The Street Calibur 5 Lounge: The Soul Burns But not as Hard as the FGC is Burning

You arent ready for basketball combos yet.

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Here’s an even better one from the next game:

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Thanks, i needed to know who should be on my list.


I freaking love it, punching a guy in the dick 12 times in a row should be a part of a BnB for at least one character in every fighting game. Would make picking a main way easier

We’ve played games, man. You know I am never ready for anything


EU online Tekken tourney going on now.

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third time this video was posted, but…

Bruuuuuuhhh, 12 seconds of low kicks ONLY TO GET KO’D WITH NO TIME ON THE CLOCK! WITH A LIFE LEAD!

This shit is too hype

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I cant believe that i have to keep pointing this out, but just because GGPO works great for 3s, it doesnt mean that will work for other fighting games.
GGPO is not a catch all solution.

I prefer for devs to work on their own solutions that suit their needs instead of trying to use a tool that wouldnt necesarily work well for them.

GGPO has waaaay more implementation failures than it has sucesses, that is a fact.
As for why devs have not used rollback more frequently, who knows.
But one thing i know is that outside the fgc, the majority of people dont like rollback for a lot of reasons.
1st most hate when a rollback happens that fucks them over.
2nd most see the actual rollbacks as actually glitches.
They dont care that their inputs are not getting eaten, when all they see is the character teleporting all over the place and being robbed of actual plays because a rollback happened ata crucial moment.

And i am not talking about just fighting games, but FPS, racing games, etc.
I could imagine that could have been a factor way more than this stupid nonsense that is something about japanese devs being prideful and not wanting to use rollback because hurr durr stupid gajins.

Hell, I am more willing to think that GGPO could have some negative bagage for some jap companies due how its origin is tied to emulation and piracy, since that makes more sense than they having some very selective repulsion towards a technology while being willing to use other ones like C/C++, UE3/UE4, computers/consoles, etc.

Is just idiotic.


When you see the hitspark, hit confirm and then it rollsback to them blocking.



I specially fucking hated it when it happened because idiots configured their setup to have 0 input delay, forcing rollbacks every goddamn second.

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Hit confirm, into rollback and now you got crush countered.

Easily one of the most salt inducing things I’ve dealt with in fighting games.

About that new battle mechanic that’s supposed to come out this winter (see roadmap of doom).

What are some mechanics you guys definitely wouldn’t want to see?
If it’s gonna be a 3rd wakeup option, I’d definitely consider this game beyond redemption.

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Game already has 3 wake up options.


FC2 installed, hunting ST, 3S and CvS2 files now.

I’m too exhausted to play anything tonight, but I’ll definitely be playing at some point this weekend.


Wait, FC2 has CvS2?

Don’t give me hope…

He means
another one



CVS2 will be a bitch. You have to install the special nulldc netplay emulator and the process is a bit tedious - at least it was with mvc2. I cant even really remember how i finally figured it. Also, it uses delay based netcode. FC2 is really just the host, it uses a third party, external emulator.


IIRC, Power Rangers, KI, and NRS games don’t use GGPO. GGPO is rollback netcode. Rollback netcode is something that is 15 years old. The principle behind it is not new. Budget games can and have implemented roll back netcode, so there is no excuse for anyone else at this point.