The ST match vids + discussion thread

Heads up to peeps looking for videos of EvoWest '07. Ten vids in total including player/crowd shots. Excellent commentary from Seth as always.

Also available for download here:

Afrolegends! Holeee shit.

Hi, I have been uploading loads of st vids on u-tube. My account url is:

PS: There’s also many decent alpha/zero 3, and 3s vids with famous players

Evo West 2007 MVP.

I hope this is the right place to ask, but can anyone recommend plenty ST combo videos in the same vein as this one here

I want to make a ST video compilation DVD viewing the greatest and most difficult combos, with great music (rock/jazz/metal preferably), short intros, great endings, etc.especially to that “Ode to the 2 Hit” video effect done a few years ago.

Post links here or PM me to as many ST combo videos as possible describing my preference above.
Thanks in advance

Hrm…I think your testing method was flawed. For one thing, walking is not instant (it has start-up). For another thing, we already know that in ST, you can reversal after being knocked out of the air. Lastly, [getting knocked out of the air] and [landing from a jump] are not the same thing. There are no landing frames when you get knocked out of the air (therefor you can do reversals upon landing), but there are landing frames when you jump (therefor you can’t block upon landing).

You don’t plan on selling this DVD, right?

French Ranking Battle Videos

Here are the links for those interested :

Feel free to discuss.

Good stuff, man!

Bold use of Bison’s slide kick … nohoho likes!




TIGER Set between Aniken and Yaya. USA VS Yaya Koike VS Yaya

I always wondered why he switched to CE Guile instead of CE Sagat for AE. Maybe the same reason he didn’t use O. Sagat in the first place? Might’ve created bad habits for ST Sagat?

I managed to record 3 sets of ST on 11-4-07. Pretty good stuff here:

Dogberry (9W Dee Jay) vs. Jed07 (6W Guile):

Psychochronic (9W Dictator, Chun-Li) vs. Dogberry (10W Guile):

Psychochronic (10W Dictator, Chun-Li) vs. Jed07 (5W Guile):

Just to note, I’ve onle been practicing Dictator for three days before these sets and that none of us three have played ST even remotely competitively since T8 (which was four and a half months ago). Any feedback is appreciated now enjoy! :tup:

Youtube Playlist here:

For Dictator his standing short/multi standing shorts in tight is beasty and leads into charge combos and throws very well.

Your friend using Guile should try out the knee cannon (with Turbo guile I believe it’s back and standing short) to maintain a charge and rush forward after a thrown SB. (In close a the standing roundhouse does the same thing and pokes)

BTW, who is your main?

Which Guile player are you referring to? If it’s Jed, he’s been only playing the game since pre-T8, so about 8 months. My main is Chun-Li and I’ve been only using Dictator for three days before these sets got recorded so back then before this, I didn’t have an alternate character lined up for me.

Jed is the person I was referring to.

Bison is a good choice for an alt but I don’t think he really does anything better than Chun does.

who are the other sick fei players besides Noguchi?

check out Yuubou

None of the links other then youtube on the first page work cuz when i download them it says windows media player doesn’t have the codec to play them and when i i try playing the ST matchvids from only the sound works no visal so WTF?

EDIT: [media=youtube]Qe0M4tkaSpo[/media]

At 6:38 does anyone else hear someone saying what sounds like zoolander? :lol:

Have you tried using VLC media player?

I dl’ed a vid from combovideos and it doesnt work on VCL media player either.

These really made me want to pick up Dictator. Sick.