This dude has some interesting stuff up. (Itadaki Street videos… what the eff?)
Neo Star Cup 06 Cam Action
3rd Round
Kurahashi (Ryu, Boxer, Guile) vs. The SuperStar (DJ, Boxer x2)
Mattsun (Ken x2, Cammy) vs. Hakase (Sim x2, Fei)
Gian (Dhalsim x2, Ryu) vs. Taira (Dictator x3)
New Yoga48 video. Hmm…
Nohoho, oftentimes when I try to look at your blog posts referring to Mikado’s videos, the link doesn’t work, sends me to a 403. What’s the deal with that?
Fudd - D blocks a jump-in here and there instead of DP’ing. It’s kind of his achilles heel. Pretty funny.
UltraDavid - Some times of day are worse than others I think.
CB - Dude I have no clue. That Bentoudairi guy has some mysterious videos. He’s the guy with that Cammy air super clip that was discussed “In the House” a while ago.
did anyone se the balrog x3 charge? ive tryed that out, it shouldnt be possible. max2. zup with that one? he did headbutt, dashing uppercut THEN super >_>
i know how to do it…ive even tryed it out a long time ago, my point is that its a x3 charge…it shoudnt be possible from what i remember, its max2… in other words, after the headbut + dash, the super shouldnt come out even if you do it right. is this false? im gonna try it out in traningmode later. maybe this is only hsf2, i’ll try it in ST also.
I think he is referring to videos like this (though not necessarily this specific video) that require you to download a specific codec in order to play it.
I managed to record seven sets of first-to-10 on 12-27-07. Pretty much the longest ST casual I’ve ever hosted and the most serious Canadian ST casual done in years. Footage also includes David Spence (from Philadelphia) and Brian Feldstein (from Berkeley/Boston). They were in the area for the holidays so I gave them a shout a few days in advance. I’ll put all these matches up (nearly 3 hours) on both Youtube and Megaupload in about 1-2 weeks (2 1/2 weeks max).
Any videos i download combovidoes or any other site don’t work at all on lvc media player and on windows media player only the sound plays theres no visual so youtube is all that works when i want to watch match vids.
hehe… predictable on the dash lows? you think? i only did them sometimes when i was in a safe length from him… i also did a huge mistake, i somehow recall you couldnt super on HF giefs lariat,but you can ^^ so i actually had alot of free supers. after a while he wouldnt have done the lariat as often, but id have a few free supers. could have changed the outcome… oh well, next time ;>