That is FUCKING PIMP!! Is that the right size? Yea if you could pm me the .psd please thank you man. This is the best news i’ve had for my SF4 TE stick. I haven’t gotten it yet and Gamestop told me at the earliest it I would get it is at march 1st!:bluu: All I have to play with right now is my standard Mas stick. I wanted to show your artwork off at Final Round, but it might not happen now. Maybe I can put that pic on my mas stick. do you think it would fit? prolly not because the button layout it straight across on my standard mas. oh well i figure out something. this art is tooooo hot to let goto waste! Thanks alot man. SIck work!:pray::pray::pray::pray:

I read through the SE SF4 stick template thread but didn’t see what I wanted to I come here. This is again for the SE SF4 stick (PS3 edition if that info is needed).


I wanted some kind of Lilith (Vampire Savior) themed stick. I had a general idea of the layout, with the character art on the left hand side (So you can at least see her face, lol), a haunted castle spire with the moon in the background in the upper right hand corner (Faded in a bit) and the Darkstalkers logo in the bottom right hand corner. Though I’m also up for allowing you guys some creative license. Oh and if Kinkos/whomever is going to have a fit if I try to print it out with the Darkstalkers logo, you can take it off.

Images: Darkstalkers logo art Lilith art.

I’m kind of undecided on the two images of Lilith, you’re free to use whichever works best. I have paypal and am willing to compensate for your services, thanks.

Sorry haven’t replied sooner, but with SRK crashing every 5 minutes I usually just forgot to message or post. . .

Jimmy I’m still looking for a hrap 1 template,may have to see if I can wing it with a hrap2 maybe the sizes are alike? not sure. . .


I have an idea for B-Boy’s as well, but if someone else already started that let me know. . .
I’ll also probably put up some stick designs for sell in like a week or so. . .

I tried to make a quick rough draft to let you know what I’m talking about.

Something like that, but with a less plain background and maybe the Family Matters logo above the joystick.

capcom vs snk2 themed stick

I have an old redoctane stick modded for my 360 but I would love some capcom vs snk2 art for it if anyone knows the dimensions and could whip me up something.

No they’re not alike.
Like i said i cant find the template…


edit Small edit on Lilith placement:

id like to request a SE Art


Design I would like this on the left side, work it however so at least all of the upper body shows up on the stick very well espically the taunting hand and face.
i would like the background to be white and an red aura like in the pic around the stick. if you can add the black water marks around, that would be great too. also on the buttons i would like labels like on this stick

It’s only preliminary, as in I’M NOT DONE!

I’ll have it done by tomorrow morning. Just wanted to know what you think so far before I get too into it.

looks really good, was wondering if there was any way you can get his hand he is taunting with to show on the stick, if not, no worries. also can you add the street fighter logo on the bottom right corner? i forgot to mention that. and maybe do a history type thing for street fighter just like on that kof stick?

Any of you worked on a C. Viper design you’d be interested in selling? I been looking over the web to look for a source image to make a request, but haven’t been able to commit. However if anyone has some pre-made C. Viper stuff, or an idea let me know.

The new SF4 comic has the best Viper art I’ve seen.


word. . .

I knew Tat was gonna be all over that. Along with Vag-bow, he’s putting it all up in C. Viper’s butt right now.

Vag-bow stickart plz.



edit shinblanka’s TE stick converted to MAS:

Thank you sir! Now is this the right size? Can I just take this pic to kinko’s and get it printed out? I’m new to this and your $ is on the way sir.:smokin: Thanks alot!

hows that ken comming along BIGWORM?

Ayo Tat, i just cant find the template
I searched everywhere, no dice.

Is there any other way to solve this prob?

Hi guys, I have a stick art request. This one’s pretty general, so you can have your way with it as long as it has the following:

  1. The RX-78 head on the left side.

  2. My name, Xerym, on the bottom right, with a solid line behind it, with this line starting from the left side of the stick and ending on the right. The line should contrast with the name.

  3. The design is sort of a splatter type / simple clean, I don’t know what it’s called. Sorta like these:

  4. Overall theme matches with bubble top violet and ps-14-kn violet buttons.

  5. Has L1, L2, X, R2, etc… labeling. You decide which looks best. Even icons work for me.

  6. I’m going to mount it on an HRAP 3, and I would like to keep the turbo and home panel.

Thanks in advance!