The Spider's Lair - Juri


Mainly adjusted her Special Moves in order to make it more convenient to use in situations like combo and anti-air etc.

When you cancel Standing or Crouching LP to her signature move, "Fuharenkyaku,” her forward hitbox got expanded. It can still reach the opponent after 2 L attacks if performed at an extremely close range.

“EX Fuharenkyaku” now allow the first and the second hit to be staggered damage and also the second hit can be cancelled to V-Trigger. This is useful as a combo when you do not have any stock of “Fuharenkyaku” or you wish to forcefully attack.

Regarding her V-Trigger II "Feng Shui Engine beta,” these adjustments were made:

・Expanded the range at which she can absorb EX meter.

・V-Timer will not get consumed when getting hit right after activation.

The hitbox on her vskill 2 is large

HP DP oki leaves you much closer than flip kick and is +12/+17 after a dash, letting you easily cover both wake ups.

This gives her way more meterless oki potential midscreen from a lot of common starters (flip kick leaves them out of throw/ range on back rise).

some twitter stuff by @kail

I hope all this new tech will be enough to bring back @skort back from the dead



Long story short. I stopped playing this game about 4 months ago with the “plan” to maybe return when the new patch notes drop if i see signs that Capcom wants to improve the game, in my case seeing some worth while Juri changes.

With this most likely being the final balance patch for SFV or almost final one it’s pretty clear that the direction they want to take when it comes to Juri remains the same despite her lackluster performance offline and online.

She has received :

  • A universal buff to stun and health that almost all others got.

  • A nerf to her overhead : Disadvantage on block increased from -6F to -7F.

  • One more frame of invincibility on her medium DP

  • A buff to her V-trigger 2 ,that may as well not even be there as nobody actually uses the thing

  • A buff to her storing move when performed from lights ( only decent thing they added really )

V-Skill 2 :

While in theory a lingering projectile is something good to control the neutral, Juri’s not only does it require a charge but it is minus on block , makes her combos scale insanely and it has a lot of recovery.

The only strenghts i see in it are :

  • charges faster then VS 1
  • does not require a back or forward dash to cancel from it
  • allows Juri to build V-meter faster as you can combo into it from most normals.

All in all i see no major changes to the character itself and here i am again around the same time of the year “wondering” why and when if she will improve. Only this time tbh i’m really not though. The game has ran it’s course and there’s no major changes coming,at least not for her.

I no longer have the game installed from about 4 months ago and nothing that Capcom has added or changed in the latest patch will make me reinstall it. After 4 years,i’m over it.

Until Street Fighter 6 , you shall find me in 4

Have a good one bro and thank you for the support.


I like her changes so far. My favorite being the buff to HP DP. It’s so much better of a combo ender than flip kick, her only other options were having to spend HK or EX store for a better knockdown. Now we can hold on to those for other things, like EX store being a legit VTC now.

I like her new vskill. It’s has more versatility than VS1. It’s almost like being able to store 2 LK fireballs. It looks like it has a 3 frame gap when you cancel it from LK or HK store. It also gives her easy meaties in the corner, and can extend her combos midscreen without having to VTC.

The extended range on her legs raises is nice too.

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I’d like to say you are being hasty in how this new meta will develop, but I can’t really blame any Juri player for feeling like this. We’ll miss your fanart posts. Until then bro!

@fatal_error_xi Yeah, I think those are nice changes that should help her. Regarding Vskill 2, I was thinking of some vortex shenanigans with flip kick. I have yet to try it.




I’m not quitting the forums so expect to see some Juri pics around.Though as I said, i’m done with SFV most likely.

Here’s hoping for no season 5 and a proper SF6 development.

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Hey Fam, I keep seeing light punch chaining into medium punch. But I can never pull it off, is there some timing I’m missing?

Light punch doesn’t combo into medium punch naturally. There are 3 conditions that can make it combo:

1- The light punch landed as a counter hit.
2- The light punch landed as a meaty.
3- Vtrigger 1 is active, which lets her normals chain.


Okay. I was seeing it in the training vid, so I was confused. The counter hit makes sense. The meaty though? I guess I have to practice that one. Thanks a bunch!

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vskill2 cross-ups

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There is no doubt Juri has improved but so have many others.She got fixes not buffs.

Overall it’s pretty much the same.

She needed a way to gain stores while maintaining pressure.VS2 has it’s uses but I feel like VS 1 is the way to go in most matchups. Just threat of having it shuts down a lot of character’s approach.

Watched Infiltration’s stream as well and he also feels VS 1 is better.I only wish you could charge it like VS 2.

When’s 6 ?

She also got damage. If Infiltration could do so well with a broken character before, he will do even better now. You will play SFV juri and you will like it!

Nashikn vs Moke. 13:44 that micro walk backward

“It’s possible to trigger a glitch (or perhaps a feature?) where a move’s knockdown properties can be overwritten if it hits on the same frame as another non-knockdown move. Not sure how useful it is, but I ended up getting it by accident. Maybe set ups can be done?”

^ 0:06 what do you think @fatal_error_xi ?


I ran into that glitch while trying to find the spacing to make overhead combo into vskill 2. I had trouble re-creating it consistently, but those corner combos look more practical.

This kinda reminded me of old school SFIV Juri corner pressure. She is so plus that you can store in their face and still be at advantage. I like the idea of using a store in combo and getting one back, while still being able to pressure. Works on both quick and back rise. Shes about +9 on quick rise and even more on back rise.

I was also trying to take advantage of block strings that make her LK fireball plus on block. These were only for fun, the last one only works in training since it uses 4 bars, but you could replace super with whatever:


I can’t get enough of these comics. Comic femseth is hilarious.

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Random question, since I haven’t had much time to play and test. Is Juri’s Vskill 2 unblockable on wakeup? Cause that’s a pretty broken thing if it is.

That’s some interesting vskill 2 setups. What if Ryu is set to attack with jab though?

@shingouki2 it’s not unblockable on wakeup. If you are referring to some of the videos posted above, we still don’t know what’s causing this. But hey, other characters have had broken stuff, too, so let us have this :laughing:, is a 3 frame gap on block. He still gets hit if he jabs.

Hey I’ll abuse the hell out of it if I can.

He can jab you out of everything else though. You have to be extra careful when using her fuharenkyaku’s. They also didn’t program Juri’s ex tensenrin properly so an ex shoryuken will win (Instead of passing through it).

@AriesWarlock I’m trying the new combos !

In this though !

Steep is insanely fun.