So is this a request thread or pay thread? Will you jews accept other payments besides money? Happy endings? I also got Krispy Cream glaze crumbs too…

I need that Vewlix art for my EX2 stick that im getting today!

  1. As far as I’m concerned, pay.

  2. Money kthx

  3. Jewlix


PMd you, quiche.

Got your pm, mastermind. I’ll see what I can do. I might throw a few embellishments of my own into the design if you don’t mind. Also might be a few days. School is kicking my ass.


help me with a template please !


Instead of buying a Mad catz fighting stick with Street fighter 4, ive decided to just make one from different peices.

Im planning to put a Sanwa stick with Seimitsu buttons (with leds behind) in the box of a Norris Arcade sticks.

Ill also be using the Cthulhu board for my PS3.

But when it comes to the picture of design on the top… i rather suck at it…

Can anyone help me ?

Im looking for a Star Wars Theme ( Dath Vader VS Luke kinda theme) and ill be using Red and green Seimitsu buttons that are translucent (it’s gonna be awesome). Maybe a Tie-Fighter and an X-wing in the back too or something.

Anyone help me with this ?

here is the themplate:

Thanks alot to anyone who helps me out.
would either of these work?

yes the first one is awesome !!


Anyone? :confused:

If you can wait till about late sunday i’ll do it. I’ve got some other requests i need to get done.

jp. . .Alright cool then I’ll try to have your’s done around the same time as Jimmy’s

Im a patient guy, dude.
Take your time, just let me know.

Just a thought here. I’m no artist by any means so that is why I am asking here.

What about some art that had the moves listed on it for SF4. Or at least some of them…they do not need to be all viewable, but just showing off a list of them. Thinking similar to old school machines that had some of the moves listed below the monitor. Could be kinda hot…or am I just wayyyyy off.

no, ive actually seen that on a stick somewhere in the forums. its pretty cool. but u need a rather large stick to display a movelist for more than a few characters.

Hey, what program do you use to make that artwork for the sticks ? how do you include the template in that program and make sure it’s the right size ?

Just in case i wanna try my hand at it sometime :slight_smile:

I’ve been following this thread for a while now and all you guys are very talented with these designs and stuff. I’d like to make a little request.

Can some one make a stick with something like this, this or this picture somewhere on the lower left corner and something like this picture on the right, behind the buttons?

Thank you very much.

Quiche…Can you take this design below and put it on the template for the hori ex2?


Let me know if you can do this for me. If you feel like throwing in a little bit of your artistic talent to change it up a bit feel free. Provide me with a paypal address so i can compensate you for your work. Take it easy and thanks!

Yeah no problem.

A quick note to anyone else who I’m working on stickart for:

School is super kicking my ass right now, have 3 big midterms next week. After that I’m going out of town for spring break etc. So I won’t be able to to anything else for another few weeks. Basically what I’m saying is if you’re waiting on me to make you something, don’t. Sorry.


EDIT: Though any of my designs in this thread are still for sale.

I would like to request stick artwork for my Hori EX2
I want to do a Blanka themed stick but I am having a hard time trying to find a really good image to work with so I can do it myself…

I give the artist freedom with how you would like to do this, and am not going to twink you out of payment for your time. I can see paying ~5-10bux for nice work. would prefer to have the majority of Blanka in the left side so you can see most of him. With some kind of pattern around the button layout. I would prefer a clean theme like one of these:

that was done by quiche (but I see he’s about to be busy with life)…
or like this (bacon3333’s):

Here are the Hori templates for ease:
Hori Shape
Hori Marks
I’m waiting to order new buttons so I can try and color match with the theme one of you guys might mock up for me.

I’m not really in a hurry. You’re just one quiche and we’re many customers. :looney:

shinblanka: After some time, I decided to not do your stick art. Sorry man…

JK! Got it right here:

Lemme know if you need the .psd for whatever reason.


No srsly, don’t wait on me. The button layout on the EX2 makes it almost impossible to do a Vewlix layout because the concentric circles overlap way too much. I spent like 2 hours trying to get it right and just gave up.
