dynamic at play. It’s not complicated. Stop trying to play devil’s advocate because you really sound like you just want to victim blame the kids in the smash community.

Two horny teens shouldn’t be doing it either but that’s yet another conversation. Especially if there is any age difference because that gets messed up quick.

That’s also not what I asked, I basically asked when it comes to letting children determine there sexuality and gender and things that will and can affect them there whole life why is it ok until it hits actually having sex? Parents will ok gender surgeries but then get upset at the idea of the child being sexual (not with an adult)

Either you are mature or you aren’t at those ages.

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I follow this dude on twitter lol

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Because there’s a big difference between dealing with somebody in your class that’s also trying to sort out how things work and a grown ass person talking to you.

From basically 12/13 to 18 a lot of kids are trying to sort stuff out. We already know they go through a rebellious face where they’ll dip into random stuff just to see. A kid saying they’re guy and then changing their mind is w/e. A kid saying their gay and then a grown ass person bending them over is a different situation altogether.

You gotta give kids room to fuck up without fucking up too badly. in their peer groups they can make their mistakes and sort shit out with other people making their mistakes and sorting things out. A grown person is messing around there is going to toss a monkey wrench into it for a million reasons.

Lets take the Puppeh situation. Dude is 14 years old, meets another girl his age, they sort of date, break up etc but he is allowed to talk about it freely. He can go to other friends or people in his scene and talk about it. What Cinnipie did was run game on a kid, use the kid for her desires and then played games with him so he wouldn’t tell anybody. How is he supposed to learn from any of that? All he did was get abused by a grown ass woman.

That’s the issue. The experience gap, coupled with legitimate developmental issues are at play. If a chick goes trough a tomboy phase in high school, all she’ll do is lose some hair, if she does the same and a grown ass woman starts pushing her one way or another and involving the issues sex brings with it, you’ve got a lot of psychological gears running that have and can cause a lot of harm.


You keep linking orientation and gender identity with having sex. It’s not the same thing. If a kid identifies as LGBTQ+, that is not them announcing to the world that they’re ready to fuck.

Why don’t you question any kid that identifies as straight “what makes you mature enough make that decision?” Straight and cis gender is just as much a sexuality and a gender identity as gay or transgender.

Also, do you think every person who is trans gets reassignment surgery? Because they don’t.

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I get what your laying down but cmon fam lol

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I’m not saying he should. But by his own logic, tell me why he doesn’t if he insists on doing the same to non straight kids.

Two horny teens shouldn’t be doing it either but that’s yet another conversation.

Fucking lol

Do you even have kids or understand how kids are at all?


I was a fucking degenerate as a kid. Me and a couple of the local girls in my neighborhood would have made my mom whoop my ass back then.

God I was such a chad as a kid… those were the days :sob:


First Time I saw this online, This makes a good gameboy commercial lol.

That show never aired on our place

some smart guy on the comment section: 
**Woman seduces young boy:** saxophone plays
**Man seduces young girl:** siren sounds

A big chunk of this is also downplay of men’s sexuality. Just because we were horny teenagers doesn’t mean we were ready for all that’s involved in dealing with a grown relationship.

We gotta stop treating some goofy fantasies like they’re how shit plays out for every guy. If grown ass men are walking away from bad relationship with women, wtf chance does a kid with no experience have?


Yeah when I was a teen all I cared about was sex pretty much. Puberty is a motherfucker.

The woman should face charges that kid looks like he was 10. Not that it justifies but if I got to go play video games and get my dick sucked back then I would of been okay with it. Just saying me personally not that guy.