The Spider's Lair - Juri

‘Stage (Obelisk)’ from Catherine. EVERYBODY PLEASE PLAY CATHERINE. It’s such a great game.

OminousGames Twitter

Haven’t been able to play the game myself yet ;_; However from just reading this cr.hp should be an excellent AA and should be the go to jump in button to blow up people relying on jab AA.
Against Mika i can’t do anymore to low profile her dropkick and then do her TC?

@stormdetonation I just checked as well you can not jump st mp>st mk>fb in the previous version. Maybe your game has already updated when you checked. I’m pretty sure the gap between st mk and fireball increased because of the increased cancel window.

Seems like every character’s hurtboxes for c.lp and have been raised above their hitboxes to there heads, so getting jabbed out of a m.fuha seems less likely now, catching people mashing during her block string like it used to before they added those extra startup frames few patches back…

EX store and EX flip kick > H DP give back about a third of a bar during VT2 alone, so he’s right about that.


OG SHINE won NLBC with Juri :slight_smile:

Meanwhile, I’m still flailing to figure out how to pressure with her, lol

She overall feels about the same but i do like the extended range on her fuhajin.

I think that i really need to reevaluate how i use my VT1, the increased cost on fuhas is taxing and i feel like i am pretty much wasting it so far.

I feel like I have to relearn everything about her (not that I knew much), but overall she finally feel very consistent and solid in her gameplan and execution

She is the same but more consisitent, what you need to learn is different ways to apply pressure with her VT1 because is a lot worst now.

yeah, the more I play and the more I feel like the current VT1 is actually worse now, have you guys been able to use it more than one time per round consistently?

VT1 is about potential damage. Use it to turn normal hits into combos that lead to pressure, that leads into more normal hits/shimmies. At NLBC, Shine was fishing for confirms off, and He would chain into xx HK/EX fireball if he saw them hit.

Also notice how he went for target combo jump cancel after landing a VTC off of xx HK fireball. He would sometimes go for a mix-up or end with her air target combo. This is because VTC scale harder now, and target combos dont drain Vgauge.

Basically when VT1 is active, dont throw LK fireballs in neutral. Don’t burn stores or chains until you see something hit. Maybe only go for long combos on hard punishes.

I don’t think I agree with that fireballs are her main pressure tool. If you see an opportunity to lock your opponent down with fireball then take it just don’t randomly throw fireballs during v trigger

They are not her main pressure tool when VT1 is active.
VT1 last longer now, so if the neutral was reset, I would sit on the VT1 timer and buffer pokes into chains.

Setups I made

anybody have the DVD? I am looking for someone to do DVD rip, English dub.

What happens if they quickrise, is it still possible?

Last few SFVAE Juri vids going up on my channel today. A CPU VS set against Sakura, my netplay matches, and a detailed vid about handling her V-Trigger changes :slight_smile: It’s been an awesome week making Juri content again. Thank you all for watching!

VT1 i believe is more about using your buffed dash to get in. Preferably if you can’t vtc off hk fireball you can set up a lk fireball into vtc on whiff and move in.

Not surprised that gentleman thief also agrees that VT2 is strong

@lockm if quickrise it doesn’t work but maybe I just have to a setup for it.