The ST match vids + discussion thread

After completing the super motion on the joystick, you actually have 11 frames to hit the button, so you can take a noticeable step forward before doing the super. I’ve also seen Tama do it with Boxer’s super after low Jabs. (They do it to fake out the opponent…make 'em think a throw is coming.)

Ah now I understand, figured it was some technical issue to do with the inputs, makes for a pretty evil fake. Is this info already mentioned in the wiki, or T.Akiba’s site?

The 11 frames is mentioned in T.Akiba’s site. The tactic is not on either (I scanned over both); and is a usefull tactic. Thanks NKI :wgrin:

Can anyone post this players names?

[media=youtube]fKbFKG94qQU[/media] Ryu Vs Guile

[media=youtube]7LjA63OvPDw[/media] Ryu Vs Chun

[media=youtube]JurCQcwigVU[/media] Guile Vs Gief

[media=youtube]1ra4hDeFmZU[/media] Gief Vs Chun


geif = unipon
chun= onoe
ryu= san

I can’t read the guile one, sorry.

Guile = Kankin

TONS of new vids on youtube…

GOGOGOGOGO!!! They are HOT!!

Heh, I was just about to plug that youtube account over here. Thanks go to tianyuan for helping me upload those.

Well I posted links to the GMC vids a couple years ago here on SRK.

Yes! hehe. Said GMC vids are worth watching again. Fuckin’ A! Doesn’t get any hotter.

BTW: where there’s a capital G next to a players name on the x-mania 1 vids that means I wasn’t 100% sure if it was them or not.


Worst version of ST. EVER!

I like How Blanka at the end ate all those throws. I woulda killed myself at the end of the match if that happened to me.

LOL, Is Ken doing an aerial psycho crusher when he jumps? And I love how Zangeif like magically throws them, and his k 360 throw.

Anybody got OG Sim besides the Shirts matchups? (Or, more Shirts matchups!? That’d be great too)

I love seeing New Sim, but there are things he does and things OG Sim does that are quite a bit different. Watching new sim vids doesn’t really help out that much, considering I only have one kick drill and the mummy.

I uploaded a couple X-Mania 3 videos.

#24 - very fierce Ryu action. (could be Umechin, I’m afraid I don’t know who’s who)
I’ll post more later. My upload is shit. ;_;

Good Shiz. Thanks.

Might’ve been Pony vs. Umechin …
That second round was delicious. :wgrin:

hst matches at mikado i think

Hi all !
Posting a little request: couple of years ago, I remember a Hong Kong deejay player that came to UK and raped like everyone by only doing 4 things: crouch, 3HK, 46P, 28K.
Had tons of videos from this stuff but can’t find my 6 fucking ST dvd’s T_T
Hope someone knows what I’m talkin’ about and has those videos. I really want to watch them again ;(

Not the guy you are looking for but another good dj player you might want to check out is tomi jei/jay he plays at game41 although i have only seen him play ae.

We’ve been doing some analysis, based on a post of John Choi’s that a friend came across somewhere (don’t know if it was on here or not…), stating that there is a 4 frame delay whenever a character lands from jump, or is hit out of the air and lands. In testing this theory, we were actually seeing a 5-7 frame delay. Our testing consisted of jumping then holding the stick either left or right while in the air, and continuing to hold the joystick in that position until the character had landed and started walking. We tested straight-up jumps, diagonal jumps and getting hit out of the air by a dragon punch. We tested with Ryu, Ken and Zangief, on SSF2X rom. Essentially, in this change of state, from air to ground, the character is stuck in complete vulnerable state for 5-7 frames.

We tested in this manner, because we cannot be certain when the directional input actually registers, and so can be assured that the directional input is activated well in advance of actually being on the ground.

So, eliminating a delay in input, the question arises if this delay exists for all “state changes”. In the specific example of this super “trick”, is there a full 11 frames that input is accepted and will activate the super…and/or are 5-7 frames of that time completely vulnerable?

You know anything about this NKI? Now that we understand this principal, at least for jumping and air-to-ground “state changes”, we can actually see when the character is just standing there completely vulnerable for a brief moment in time.

Found this today. It’s Daigo’s SBO '07 Qualifier. His CE Ryu is pretty entertaining to watch.

sonic boom madness!!!