The Street Calibur 5 Lounge: The Soul Burns But not as Hard as the FGC is Burning



@Daemos and @You would disagree with you on that one. Side note. I bet Daemos would like my updated Bison. New hat option really helped with the accuracy of that one.


I actually like both costumes, and wish could have both. But my favorite is her SC4. She looks more fierce and sexier in that one.

I’d like it is she kept her natural blonde hair color because it represents more the struggle and discrimination she had to go through being a foreigner in Japan.

Real name is Neve, Portuguese for Snow / Nieve. In SCV she teaches Patroklos her sword technique.


after watching KI doc, then a recommendation pops up it was different but then I just go-on with it even it was different

Satsu No Hadou/ Kage is true @41:20


My tournament on 30th is tomorrow. This’ll be the first semi-large tourney in a long time for me, at least for 3rd Strike. Do I air parry all day, or do I option parry on the ground? So many options, so little time…


Why don’t you do both like you always do? :grin:

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Drop hit confirms and pretend it’s because I want to apply pressure? I’ll consider it.



@Akhos Aggrestsuko #4 is out, don’t miss out!


@TWINBLADES demands a blonde version. He barely survived the brunette Setsuka talk.

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Ok so I played someone who’s in my bracket tomorrow and I lost 5-0. To Hugo. Scary stuff. Maybe I should settle for top 16. You know, top 16 out of 16 participants.

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Didn’t setsuka have beef with mitsu?

Yes, she was introduced as asort of rival to him, where she was searching revenge on him for killing her master iirc.

Ultimately, she gives up on killing him on 4, because revenge wasnt worth her being consumed by it, or something like that


who all wanted to play sc6 on pc here? @zioserpe and who else? let me see them steam ids and lets add each other up

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Me :ok_hand:t5:

Eh, I might consider playing it again tbh.
I really like SC a lot, the movement alone is fun, I just never went further with the game than, beating Bots in SCIV over and over senseless with my man Yoshimitsu.

I would either play him, Sophitia or 2B now.

whats that steam id amigo

all winning choices tbh
yoshi has nonsensically good frame data/tools, sophi makes everyone feel bad for daring to press a -14 move, and 2b is a solid all rounder type

While I’m at it. How much differs Cassandra from Sophitia?

Should be realdarkphoenix

they play p different
sophitia has good all around moves, fast lows/mids etc but not much damage on the pokes. she is imo centered around her stab 236b, a very powerful i14 punish that makes characters scared of throwing out -14 moves because no one punishes those like sophi. takes a little execution to get the most juice out of it because it has just frame followups but you dont need to JF to get damage. her angel step also makes her annoying to keep out because she low profiles the entire time, so horizontal highs miss her. she also has a lot of auto GI moves to get out of trouble with

I know cassandra a lot less but from what I know she does not have a punishment game as solid as sophi’s, but she does have a stronger selection of break attacks and get-in moves. basically more rushdown focused. she also has a stab/angel step but besides that shes her own thing
